libMesh::Pyramid13 Class Referencefinal

A 3D pyramid element with 13 nodes. More...

#include <cell_pyramid13.h>

Inheritance diagram for libMesh::Pyramid13:

Public Types

enum  RefinementState {
typedef Elem *const * NeighborPtrIter
typedef const Elem *const * ConstNeighborPtrIter
typedef Predicates::multi_predicate Predicate

Public Member Functions

 Pyramid13 (Elem *p=nullptr)
 Pyramid13 (Pyramid13 &&)=delete
 Pyramid13 (const Pyramid13 &)=delete
Pyramid13operator= (const Pyramid13 &)=delete
Pyramid13operator= (Pyramid13 &&)=delete
virtual ~Pyramid13 ()=default
virtual unsigned int n_nodes () const override
virtual ElemType type () const override
virtual unsigned int n_sub_elem () const override
virtual bool is_vertex (const unsigned int i) const override
virtual bool is_edge (const unsigned int i) const override
virtual bool is_face (const unsigned int i) const override
virtual bool is_node_on_side (const unsigned int n, const unsigned int s) const override
virtual std::vector< unsigned int > nodes_on_side (const unsigned int s) const override
virtual bool is_node_on_edge (const unsigned int n, const unsigned int e) const override
virtual bool has_affine_map () const override
virtual Order default_order () const override
virtual unsigned int which_node_am_i (unsigned int side, unsigned int side_node) const override
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elembuild_side_ptr (const unsigned int i, bool proxy) override
virtual void build_side_ptr (std::unique_ptr< Elem > &elem, const unsigned int i) override
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elembuild_edge_ptr (const unsigned int i) override
virtual void connectivity (const unsigned int sc, const IOPackage iop, std::vector< dof_id_type > &conn) const override
virtual unsigned int n_second_order_adjacent_vertices (const unsigned int n) const override
virtual unsigned short int second_order_adjacent_vertex (const unsigned int n, const unsigned int v) const override
virtual Real volume () const override
virtual Point master_point (const unsigned int i) const override
virtual unsigned int n_sides () const override
virtual unsigned int n_vertices () const override
virtual unsigned int n_edges () const override
virtual unsigned int n_faces () const override
virtual unsigned int n_children () const override
virtual bool is_child_on_side (const unsigned int c, const unsigned int s) const override
virtual bool is_edge_on_side (const unsigned int e, const unsigned int s) const override
virtual dof_id_type key (const unsigned int s) const override
virtual dof_id_type key (const unsigned int s) const=0
virtual dof_id_type key () const
virtual dof_id_type key () const
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elemside_ptr (const unsigned int i) override
virtual void side_ptr (std::unique_ptr< Elem > &side, const unsigned int i) override
std::unique_ptr< const Elemside_ptr (unsigned int i) const
void side_ptr (std::unique_ptr< const Elem > &side, const unsigned int i) const
virtual unsigned short dim () const override
virtual BoundingBox loose_bounding_box () const override
virtual bool infinite () const override
const Pointpoint (const unsigned int i) const
Pointpoint (const unsigned int i)
dof_id_type node_id (const unsigned int i) const
dof_id_type node (const unsigned int i) const
unsigned int local_node (const dof_id_type i) const
unsigned int get_node_index (const Node *node_ptr) const
const Node *const * get_nodes () const
const Nodenode_ptr (const unsigned int i) const
Nodenode_ptr (const unsigned int i)
const Nodenode_ref (const unsigned int i) const
Nodenode_ref (const unsigned int i)
Nodeget_node (const unsigned int i) const
virtual Node *& set_node (const unsigned int i)
SimpleRange< NodeRefIternode_ref_range ()
SimpleRange< ConstNodeRefIternode_ref_range () const
subdomain_id_type subdomain_id () const
subdomain_id_typesubdomain_id ()
const Elemreference_elem () const
bool operator== (const Elem &rhs) const
const Elemneighbor_ptr (unsigned int i) const
Elemneighbor_ptr (unsigned int i)
Elemneighbor (const unsigned int i) const
SimpleRange< NeighborPtrIterneighbor_ptr_range ()
SimpleRange< ConstNeighborPtrIterneighbor_ptr_range () const
const Elemtopological_neighbor (const unsigned int i, const MeshBase &mesh, const PointLocatorBase &point_locator, const PeriodicBoundaries *pb) const
Elemtopological_neighbor (const unsigned int i, MeshBase &mesh, const PointLocatorBase &point_locator, const PeriodicBoundaries *pb)
bool has_topological_neighbor (const Elem *elem, const MeshBase &mesh, const PointLocatorBase &point_locator, const PeriodicBoundaries *pb) const
void set_neighbor (const unsigned int i, Elem *n)
bool has_neighbor (const Elem *elem) const
Elemchild_neighbor (Elem *elem)
const Elemchild_neighbor (const Elem *elem) const
bool on_boundary () const
bool is_semilocal (const processor_id_type my_pid) const
unsigned int which_neighbor_am_i (const Elem *e) const
unsigned int which_side_am_i (const Elem *e) const
bool contains_vertex_of (const Elem *e) const
bool contains_edge_of (const Elem *e) const
void find_point_neighbors (const Point &p, std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
void find_point_neighbors (std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
void find_point_neighbors (std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set, const Elem *start_elem) const
void find_edge_neighbors (const Point &p1, const Point &p2, std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
void find_edge_neighbors (std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
void find_interior_neighbors (std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
void remove_links_to_me ()
void make_links_to_me_remote ()
void make_links_to_me_local (unsigned int n)
virtual bool is_remote () const
void write_connectivity (std::ostream &out, const IOPackage iop) const
IntRange< unsigned short > node_index_range () const
virtual unsigned int n_nodes_in_child (unsigned int) const
IntRange< unsigned short > side_index_range () const
unsigned int n_neighbors () const
IntRange< unsigned short > edge_index_range () const
virtual unsigned int is_vertex_on_child (unsigned int, unsigned int n) const
virtual bool is_vertex_on_parent (unsigned int c, unsigned int n) const
virtual unsigned int opposite_side (const unsigned int s) const
virtual unsigned int opposite_node (const unsigned int n, const unsigned int s) const
std::unique_ptr< Elemside (const unsigned int i) const
std::unique_ptr< const Elembuild_side_ptr (const unsigned int i, bool proxy=true) const
void build_side_ptr (std::unique_ptr< const Elem > &side, const unsigned int i) const
std::unique_ptr< Elembuild_side (const unsigned int i, bool proxy=true) const
std::unique_ptr< const Elembuild_edge_ptr (const unsigned int i) const
std::unique_ptr< Elembuild_edge (const unsigned int i) const
virtual Point centroid () const
virtual Real hmin () const
virtual Real hmax () const
virtual Real quality (const ElemQuality q) const
virtual std::pair< Real, Realqual_bounds (const ElemQuality) const
virtual bool contains_point (const Point &p, Real tol=TOLERANCE) const
virtual bool close_to_point (const Point &p, Real tol) const
virtual bool is_linear () const
void print_info (std::ostream &os=libMesh::out) const
std::string get_info () const
bool active () const
bool ancestor () const
bool subactive () const
bool has_children () const
bool has_ancestor_children () const
bool is_ancestor_of (const Elem *descendant) const
const Elemparent () const
Elemparent ()
void set_parent (Elem *p)
const Elemtop_parent () const
const Eleminterior_parent () const
Eleminterior_parent ()
void set_interior_parent (Elem *p)
Real length (const unsigned int n1, const unsigned int n2) const
virtual std::pair< unsigned short int, unsigned short int > second_order_child_vertex (const unsigned int n) const
unsigned int level () const
unsigned int p_level () const
const Elemraw_child_ptr (unsigned int i) const
const Elemchild_ptr (unsigned int i) const
Elemchild_ptr (unsigned int i)
Elemchild (const unsigned int i) const
SimpleRange< ChildRefIterchild_ref_range ()
SimpleRange< ConstChildRefIterchild_ref_range () const
unsigned int which_child_am_i (const Elem *e) const
virtual bool is_child_on_edge (const unsigned int c, const unsigned int e) const
void add_child (Elem *elem)
void add_child (Elem *elem, unsigned int c)
void replace_child (Elem *elem, unsigned int c)
void family_tree (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const bool reset=true) const
void total_family_tree (std::vector< const Elem *> &active_family, const bool reset=true) const
void active_family_tree (std::vector< const Elem *> &active_family, const bool reset=true) const
void family_tree_by_side (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const unsigned int side, const bool reset=true) const
void active_family_tree_by_side (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const unsigned int side, const bool reset=true) const
void family_tree_by_neighbor (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const Elem *neighbor, const bool reset=true) const
void total_family_tree_by_neighbor (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const Elem *neighbor, const bool reset=true) const
void family_tree_by_subneighbor (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const Elem *neighbor, const Elem *subneighbor, const bool reset=true) const
void total_family_tree_by_subneighbor (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const Elem *neighbor, const Elem *subneighbor, const bool reset=true) const
void active_family_tree_by_neighbor (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const Elem *neighbor, const bool reset=true) const
void active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor (std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const Elem *neighbor, const MeshBase &mesh, const PointLocatorBase &point_locator, const PeriodicBoundaries *pb, const bool reset=true) const
RefinementState refinement_flag () const
void set_refinement_flag (const RefinementState rflag)
RefinementState p_refinement_flag () const
void set_p_refinement_flag (const RefinementState pflag)
unsigned int max_descendant_p_level () const
unsigned int min_p_level_by_neighbor (const Elem *neighbor, unsigned int current_min) const
unsigned int min_new_p_level_by_neighbor (const Elem *neighbor, unsigned int current_min) const
void set_p_level (const unsigned int p)
void hack_p_level (const unsigned int p)
virtual void refine (MeshRefinement &mesh_refinement)
void coarsen ()
void contract ()
void libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors () const
void libmesh_assert_valid_node_pointers () const
side_iterator boundary_sides_begin ()
side_iterator boundary_sides_end ()
virtual bool is_mid_infinite_edge_node (const unsigned int) const
virtual Point origin () const
virtual unsigned int as_parent_node (unsigned int c, unsigned int n) const
virtual const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned char, unsigned char > > & parent_bracketing_nodes (unsigned int c, unsigned int n) const
virtual const std::vector< std::pair< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > > bracketing_nodes (unsigned int c, unsigned int n) const
virtual unsigned int embedding_matrix_version () const
void nullify_neighbors ()
void clear_old_dof_object ()
void set_old_dof_object ()
void clear_dofs ()
void invalidate_dofs (const unsigned int sys_num=libMesh::invalid_uint)
void invalidate_id ()
void invalidate_processor_id ()
void invalidate ()
unsigned int n_dofs (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var=libMesh::invalid_uint) const
dof_id_type id () const
dof_id_typeset_id ()
void set_id (const dof_id_type dofid)
unique_id_type unique_id () const
unique_id_typeset_unique_id ()
bool valid_id () const
bool valid_unique_id () const
processor_id_type processor_id () const
processor_id_typeprocessor_id ()
void processor_id (const processor_id_type pid)
bool valid_processor_id () const
unsigned int n_systems () const
void set_n_systems (const unsigned int s)
void add_system ()
unsigned int n_var_groups (const unsigned int s) const
unsigned int n_vars (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
unsigned int n_vars (const unsigned int s) const
void set_n_vars_per_group (const unsigned int s, const std::vector< unsigned int > &nvpg)
unsigned int n_comp (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
unsigned int n_comp_group (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
void set_n_comp (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int ncomp)
void set_n_comp_group (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const unsigned int ncomp)
dof_id_type dof_number (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int comp) const
dof_id_type dof_number (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const unsigned int vig, const unsigned int comp, const unsigned int n_comp) const
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > var_to_vg_and_offset (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
void set_dof_number (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int comp, const dof_id_type dn)
bool has_dofs (const unsigned int s=libMesh::invalid_uint) const
void set_vg_dof_base (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const dof_id_type db)
dof_id_type vg_dof_base (const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
unsigned int packed_indexing_size () const
void unpack_indexing (std::vector< largest_id_type >::const_iterator begin)
void pack_indexing (std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< largest_id_type >> target) const
void debug_buffer () const
void print_dof_info () const
void set_buffer (const std::vector< dof_id_type > &buf)

Static Public Member Functions

static void print_info (std::ostream &out=libMesh::out)
static void print_info (std::ostream &out=libMesh::out)
static std::string get_info ()
static std::string get_info ()
static ElemType second_order_equivalent_type (const ElemType et, const bool full_ordered=true)
static ElemType first_order_equivalent_type (const ElemType et)
static std::unique_ptr< Elembuild (const ElemType type, Elem *p=nullptr)
static unsigned int n_objects ()
static unsigned int n_objects ()
static void enable_print_counter_info ()
static void enable_print_counter_info ()
static void disable_print_counter_info ()
static void disable_print_counter_info ()
static unsigned int unpackable_indexing_size (std::vector< largest_id_type >::const_iterator begin)

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

static const int num_nodes = 13
static const int num_sides = 5
static const int num_edges = 8
static const int num_children = 0
static const int nodes_per_side = 8
static const int nodes_per_edge = 3
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map [num_sides][nodes_per_side]
static const unsigned int edge_nodes_map [num_edges][nodes_per_edge]
static const subdomain_id_type invalid_subdomain_id = std::numeric_limits<subdomain_id_type>::max()
static const unsigned int type_to_n_nodes_map [INVALID_ELEM]
static const unsigned int max_n_nodes = 27
static const unsigned int type_to_n_sides_map [INVALID_ELEM]
static const unsigned int type_to_n_edges_map [INVALID_ELEM]
static const dof_id_type invalid_id = static_cast<dof_id_type>(-1)
static const unique_id_type invalid_unique_id = static_cast<unique_id_type>(-1)
static const processor_id_type invalid_processor_id = static_cast<processor_id_type>(-1)

Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string, std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > Counts
typedef std::map< std::string, std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > Counts

Protected Member Functions

virtual float embedding_matrix (const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const unsigned int) const override
unsigned int side_children_matrix (const unsigned int, const unsigned int) const
template<typename Subclass >
void simple_build_side_ptr (std::unique_ptr< Elem > &side, const unsigned int i, ElemType sidetype)
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned char, unsigned char > > > > > & _get_bracketing_node_cache () const
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< signed char > > > & _get_parent_indices_cache () const
void increment_constructor_count (const std::string &name)
void increment_constructor_count (const std::string &name)
void increment_destructor_count (const std::string &name)
void increment_destructor_count (const std::string &name)

Static Protected Member Functions

static dof_id_type compute_key (dof_id_type n0)
static dof_id_type compute_key (dof_id_type n0, dof_id_type n1)
static dof_id_type compute_key (dof_id_type n0, dof_id_type n1, dof_id_type n2)
static dof_id_type compute_key (dof_id_type n0, dof_id_type n1, dof_id_type n2, dof_id_type n3)

Protected Attributes

Node_nodelinks_data [num_nodes]
Elem_elemlinks_data [6+(LIBMESH_DIM >3)]
Node ** _nodes
Elem ** _elemlinks
Elem ** _children
subdomain_id_type _sbd_id
unsigned char _rflag
unsigned char _pflag
unsigned char _p_level

Static Protected Attributes

static const Real _master_points [14][3]
static Counts _counts
static Counts _counts
static Threads::atomic< unsigned int > _n_objects
static Threads::atomic< unsigned int > _n_objects
static Threads::spin_mutex _mutex
static Threads::spin_mutex _mutex
static bool _enable_print_counter = true
static bool _enable_print_counter = true

Detailed Description

A 3D pyramid element with 13 nodes.

The Pyramid13 is an element in 3D composed of 13 nodes, designed to interface with a QUAD8 element on the base and a TRI6 element on each of the triangular faces. Cubit will generate hybrid meshes with linear pyramids, but as of version 14 will not export quadratic pyramids. Paraview should support 13-node pyramids...

The node numbering for the pyramid13 is given below:

*   PYRAMID13:
*                       o 4
*                     //|\
*                    // | \
*                   //  |  \
*                  //   |   \
*              12 o/    |    o 11
*                //     |     \
*               /o 9    o 10   \
*              //       |       \          zeta
*             //        |        \          ^   eta (into page)
*          3 o/.......o.|........o 2        | /
*           ./       7  |       /           |/
*          ./           |      /            o---> xi
*         ./            |     /
*        ./             |    /
*     8 o/              |   o 6
*      ./               |  /
*     ./                | /
*    ./                 |/
*    o--------o---------o
*    0        5         1

(xi, eta, zeta) are the reference element coordinates associated with the given numbering.

John W. Peterson

Definition at line 68 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstNeighborPtrIter

typedef const Elem* const* libMesh::Elem::ConstNeighborPtrIter

Definition at line 324 of file elem.h.

◆ Counts [1/2]

typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > libMesh::ReferenceCounter::Counts

Data structure to log the information. The log is identified by the class name.

Definition at line 117 of file reference_counter.h.

◆ Counts [2/2]

typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > libMesh::ReferenceCounter::Counts

Data structure to log the information. The log is identified by the class name.

Definition at line 117 of file reference_counter.h.

◆ NeighborPtrIter

typedef Elem* const* libMesh::Elem::NeighborPtrIter

Nested "classes" for use iterating over all neighbors of an element.

Definition at line 323 of file elem.h.

◆ Predicate

Useful iterator typedefs

Definition at line 1499 of file elem.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RefinementState

Enumeration of possible element refinement states.


Definition at line 1198 of file elem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Pyramid13() [1/3]

libMesh::Pyramid13::Pyramid13 ( Elem p = nullptr)

Constructor. By default this element has no parent.

Definition at line 76 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

76  :
78  {}
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const override
Node * _nodelinks_data[num_nodes]
Pyramid(const unsigned int nn, Elem *p, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:48

◆ Pyramid13() [2/3]

libMesh::Pyramid13::Pyramid13 ( Pyramid13 &&  )

◆ Pyramid13() [3/3]

libMesh::Pyramid13::Pyramid13 ( const Pyramid13 )

◆ ~Pyramid13()

virtual libMesh::Pyramid13::~Pyramid13 ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _get_bracketing_node_cache()

virtual std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char> > > > >& libMesh::Elem::_get_bracketing_node_cache ( ) const

Elem subclasses which don't do their own bracketing node calculations will need to supply a static cache, since the default calculation is slow.

Definition at line 1659 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

1660  {
1661  static std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char>>>>> c;
1662  libmesh_error();
1663  return c;
1664  }

◆ _get_parent_indices_cache()

virtual std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<signed char> > >& libMesh::Elem::_get_parent_indices_cache ( ) const

Elem subclasses which don't do their own child-to-parent node calculations will need to supply a static cache, since the default calculation is slow.

Definition at line 1673 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::as_parent_node().

1674  {
1675  static std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<signed char>>> c;
1676  libmesh_error();
1677  return c;
1678  }

◆ active()

bool libMesh::Elem::active ( ) const
true if the element is active (i.e. has no active descendants) or AMR is disabled, false otherwise.
It suffices to check the first child only.

Definition at line 2390 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE, libMesh::Elem::INACTIVE, and libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::_dof_indices(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor(), libMesh::HPCoarsenTest::add_projection(), libMesh::Elem::ancestor(), libMesh::Patch::build_around_element(), libMesh::Partitioner::build_graph(), libMesh::Elem::coarsen(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_periodic_node_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::connect_families(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::contract(), libMesh::Elem::contract(), libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), libMesh::JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_subneighbor(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_nodal_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::ErrorVector::is_active_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::libmesh_assert_valid_parallel_flags(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::libmesh_assert_valid_parallel_p_levels(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_coarsening_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_refinement_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::max_descendant_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::min_new_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::min_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), libMesh::PointLocatorTree::operator()(), libMesh::MetisPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_element_data_by_parent_id(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::test_level_one(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2391 {
2393  if ((this->refinement_flag() == INACTIVE) ||
2394  (this->refinement_flag() == COARSEN_INACTIVE))
2395  return false;
2396  else
2397  return true;
2398 #else
2399  return true;
2400 #endif
2401 }
RefinementState refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2638

◆ active_family_tree()

void libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  active_family,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree() member, but only adds the active children. Can be thought of as removing all the inactive elements from the vector created by family_tree, but is implemented more efficiently.

Definition at line 1577 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshCommunication::delete_remote_elements(), and libMesh::SiblingCoupling::operator()().

1579 {
1580  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements
1581  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1583  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1584  if (reset)
1585  active_family.clear();
1587  // Add this element to the family tree if it is active
1588  if (this->active())
1589  active_family.push_back(this);
1591  // Otherwise recurse into the element's children.
1592  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1593  else
1594  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1595  if (!c.is_remote())
1596  c.active_family_tree (active_family, false);
1597 }
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390

◆ active_family_tree_by_neighbor()

void libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_neighbor ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const Elem neighbor,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the active_family_tree() member, but only adds elements which are next to neighbor.

Definition at line 1837 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::DefaultCoupling::operator()().

1840 {
1841  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements or
1842  // remote_elements
1843  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1844  libmesh_assert(this != remote_elem);
1846  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1847  if (reset)
1848  family.clear();
1850  // This only makes sense if we're already a neighbor
1851 #ifndef NDEBUG
1852  if (this->level() >= neighbor_in->level())
1853  libmesh_assert (this->has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1854 #endif
1856  // Add an active element to the family tree.
1857  if (this->active())
1858  family.push_back(this);
1860  // Or recurse into an ancestor element's children.
1861  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1862  else if (!this->active())
1863  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1864  if (&c != remote_elem && c.has_neighbor(neighbor_in))
1865  c.active_family_tree_by_neighbor (family, neighbor_in, false);
1866 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ active_family_tree_by_side()

void libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_side ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const unsigned int  side,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the active_family_tree() member, but only adds elements which are next to side.

Definition at line 1630 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::is_child_on_side(), libMesh::Elem::is_remote(), libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO_Helper::write_sidesets(), and libMesh::ExodusII_IO_Helper::write_sidesets().

1633 {
1634  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive or remote elements
1635  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1636  libmesh_assert(this != remote_elem);
1638  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1639  if (reset)
1640  family.clear();
1642  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_sides());
1644  // Add an active element to the family tree.
1645  if (this->active())
1646  family.push_back(this);
1648  // Or recurse into an ancestor element's children.
1649  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1650  else
1651  {
1652  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
1653  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
1654  if (!this->child_ptr(c)->is_remote() && this->is_child_on_side(c, s))
1655  this->child_ptr(c)->active_family_tree_by_side (family, s, false);
1656  }
1657 }
virtual bool is_child_on_side(const unsigned int c, const unsigned int s) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
void active_family_tree_by_side(std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const unsigned int side, const bool reset=true) const
Definition: elem.C:1630
virtual bool is_remote() const
Definition: elem.h:555
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor()

void libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const Elem neighbor,
const MeshBase mesh,
const PointLocatorBase point_locator,
const PeriodicBoundaries pb,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the active_family_tree_by_neighbor() member, but the neighbor here may be a topological (e.g. periodic boundary condition) neighbor, not just a local neighbor.

Definition at line 1795 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_topological_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::level(), mesh, libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::DefaultCoupling::operator()().

1801 {
1802  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements or
1803  // remote_elements
1804  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1805  libmesh_assert(this != remote_elem);
1807  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1808  if (reset)
1809  family.clear();
1811  // This only makes sense if we're already a topological neighbor
1812 #ifndef NDEBUG
1813  if (this->level() >= neighbor_in->level())
1814  libmesh_assert (this->has_topological_neighbor(neighbor_in,
1815  mesh,
1816  point_locator,
1817  pb));
1818 #endif
1820  // Add an active element to the family tree.
1821  if (this->active())
1822  family.push_back(this);
1824  // Or recurse into an ancestor element's children.
1825  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1826  else if (!this->active())
1827  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1828  if (&c != remote_elem &&
1829  c.has_topological_neighbor(neighbor_in, mesh, point_locator,
1830  pb))
1831  c.active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor
1832  (family, neighbor_in, mesh, point_locator, pb, false);
1833 }
MeshBase & mesh
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool has_topological_neighbor(const Elem *elem, const MeshBase &mesh, const PointLocatorBase &point_locator, const PeriodicBoundaries *pb) const
Definition: elem.C:957
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ add_child() [1/2]

void libMesh::Elem::add_child ( Elem elem)

Adds a child pointer to the array of children of this element. If this is the first child to be added, this method allocates memory in the parent's _children array, otherwise, it just sets the pointer.

Definition at line 1461 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::set_child().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::copy_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_remote_elem(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

1462 {
1463  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
1465  if (_children == nullptr)
1466  {
1467  _children = new Elem *[nc];
1469  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
1470  this->set_child(c, nullptr);
1471  }
1473  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
1474  {
1475  if (this->_children[c] == nullptr || this->_children[c] == remote_elem)
1476  {
1477  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this, elem->parent());
1478  this->set_child(c, elem);
1479  return;
1480  }
1481  }
1483  libmesh_error_msg("Error: Tried to add a child to an element with full children array");
1484 }
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
void set_child(unsigned int c, Elem *elem)
Definition: elem.h:2610
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ add_child() [2/2]

void libMesh::Elem::add_child ( Elem elem,
unsigned int  c 

Adds a new child pointer to the specified index in the array of children of this element. If this is the first child to be added, this method allocates memory in the parent's _children array, otherwise, it just sets the pointer.

Definition at line 1488 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::set_child().

1489 {
1490  if (!this->has_children())
1491  {
1492  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
1493  _children = new Elem *[nc];
1495  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != nc; i++)
1496  this->set_child(i, nullptr);
1497  }
1499  libmesh_assert (this->_children[c] == nullptr || this->child_ptr(c) == remote_elem);
1500  libmesh_assert (elem == remote_elem || this == elem->parent());
1502  this->set_child(c, elem);
1503 }
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
void set_child(unsigned int c, Elem *elem)
Definition: elem.h:2610
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ add_system()

void libMesh::DofObject::add_system ( )

Adds an additional system to the DofObject

Definition at line 195 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), and libMesh::DofObject::set_n_systems().

196 {
197  // quick return?
198  if (this->n_systems() == 0)
199  {
200  this->set_n_systems(1);
201  return;
202  }
204  DofObject::index_buffer_t::iterator it = _idx_buf.begin();
206  std::advance(it, this->n_systems());
208  // this inserts the current vector size at the position for the new system - creating the
209  // entry we need for the new system indicating there are 0 variables.
210  _idx_buf.insert(it, cast_int<dof_id_type>(_idx_buf.size()));
212  // cache this value before we screw it up!
213  const unsigned int ns_orig = this->n_systems();
215  // increment the number of systems and the offsets for each of
216  // the systems including the new one we just added.
217  for (unsigned int i=0; i<ns_orig+1; i++)
218  _idx_buf[i]++;
220  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_systems(), (ns_orig+1));
221  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_vars(ns_orig), 0);
222  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_var_groups(ns_orig), 0);
223 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
void set_n_systems(const unsigned int s)
Definition: dof_object.C:165
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ ancestor()

bool libMesh::Elem::ancestor ( ) const
true if the element is an ancestor (i.e. has an active child or ancestor child), false otherwise or when AMR is disabled.

Definition at line 1427 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::contract(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), and libMesh::Elem::refine().

1428 {
1431  // Use a fast, DistributedMesh-safe definition
1432  const bool is_ancestor =
1433  !this->active() && !this->subactive();
1435  // But check for inconsistencies if we have time
1436 #ifdef DEBUG
1437  if (!is_ancestor && this->has_children())
1438  {
1439  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1440  {
1441  if (&c != remote_elem)
1442  {
1443  libmesh_assert(!;
1444  libmesh_assert(!c.ancestor());
1445  }
1446  }
1447  }
1448 #endif // DEBUG
1450  return is_ancestor;
1452 #else
1453  return false;
1454 #endif
1455 }
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ as_parent_node()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::as_parent_node ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  n 
) const
The local node id on the parent which corresponds to node n of child c, or invalid_uint if no such parent node exists.

Definition at line 1933 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_get_parent_indices_cache(), libMesh::Elem::child(), libMesh::Elem::embedding_matrix(), libMesh::Elem::embedding_matrix_version(), libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes_in_child(), and libMesh::parent_indices_mutex.

Referenced by libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), and libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

1935 {
1936  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
1937  libmesh_assert_less(child, nc);
1939  // Cached return values, indexed first by embedding_matrix version,
1940  // then by child number, then by child node number.
1941  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<signed char>>> &
1942  cached_parent_indices = this->_get_parent_indices_cache();
1944  unsigned int em_vers = this->embedding_matrix_version();
1946  // We may be updating the cache on one thread, and while that
1947  // happens we can't safely access the cache from other threads.
1948  Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(parent_indices_mutex);
1950  if (em_vers >= cached_parent_indices.size())
1951  cached_parent_indices.resize(em_vers+1);
1953  if (child >= cached_parent_indices[em_vers].size())
1954  {
1955  const signed char nn = cast_int<signed char>(this->n_nodes());
1957  cached_parent_indices[em_vers].resize(nc);
1959  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; ++c)
1960  {
1961  const unsigned int ncn = this->n_nodes_in_child(c);
1962  cached_parent_indices[em_vers][c].resize(ncn);
1963  for (unsigned int cn = 0; cn != ncn; ++cn)
1964  {
1965  for (signed char n = 0; n != nn; ++n)
1966  {
1967  const float em_val = this->embedding_matrix
1968  (c, cn, n);
1969  if (em_val == 1)
1970  {
1971  cached_parent_indices[em_vers][c][cn] = n;
1972  break;
1973  }
1975  if (em_val != 0)
1976  {
1977  cached_parent_indices[em_vers][c][cn] =
1978  -1;
1979  break;
1980  }
1982  // We should never see an all-zero embedding matrix
1983  // row
1984  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (n+1, nn);
1985  }
1986  }
1987  }
1988  }
1990  const signed char cache_val =
1991  cached_parent_indices[em_vers][child][child_node];
1992  if (cache_val == -1)
1993  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
1995  return cached_parent_indices[em_vers][child][child_node];
1996 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
virtual unsigned int embedding_matrix_version() const
Definition: elem.h:1609
Threads::spin_mutex parent_indices_mutex
Definition: elem.C:85
virtual float embedding_matrix(const unsigned int child_num, const unsigned int child_node_num, const unsigned int parent_node_num) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< signed char > > > & _get_parent_indices_cache() const
Definition: elem.h:1673
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
Elem * child(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2598
virtual unsigned int n_nodes_in_child(unsigned int) const
Definition: elem.h:613

◆ boundary_sides_begin()

Elem::side_iterator libMesh::Elem::boundary_sides_begin ( )

Iterator accessor functions

Definition at line 2808 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_first_side(), and libMesh::Elem::_last_side().

2809 {
2810  Predicates::BoundarySide<SideIter> bsp;
2811  return side_iterator(this->_first_side(), this->_last_side(), bsp);
2812 }
SideIter _last_side()
Definition: elem.h:2963
SideIter _first_side()
Definition: elem.h:2955

◆ boundary_sides_end()

Elem::side_iterator libMesh::Elem::boundary_sides_end ( )

Definition at line 2817 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_last_side().

2818 {
2819  Predicates::BoundarySide<SideIter> bsp;
2820  return side_iterator(this->_last_side(), this->_last_side(), bsp);
2821 }
SideIter _last_side()
Definition: elem.h:2963

◆ bracketing_nodes()

const std::vector< std::pair< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > > libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  n 
) const
All the pairs of nodes (indexed by global node id) which should bracket node n of child c.

Definition at line 2206 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::build(), libMesh::Elem::child(), libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::default_order(), libMesh::FIRST, libMesh::HEX20, libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes_in_child(), libMesh::Elem::node_id(), libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::second_order_equivalent_type(), and libMesh::Elem::type().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), and libMesh::TopologyMap::fill().

2208 {
2209  std::vector<std::pair<dof_id_type, dof_id_type>> returnval;
2211  const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char>> & pbc =
2212  this->parent_bracketing_nodes(child,child_node);
2214  for (const auto & pb : pbc)
2215  {
2216  const unsigned short n_n = this->n_nodes();
2217  if (pb.first < n_n && pb.second < n_n)
2218  returnval.push_back(std::make_pair(this->node_id(pb.first),
2219  this->node_id(pb.second)));
2220  else
2221  {
2222  // We must be on a non-full-order higher order element...
2223  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(this->default_order(), FIRST);
2224  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to
2225  (second_order_equivalent_type (this->type(), true),
2226  this->type());
2227  libmesh_assert_equal_to
2228  (second_order_equivalent_type (this->type(), false),
2229  this->type());
2231  // And that's a shame, because this is a nasty search:
2233  // Build the full-order type
2234  ElemType full_type =
2235  second_order_equivalent_type(this->type(), /*full_ordered=*/ true);
2236  std::unique_ptr<Elem> full_elem = Elem::build(full_type);
2241  // Find the bracketing nodes by figuring out what
2242  // already-created children will have them.
2244  // This only doesn't break horribly because we add children
2245  // and nodes in straightforward + hierarchical orders...
2246  for (unsigned int c=0; c <= child; ++c)
2247  for (unsigned int n=0; n != this->n_nodes_in_child(c); ++n)
2248  {
2249  if (c == child && n == child_node)
2250  break;
2252  if (pb.first == full_elem->as_parent_node(c,n))
2253  {
2254  // We should be consistent
2255  if (pt1 != DofObject::invalid_id)
2256  libmesh_assert_equal_to(pt1, this->child_ptr(c)->node_id(n));
2258  pt1 = this->child_ptr(c)->node_id(n);
2259  }
2261  if (pb.second == full_elem->as_parent_node(c,n))
2262  {
2263  // We should be consistent
2264  if (pt2 != DofObject::invalid_id)
2265  libmesh_assert_equal_to(pt2, this->child_ptr(c)->node_id(n));
2267  pt2 = this->child_ptr(c)->node_id(n);
2268  }
2269  }
2271  // We should *usually* find all bracketing nodes by the time
2272  // we query them (again, because of the child & node add
2273  // order)
2274  //
2275  // The exception is if we're a HEX20, in which case we will
2276  // find pairs of vertex nodes and edge nodes bracketing the
2277  // new central node but we *won't* find the pairs of face
2278  // nodes which we would have had on a HEX27. In that case
2279  // we'll still have enough bracketing nodes for a
2280  // topological lookup, but we won't be able to make the
2281  // following assertions.
2282  if (this->type() != HEX20)
2283  {
2284  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (pt1, DofObject::invalid_id);
2285  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (pt2, DofObject::invalid_id);
2286  }
2288  if (pt1 != DofObject::invalid_id &&
2289  pt2 != DofObject::invalid_id)
2290  returnval.push_back(std::make_pair(pt1, pt2));
2291  }
2292  }
2294  return returnval;
2295 }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
static std::unique_ptr< Elem > build(const ElemType type, Elem *p=nullptr)
Definition: elem.C:245
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347
static ElemType second_order_equivalent_type(const ElemType et, const bool full_ordered=true)
Definition: elem.C:2643
Elem * child(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2598
virtual Order default_order() const =0
virtual const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned char, unsigned char > > & parent_bracketing_nodes(unsigned int c, unsigned int n) const
Definition: elem.C:2001
virtual ElemType type() const =0
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914
virtual unsigned int n_nodes_in_child(unsigned int) const
Definition: elem.h:613
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578
uint8_t dof_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:64

◆ build()

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Elem::build ( const ElemType  type,
Elem p = nullptr 
An Elem of type type wrapped in a smart pointer.

Definition at line 245 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::EDGE2, libMesh::EDGE3, libMesh::EDGE4, libMesh::HEX20, libMesh::HEX27, libMesh::HEX8, libMesh::INFEDGE2, libMesh::INFHEX16, libMesh::INFHEX18, libMesh::INFHEX8, libMesh::INFPRISM12, libMesh::INFPRISM6, libMesh::INFQUAD4, libMesh::INFQUAD6, libMesh::NODEELEM, libMesh::PRISM15, libMesh::PRISM18, libMesh::PRISM6, libMesh::PYRAMID13, libMesh::PYRAMID14, libMesh::PYRAMID5, libMesh::QUAD4, libMesh::QUAD8, libMesh::QUAD9, libMesh::QUADSHELL4, libMesh::QUADSHELL8, libMesh::TET10, libMesh::TET4, libMesh::TRI3, libMesh::TRI3SUBDIVISION, libMesh::TRI6, libMesh::TRISHELL3, and libMesh::Elem::type().

Referenced by libMesh::GMVIO::_read_one_cell(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO_Helper::build_element_and_node_maps(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::copy_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::create_submesh(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO::read(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::read(), libMesh::VTKIO::read(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::AbaqusIO::read_elements(), libMesh::UCDIO::read_implementation(), libMesh::GmshIO::read_mesh(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), and libMesh::GMVIO::write_ascii_old_impl().

247 {
248  switch (type)
249  {
250  // 0D elements
251  case NODEELEM:
252  return libmesh_make_unique<NodeElem>(p);
254  // 1D elements
255  case EDGE2:
256  return libmesh_make_unique<Edge2>(p);
257  case EDGE3:
258  return libmesh_make_unique<Edge3>(p);
259  case EDGE4:
260  return libmesh_make_unique<Edge4>(p);
262  // 2D elements
263  case TRI3:
264  return libmesh_make_unique<Tri3>(p);
265  case TRISHELL3:
266  return libmesh_make_unique<TriShell3>(p);
268  return libmesh_make_unique<Tri3Subdivision>(p);
269  case TRI6:
270  return libmesh_make_unique<Tri6>(p);
271  case QUAD4:
272  return libmesh_make_unique<Quad4>(p);
273  case QUADSHELL4:
274  return libmesh_make_unique<QuadShell4>(p);
275  case QUAD8:
276  return libmesh_make_unique<Quad8>(p);
277  case QUADSHELL8:
278  return libmesh_make_unique<QuadShell8>(p);
279  case QUAD9:
280  return libmesh_make_unique<Quad9>(p);
282  // 3D elements
283  case TET4:
284  return libmesh_make_unique<Tet4>(p);
285  case TET10:
286  return libmesh_make_unique<Tet10>(p);
287  case HEX8:
288  return libmesh_make_unique<Hex8>(p);
289  case HEX20:
290  return libmesh_make_unique<Hex20>(p);
291  case HEX27:
292  return libmesh_make_unique<Hex27>(p);
293  case PRISM6:
294  return libmesh_make_unique<Prism6>(p);
295  case PRISM15:
296  return libmesh_make_unique<Prism15>(p);
297  case PRISM18:
298  return libmesh_make_unique<Prism18>(p);
299  case PYRAMID5:
300  return libmesh_make_unique<Pyramid5>(p);
301  case PYRAMID13:
302  return libmesh_make_unique<Pyramid13>(p);
303  case PYRAMID14:
304  return libmesh_make_unique<Pyramid14>(p);
307  // 1D infinite elements
308  case INFEDGE2:
309  return libmesh_make_unique<InfEdge2>(p);
311  // 2D infinite elements
312  case INFQUAD4:
313  return libmesh_make_unique<InfQuad4>(p);
314  case INFQUAD6:
315  return libmesh_make_unique<InfQuad6>(p);
317  // 3D infinite elements
318  case INFHEX8:
319  return libmesh_make_unique<InfHex8>(p);
320  case INFHEX16:
321  return libmesh_make_unique<InfHex16>(p);
322  case INFHEX18:
323  return libmesh_make_unique<InfHex18>(p);
324  case INFPRISM6:
325  return libmesh_make_unique<InfPrism6>(p);
326  case INFPRISM12:
327  return libmesh_make_unique<InfPrism12>(p);
328 #endif
330  default:
331  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Undefined element type!");
332  }
333 }
virtual ElemType type() const =0

◆ build_edge()

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Elem::build_edge ( const unsigned int  i) const

Creates an element coincident with edge i.

This method will eventually be removed since it hands back a non-const pointer to an edge that could be used to indirectly modify this Elem. Please use the the const-correct build_edge_ptr() function instead.

Definition at line 2292 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::build_edge_ptr().

2293 {
2294  // Call the const version of build_edge_ptr(), and const_cast the result.
2295  libmesh_deprecated();
2296  Elem * e = const_cast<Elem *>(this->build_edge_ptr(i).release());
2297  return std::unique_ptr<Elem>(e);
2298 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > build_edge_ptr(const unsigned int i)=0

◆ build_edge_ptr() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Pyramid13::build_edge_ptr ( const unsigned int  i)

Builds a EDGE3 coincident with edge i. The std::unique_ptr<Elem> handles the memory aspect.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 253 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid::n_edges().

254 {
255  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_edges());
257  return libmesh_make_unique<SideEdge<Edge3,Pyramid13>>(this,i);
258 }
virtual unsigned int n_edges() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:93

◆ build_edge_ptr() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< const Elem > libMesh::Elem::build_edge_ptr ( const unsigned int  i) const

Definition at line 2278 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::build_edge_ptr().

2279 {
2280  // Call the non-const version of this function, return the result as
2281  // a std::unique_ptr<const Elem>.
2282  Elem * me = const_cast<Elem *>(this);
2283  const Elem * e = const_cast<const Elem *>(me->build_edge_ptr(i).release());
2284  return std::unique_ptr<const Elem>(e);
2285 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ build_side()

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Elem::build_side ( const unsigned int  i,
bool  proxy = true 
) const
A proxy element coincident with side i.
This method will eventually be removed since it hands back a non-const pointer to a side that could be used to indirectly modify this. Please use the the const-correct build_side_ptr() function instead.

Definition at line 2243 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr().

2244 {
2245  // Call the const version of build_side_ptr(), and const_cast the result.
2246  libmesh_deprecated();
2247  Elem * s = const_cast<Elem *>(this->build_side_ptr(i, proxy).release());
2248  return std::unique_ptr<Elem>(s);
2249 }
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > build_side_ptr(const unsigned int i, bool proxy=true)=0
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ build_side_ptr() [1/4]

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Pyramid13::build_side_ptr ( const unsigned int  i,
bool  proxy 

Builds a QUAD8 or TRI6 coincident with face i. The std::unique_ptr<Elem> handles the memory aspect.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 154 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::node_ptr(), and libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id().

Referenced by build_side_ptr().

155 {
156  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_sides());
158  if (proxy)
159  {
160  switch (i)
161  {
162  case 0:
163  case 1:
164  case 2:
165  case 3:
166  return libmesh_make_unique<Side<Tri6,Pyramid13>>(this,i);
168  case 4:
169  return libmesh_make_unique<Side<Quad8,Pyramid13>>(this,i);
171  default:
172  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid side i = " << i);
173  }
174  }
176  else
177  {
178  // Return value
179  std::unique_ptr<Elem> face;
181  switch (i)
182  {
183  case 0: // triangular face 1
184  case 1: // triangular face 2
185  case 2: // triangular face 3
186  case 3: // triangular face 4
187  {
188  face = libmesh_make_unique<Tri6>();
189  break;
190  }
191  case 4: // the quad face at z=0
192  {
193  face = libmesh_make_unique<Quad8>();
194  break;
195  }
196  default:
197  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid side i = " << i);
198  }
200  face->subdomain_id() = this->subdomain_id();
202  // Set the nodes
203  for (unsigned n=0; n<face->n_nodes(); ++n)
204  face->set_node(n) = this->node_ptr(Pyramid13::side_nodes_map[i][n]);
206  return face;
207  }
208 }
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
subdomain_id_type subdomain_id() const
Definition: elem.h:2034
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957

◆ build_side_ptr() [2/4]

void libMesh::Pyramid13::build_side_ptr ( std::unique_ptr< Elem > &  elem,
const unsigned int  i 

Rebuilds a QUAD8 or TRI6 built coincident with face i.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 212 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::node_ptr(), libMesh::QUAD8, libMesh::Elem::side(), libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id(), and libMesh::TRI6.

214 {
215  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_sides());
217  switch (i)
218  {
219  case 0: // triangular face 1
220  case 1: // triangular face 2
221  case 2: // triangular face 3
222  case 3: // triangular face 4
223  {
224  if (!side.get() || side->type() != TRI6)
225  {
226  side = this->build_side_ptr(i, false);
227  return;
228  }
229  break;
230  }
231  case 4: // the quad face at z=0
232  {
233  if (!side.get() || side->type() != QUAD8)
234  {
235  side = this->build_side_ptr(i, false);
236  return;
237  }
238  break;
239  }
240  default:
241  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid side i = " << i);
242  }
244  side->subdomain_id() = this->subdomain_id();
246  // Set the nodes
247  for (auto n : side->node_index_range())
248  side->set_node(n) = this->node_ptr(Pyramid13::side_nodes_map[i][n]);
249 }
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > build_side_ptr(const unsigned int i, bool proxy) override
subdomain_id_type subdomain_id() const
Definition: elem.h:2034
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957
std::unique_ptr< Elem > side(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2202

◆ build_side_ptr() [3/4]

std::unique_ptr< const Elem > libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr ( const unsigned int  i,
bool  proxy = true 
) const

Definition at line 2215 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr().

2216 {
2217  // Call the non-const version of this function, return the result as
2218  // a std::unique_ptr<const Elem>.
2219  Elem * me = const_cast<Elem *>(this);
2220  const Elem * s = const_cast<const Elem *>(me->build_side_ptr(i, proxy).release());
2221  return std::unique_ptr<const Elem>(s);
2222 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ build_side_ptr() [4/4]

void libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr ( std::unique_ptr< const Elem > &  side,
const unsigned int  i 
) const

Definition at line 2228 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr().

2230 {
2231  // Hand off to the non-const version of this function
2232  Elem * me = const_cast<Elem *>(this);
2233  std::unique_ptr<Elem> e {const_cast<Elem *>(elem.release())};
2234  me->build_side_ptr(e, i);
2235  elem.reset(e.release());
2236 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ centroid()

Point libMesh::Elem::centroid ( ) const
The centroid of the element. The centroid is computed as the average of all the element vertices.

This method is virtual since some derived elements might want to use shortcuts to compute their centroid.

Definition at line 344 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::TypeVector< T >::add(), and libMesh::Elem::n_vertices().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::LocationMap< T >::point_of(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape_deriv(), and libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape_second_deriv().

345 {
346  Point cp;
348  for (unsigned int n=0; n<this->n_vertices(); n++)
349  cp.add (this->point(n));
351  return (cp /= static_cast<Real>(this->n_vertices()));
352 }
virtual unsigned int n_vertices() const =0

◆ child()

Elem * libMesh::Elem::child ( const unsigned int  i) const
A non-constant pointer to the $ i^{th} $ child for this element.
Use the more accurately-named and const correct child_ptr() function instead.

Definition at line 2598 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ptr().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::as_parent_node(), libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), and libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

2599 {
2600  // Support the deprecated interface by calling the new,
2601  // const-correct interface and casting the result to an Elem *.
2602  libmesh_deprecated();
2603  return const_cast<Elem *>(this->child_ptr(i));
2604 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578

◆ child_neighbor() [1/2]

Elem * libMesh::Elem::child_neighbor ( Elem elem)
If elem is a neighbor of a child of this element, a pointer to that child, otherwise nullptr.

Definition at line 2105 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range().

2106 {
2107  for (auto n : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
2108  if (n && n->parent() == this)
2109  return n;
2111  return nullptr;
2112 }

◆ child_neighbor() [2/2]

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::child_neighbor ( const Elem elem) const
If elem is a neighbor of a child of this element, a pointer to that child, otherwise nullptr.

Definition at line 2117 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range().

2118 {
2119  for (auto n : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
2120  if (n && n->parent() == this)
2121  return n;
2123  return nullptr;
2124 }

◆ child_ptr() [1/2]

◆ child_ptr() [2/2]

Elem * libMesh::Elem::child_ptr ( unsigned int  i)
A non-constant pointer to the $ i^{th} $ child for this element. Do not call if this element has no children, i.e. is active.

Definition at line 2587 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_children.

2588 {
2589  libmesh_assert(_children);
2590  libmesh_assert(_children[i]);
2592  return _children[i];
2593 }
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707

◆ child_ref_range() [1/2]

SimpleRange< Elem::ChildRefIter > libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range ( )

Returns a range with all children of a parent element, usable in range-based for loops. The exact type of the return value here may be subject to change in future libMesh releases, but the iterators will always dereference to produce a reference to a child element.

Definition at line 1779 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, and libMesh::Elem::n_children().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor(), libMesh::HPCoarsenTest::add_projection(), libMesh::Elem::ancestor(), libMesh::OldSolutionBase< Output, point_output >::check_old_context(), libMesh::Elem::coarsen(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::coarsened_dof_values(), libMesh::connect_children(), libMesh::JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::ExactErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_subneighbor(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_nelem_target(), libMesh::Elem::has_ancestor_children(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_topology_consistent_procids< Elem >(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_coarsening_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_refinement_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::max_descendant_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::min_new_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::min_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), libMesh::Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids(), libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree_by_neighbor(), and libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree_by_subneighbor().

1780 {
1781  libmesh_assert(_children);
1782  return {_children, _children + this->n_children()};
1783 }
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707

◆ child_ref_range() [2/2]

SimpleRange< Elem::ConstChildRefIter > libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range ( ) const

Definition at line 1787 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, and libMesh::Elem::n_children().

1788 {
1789  libmesh_assert(_children);
1790  return {_children, _children + this->n_children()};
1791 }
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707

◆ clear_dofs()

void libMesh::DofObject::clear_dofs ( )

Clear the DofMap data structures and return to a pristine state.

Definition at line 621 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, and libMesh::DofObject::n_systems().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::set_n_systems(), and libMesh::DofObject::~DofObject().

622 {
623  // vector swap trick to force deallocation
624  index_buffer_t().swap(_idx_buf);
626  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_systems(), 0);
627  libmesh_assert (_idx_buf.empty());
628 }
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
std::vector< index_t > index_buffer_t
Definition: dof_object.h:507
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ clear_old_dof_object()

void libMesh::DofObject::clear_old_dof_object ( )

Sets the old_dof_object to nullptr

Definition at line 142 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::old_dof_object.

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::operator=(), libMesh::DofObject::set_old_dof_object(), libMesh::DofObject::unpack_indexing(), and libMesh::DofObject::~DofObject().

143 {
144  delete this->old_dof_object;
145  this->old_dof_object = nullptr;
146 }
DofObject * old_dof_object
Definition: dof_object.h:79

◆ close_to_point()

bool libMesh::Elem::close_to_point ( const Point p,
Real  tol 
) const
true if this element is "close" to the point p, where "close" is determined by the tolerance tol.

Definition at line 2326 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::point_test().

2327 {
2328  // This test uses the user's passed-in tolerance for the
2329  // bounding box test as well, thereby allowing the routine to
2330  // find points which are not only "in" the element, but also
2331  // "nearby" to within some tolerance.
2332  return this->point_test(p, tol, tol);
2333 }
bool point_test(const Point &p, Real box_tol, Real map_tol) const
Definition: elem.C:2338

◆ coarsen()

void libMesh::Elem::coarsen ( )

Coarsen the element. This function is non-virtual since it is the same for all element types.

Definition at line 106 of file elem_refinement.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::TypeVector< T >::add_scaled(), libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::COARSEN, libMesh::Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE, libMesh::Elem::embedding_matrix(), libMesh::Elem::INACTIVE, libMesh::Elem::JUST_COARSENED, libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::point(), libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag(), libMesh::remote_elem, libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), and libMesh::Elem::set_refinement_flag().

107 {
108  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->refinement_flag(), Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE);
109  libmesh_assert (!this->active());
111  // We no longer delete children until MeshRefinement::contract()
112  // delete [] _children;
113  // _children = nullptr;
115  unsigned int parent_p_level = 0;
117  // re-compute hanging node nodal locations
118  for (unsigned int c = 0, nc = this->n_children(); c != nc; ++c)
119  {
120  Elem * mychild = this->child_ptr(c);
121  if (mychild == remote_elem)
122  continue;
123  for (unsigned int cnode=0; cnode != mychild->n_nodes(); ++cnode)
124  {
125  Point new_pos;
126  bool calculated_new_pos = false;
128  for (unsigned int n=0; n<this->n_nodes(); n++)
129  {
130  // The value from the embedding matrix
131  const float em_val = this->embedding_matrix(c,cnode,n);
133  // The node location is somewhere between existing vertices
134  if ((em_val != 0.) && (em_val != 1.))
135  {
136  new_pos.add_scaled (this->point(n), em_val);
137  calculated_new_pos = true;
138  }
139  }
141  if (calculated_new_pos)
142  {
143  //Move the existing node back into it's original location
144  for (unsigned int i=0; i<LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
145  {
146  Point & child_node = mychild->point(cnode);
147  child_node(i)=new_pos(i);
148  }
149  }
150  }
151  }
153  for (auto & mychild : this->child_ref_range())
154  {
155  if (&mychild == remote_elem)
156  continue;
157  libmesh_assert_equal_to (mychild.refinement_flag(), Elem::COARSEN);
158  mychild.set_refinement_flag(Elem::INACTIVE);
159  if (mychild.p_level() > parent_p_level)
160  parent_p_level = mychild.p_level();
161  }
164  this->set_p_level(parent_p_level);
166  libmesh_assert (this->active());
167 }
void set_p_level(const unsigned int p)
Definition: elem.h:2692
RefinementState refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2638
void set_refinement_flag(const RefinementState rflag)
Definition: elem.h:2646
virtual float embedding_matrix(const unsigned int child_num, const unsigned int child_node_num, const unsigned int parent_node_num) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const Point & point(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1892
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ compute_key() [1/4]

◆ compute_key() [2/4]

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::compute_key ( dof_id_type  n0,
dof_id_type  n1 
A hash key computed from two node ids.

Definition at line 2762 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Utility::hashword2(), and swap().

2764 {
2765  // Order the two so that n0 < n1
2766  if (n0 > n1) std::swap (n0, n1);
2768  return Utility::hashword2(n0, n1);
2769 }
void swap(Iterator &lhs, Iterator &rhs)
uint32_t hashword2(const uint32_t &first, const uint32_t &second, uint32_t initval=0)
Definition: hashword.h:210

◆ compute_key() [3/4]

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::compute_key ( dof_id_type  n0,
dof_id_type  n1,
dof_id_type  n2 
A hash key computed from three node ids.

Definition at line 2774 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Utility::hashword(), and swap().

2777 {
2778  // Order the numbers such that n0 < n1 < n2.
2779  // We'll do it in 3 steps like this:
2780  //
2781  // n0 n1 n2
2782  // min(n0,n1) max(n0,n1) n2
2783  // min(n0,n1) min(n2,max(n0,n1) max(n2,max(n0,n1)
2784  // |\ /| |
2785  // | \ / | |
2786  // | / | |
2787  // | / \| |
2788  // gb min= min max gb max
2790  // Step 1
2791  if (n0 > n1) std::swap (n0, n1);
2793  // Step 2
2794  if (n1 > n2) std::swap (n1, n2);
2796  // Step 3
2797  if (n0 > n1) std::swap (n0, n1);
2799  libmesh_assert ((n0 < n1) && (n1 < n2));
2801  dof_id_type array[3] = {n0, n1, n2};
2802  return Utility::hashword(array, 3);
2803 }
uint32_t hashword(const uint32_t *k, size_t length, uint32_t initval=0)
Definition: hashword.h:153
void swap(Iterator &lhs, Iterator &rhs)
uint8_t dof_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:64

◆ compute_key() [4/4]

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::compute_key ( dof_id_type  n0,
dof_id_type  n1,
dof_id_type  n2,
dof_id_type  n3 
A hash key computed from four node ids.

Definition at line 2808 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Utility::hashword(), and swap().

2812 {
2813  // Sort first
2814  // Step 1
2815  if (n0 > n1) std::swap (n0, n1);
2817  // Step 2
2818  if (n2 > n3) std::swap (n2, n3);
2820  // Step 3
2821  if (n0 > n2) std::swap (n0, n2);
2823  // Step 4
2824  if (n1 > n3) std::swap (n1, n3);
2826  // Finally sort step 5
2827  if (n1 > n2) std::swap (n1, n2);
2829  libmesh_assert ((n0 < n1) && (n1 < n2) && (n2 < n3));
2831  dof_id_type array[4] = {n0, n1, n2, n3};
2832  return Utility::hashword(array, 4);
2833 }
uint32_t hashword(const uint32_t *k, size_t length, uint32_t initval=0)
Definition: hashword.h:153
void swap(Iterator &lhs, Iterator &rhs)
uint8_t dof_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:64

◆ connectivity()

void libMesh::Pyramid13::connectivity ( const unsigned int  sc,
const IOPackage  iop,
std::vector< dof_id_type > &  conn 
) const
The connectivity for this element in a specific format, which is specified by the IOPackage tag.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 262 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, libMesh::INVALID_IO_PACKAGE, n_sub_elem(), libMesh::TECPLOT, and libMesh::VTK.

265 {
266  libmesh_assert(_nodes);
267  libmesh_assert_less (sc, this->n_sub_elem());
268  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (iop, INVALID_IO_PACKAGE);
270  switch (iop)
271  {
272  case TECPLOT:
273  {
274  // TODO
275  libmesh_not_implemented();
276  }
278  case VTK:
279  {
280  // TODO
281  libmesh_not_implemented();
282  }
284  default:
285  libmesh_error_msg("Unsupported IO package " << iop);
286  }
287 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_sub_elem() const override

◆ contains_edge_of()

bool libMesh::Elem::contains_edge_of ( const Elem e) const
true if an edge of e is contained in this element. (Internally, this is done by checking whether at least two vertices of e are contained in this element).

Definition at line 477 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::contains_point(), libMesh::Elem::n_vertices(), and libMesh::Elem::point().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::find_edge_neighbors().

478 {
479  unsigned int num_contained_edges = 0;
481  // Our vertices are the first numbered nodes
482  for (unsigned int n = 0; n != e->n_vertices(); ++n)
483  {
484  if (this->contains_point(e->point(n)))
485  {
486  num_contained_edges++;
487  if (num_contained_edges>=2)
488  {
489  return true;
490  }
491  }
492  }
493  return false;
494 }
virtual bool contains_point(const Point &p, Real tol=TOLERANCE) const
Definition: elem.C:2301

◆ contains_point()

bool libMesh::Elem::contains_point ( const Point p,
Real  tol = TOLERANCE 
) const
true if the point p is contained in this element, false otherwise.

For linear elements, performs an initial tight bounding box check (as an optimization step) and (if that passes) then uses the user-defined tolerance "tol" in a call to inverse_map() to actually test if the point is in the element. For quadratic elements, the bounding box optimization is skipped, and only the inverse_map() steps are performed.

This routine should not be used to determine if a point is merely "nearby" an element to within some tolerance. For that, use Elem::close_to_point() instead.

Reimplemented in libMesh::Tet4, libMesh::InfHex, libMesh::Tri3, libMesh::InfPrism, and libMesh::InfQuad4.

Definition at line 2301 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::err, libMesh::Elem::point_test(), and libMesh::TOLERANCE.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::contains_edge_of(), libMesh::Elem::contains_vertex_of(), libMesh::Elem::find_edge_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors(), libMesh::PointLocatorTree::operator()(), libMesh::System::point_gradient(), libMesh::System::point_hessian(), and libMesh::System::point_value().

2302 {
2303  // We currently allow the user to enlarge the bounding box by
2304  // providing a tol > TOLERANCE (so this routine is identical to
2305  // Elem::close_to_point()), but print a warning so that the
2306  // user can eventually switch his code over to calling close_to_point()
2307  // instead, which is intended to be used for this purpose.
2308  if (tol > TOLERANCE)
2309  {
2310  libmesh_do_once(libMesh::err
2311  << "WARNING: Resizing bounding box to match user-specified tolerance!\n"
2312  << "In the future, calls to Elem::contains_point() with tol > TOLERANCE\n"
2313  << "will be more optimized, but should not be used\n"
2314  << "to search for points 'close to' elements!\n"
2315  << "Instead, use Elem::close_to_point() for this purpose.\n"
2316  << std::endl;);
2317  return this->point_test(p, tol, tol);
2318  }
2319  else
2320  return this->point_test(p, TOLERANCE, tol);
2321 }
static const Real TOLERANCE
bool point_test(const Point &p, Real box_tol, Real map_tol) const
Definition: elem.C:2338
OStreamProxy err(std::cerr)

◆ contains_vertex_of()

bool libMesh::Elem::contains_vertex_of ( const Elem e) const
true if a vertex of e is contained in this element.

Definition at line 466 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::contains_point(), libMesh::Elem::n_vertices(), and libMesh::Elem::point().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), and libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors().

467 {
468  // Our vertices are the first numbered nodes
469  for (unsigned int n = 0; n != e->n_vertices(); ++n)
470  if (this->contains_point(e->point(n)))
471  return true;
472  return false;
473 }
virtual bool contains_point(const Point &p, Real tol=TOLERANCE) const
Definition: elem.C:2301

◆ contract()

void libMesh::Elem::contract ( )

Contract an active element, i.e. remove pointers to any subactive children. This should only be called via MeshRefinement::contract, which will also remove subactive children from the mesh.

Definition at line 171 of file elem_refinement.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::DO_NOTHING, libMesh::Elem::JUST_COARSENED, libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag(), and libMesh::Elem::set_refinement_flag().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::contract().

172 {
173  // Subactive elements get deleted entirely, not contracted
174  libmesh_assert (this->active());
176  // Active contracted elements no longer can have children
177  delete [] _children;
178  _children = nullptr;
180  if (this->refinement_flag() == Elem::JUST_COARSENED)
182 }
RefinementState refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2638
void set_refinement_flag(const RefinementState rflag)
Definition: elem.h:2646
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390

◆ debug_buffer()

void libMesh::DofObject::debug_buffer ( ) const

Print our buffer for debugging.

Definition at line 538 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::MeshTools::Generation::Private::idx(), and libMesh::out.

539 {
540  libMesh::out << " [ ";
541  for (const auto & idx : _idx_buf)
542  libMesh::out << idx << " ";
543  libMesh::out << "]\n";
544 }
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
OStreamProxy out(std::cout)
unsigned int idx(const ElemType type, const unsigned int nx, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)

◆ default_order()

Order libMesh::Pyramid13::default_order ( ) const

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 131 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References libMesh::SECOND.

132 {
133  return SECOND;
134 }

◆ dim()

virtual unsigned short libMesh::Cell::dim ( ) const
3, the dimensionality of the object.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 61 of file cell.h.

61 { return 3; }

◆ disable_print_counter_info() [1/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::disable_print_counter_info ( )

Definition at line 106 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter.

Referenced by libMesh::LibMeshInit::LibMeshInit().

107 {
108  _enable_print_counter = false;
109  return;
110 }

◆ disable_print_counter_info() [2/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::disable_print_counter_info ( )

Definition at line 106 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter.

Referenced by libMesh::LibMeshInit::LibMeshInit().

107 {
108  _enable_print_counter = false;
109  return;
110 }

◆ dof_number() [1/2]

dof_id_type libMesh::DofObject::dof_number ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  var,
const unsigned int  comp 
) const
The global degree of freedom number for variable var, component comp for system s associated with this DofObject

When partitioning and DoF numbering have been performed by libMesh, every current DoF on this DofObject will belong to its processor.

Definition at line 833 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), and libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg_and_offset().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::_dof_indices(), libMesh::DofMap::allgather_recursive_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::DofMap::constrain_p_dofs(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::copy_elemental_solution(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::copy_nodal_solution(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_dofs(), libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), libMesh::DofObject::DofObject(), libMesh::OldSolutionValue< Output, point_output >::eval_at_node(), libMesh::OldSolutionCoefs< Output, point_output >::eval_at_node(), libMesh::Node::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::DofMap::local_variable_indices(), libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), libMesh::BuildProjectionList::operator()(), libMesh::DofObject::operator=(), libMesh::DofObject::print_dof_info(), libMesh::HPCoarsenTest::select_refinement(), libMesh::DofObject::set_dof_number(), and libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects().

836 {
837  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
838  libmesh_assert_less (var, this->n_vars(s));
839  libmesh_assert_less (comp, this->n_comp(s,var));
841  const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
842  vg_vig = this->var_to_vg_and_offset(s,var);
844  const unsigned int
845  n_comp = this->n_comp_group(s,vg_vig.first);
847  return this->dof_number(s, vg_vig.first, vg_vig.second,
848  comp, n_comp);
849 }
dof_id_type dof_number(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int comp) const
Definition: dof_object.h:833
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > var_to_vg_and_offset(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:887
unsigned int n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:816

◆ dof_number() [2/2]

dof_id_type libMesh::DofObject::dof_number ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  vg,
const unsigned int  vig,
const unsigned int  comp,
const unsigned int  n_comp 
) const
The global degree of freedom number for variable group vg, variable index vig within the group, component comp out of n_comp, for system s on this DofObject

Even users who need to call dof_number from user code probably don't want to call this overload.

Definition at line 854 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), and libMesh::DofObject::start_idx().

859 {
860  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
861  libmesh_assert_less (vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
862  libmesh_assert_less (vig, this->n_vars(s,vg));
864  const unsigned int
865  start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s);
867  libmesh_assert_less ((start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1), _idx_buf.size());
869  const dof_id_type
870  base_idx = _idx_buf[start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1];
872  // if the first component is invalid, they
873  // are all invalid
874  if (base_idx == invalid_id)
875  return invalid_id;
877  // otherwise the index is the first component
878  // index augmented by the component number
879  else
880  return cast_int<dof_id_type>(base_idx + vig*n_comp + comp);
881 }
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
uint8_t dof_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:64

◆ edge_index_range()

IntRange< unsigned short > libMesh::Elem::edge_index_range ( ) const
An integer range from 0 up to (but not including) the number of edges this element has.

Definition at line 2157 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::n_edges().

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::coarsened_dof_values(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::copy_boundary_ids(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2158 {
2159  return {0, cast_int<unsigned short>(this->n_edges())};
2160 }
virtual unsigned int n_edges() const =0

◆ embedding_matrix()

virtual float libMesh::Pyramid13::embedding_matrix ( const unsigned int  ,
const unsigned int  ,
const unsigned int   
) const

Matrix used to create the elements children.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 226 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

229  { libmesh_not_implemented(); return 0.; }

◆ embedding_matrix_version()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Elem::embedding_matrix_version ( ) const
A "version number" that identifies which embedding matrix is in use.

Some element types may use a different embedding matrix depending on their geometric characteristics.

Reimplemented in libMesh::Tet.

Definition at line 1609 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::as_parent_node(), and libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

1609 { return 0; }

◆ enable_print_counter_info() [1/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::enable_print_counter_info ( )

Methods to enable/disable the reference counter output from print_info()

Definition at line 100 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter.

101 {
102  _enable_print_counter = true;
103  return;
104 }

◆ enable_print_counter_info() [2/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::enable_print_counter_info ( )

Methods to enable/disable the reference counter output from print_info()

Definition at line 100 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter.

101 {
102  _enable_print_counter = true;
103  return;
104 }

◆ family_tree()

void libMesh::Elem::family_tree ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Fills the vector family with the children of this element, recursively. Calling this method on a twice-refined element will give you the element itself, its direct children, and their children, etc... When the optional parameter reset is true, the vector will be cleared before the element and its descendants are added.

The family tree only includes ancestor and active elements. To include subactive elements as well, use total_family_tree().

Definition at line 1534 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

1536 {
1537  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements
1538  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1540  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1541  if (reset)
1542  family.clear();
1544  // Add this element to the family tree.
1545  family.push_back(this);
1547  // Recurse into the elements children, if it has them.
1548  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1549  if (!this->active())
1550  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1551  if (!c.is_remote())
1552  c.family_tree (family, false);
1553 }
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390

◆ family_tree_by_neighbor()

void libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_neighbor ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const Elem neighbor,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree() member, but only adds elements which are next to neighbor.

Definition at line 1661 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

1664 {
1665  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements
1666  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1668  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1669  if (reset)
1670  family.clear();
1672  // This only makes sense if we're already a neighbor
1673  libmesh_assert (this->has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1675  // Add this element to the family tree.
1676  family.push_back(this);
1678  // Recurse into the elements children, if it's not active.
1679  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1680  if (!this->active())
1681  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1682  if (&c != remote_elem && c.has_neighbor(neighbor_in))
1683  c.family_tree_by_neighbor (family, neighbor_in, false);
1684 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ family_tree_by_side()

void libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const unsigned int  side,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree() member, but only adds elements which are next to side.

Definition at line 1601 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::is_child_on_side(), libMesh::Elem::is_remote(), libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side(), and libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local().

1604 {
1605  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements
1606  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1608  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1609  if (reset)
1610  family.clear();
1612  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_sides());
1614  // Add this element to the family tree.
1615  family.push_back(this);
1617  // Recurse into the elements children, if it has them.
1618  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1619  if (!this->active())
1620  {
1621  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
1622  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
1623  if (!this->child_ptr(c)->is_remote() && this->is_child_on_side(c, s))
1624  this->child_ptr(c)->family_tree_by_side (family, s, false);
1625  }
1626 }
virtual bool is_child_on_side(const unsigned int c, const unsigned int s) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
void family_tree_by_side(std::vector< const Elem *> &family, const unsigned int side, const bool reset=true) const
Definition: elem.C:1601
virtual bool is_remote() const
Definition: elem.h:555
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578

◆ family_tree_by_subneighbor()

void libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_subneighbor ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const Elem neighbor,
const Elem subneighbor,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree() member, but only adds elements which are next to subneighbor. Only applicable when this->has_neighbor(neighbor) and neighbor->is_ancestor(subneighbor)

Definition at line 1712 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::is_ancestor_of(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

1716 {
1717  // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements
1718  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1720  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1721  if (reset)
1722  family.clear();
1724  // To simplify this function we need an existing neighbor
1725  libmesh_assert (neighbor_in);
1726  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (neighbor_in, remote_elem);
1727  libmesh_assert (this->has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1729  // This only makes sense if subneighbor descends from neighbor
1730  libmesh_assert (subneighbor);
1731  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (subneighbor, remote_elem);
1732  libmesh_assert (neighbor_in->is_ancestor_of(subneighbor));
1734  // Add this element to the family tree if applicable.
1735  if (neighbor_in == subneighbor)
1736  family.push_back(this);
1738  // Recurse into the elements children, if it's not active.
1739  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1740  if (!this->active())
1741  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1742  if (&c != remote_elem)
1743  for (auto child_neigh : c.neighbor_ptr_range())
1744  if (child_neigh &&
1745  (child_neigh == neighbor_in ||
1746  (child_neigh->parent() == neighbor_in &&
1747  child_neigh->is_ancestor_of(subneighbor))))
1748  c.family_tree_by_subneighbor (family, child_neigh,
1749  subneighbor, false);
1750 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ find_edge_neighbors() [1/2]

void libMesh::Elem::find_edge_neighbors ( const Point p1,
const Point p2,
std::set< const Elem *> &  neighbor_set 
) const

This function finds all active elements in the same manifold as this element which touch the current active element along the whole edge defined by the two points p1 and p2.

Definition at line 637 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::contains_point(), end, and libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshRefinement::enforce_mismatch_limit_prior_to_refinement().

640 {
641  // Simple but perhaps suboptimal code: find elements containing the
642  // first point, then winnow this set down by removing elements which
643  // don't also contain the second point
645  libmesh_assert(this->contains_point(p2));
646  this->find_point_neighbors(p1, neighbor_set);
648  std::set<const Elem *>::iterator it = neighbor_set.begin();
649  const std::set<const Elem *>::iterator end = neighbor_set.end();
651  while (it != end)
652  {
653  // As of C++11, set::erase returns an iterator to the element
654  // following the erased element, or end.
655  if (!(*it)->contains_point(p2))
656  it = neighbor_set.erase(it);
657  else
658  ++it;
659  }
660 }
IterBase * end
virtual bool contains_point(const Point &p, Real tol=TOLERANCE) const
Definition: elem.C:2301
void find_point_neighbors(const Point &p, std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
Definition: elem.C:498

◆ find_edge_neighbors() [2/2]

void libMesh::Elem::find_edge_neighbors ( std::set< const Elem *> &  neighbor_set) const

This function finds all active elements in the same manifold as this element which touch the current active element along any edge (more precisely, at at least two points).

In this case, elements are included even if they do not touch a whole edge of this element.

Definition at line 664 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::contains_edge_of(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

665 {
666  neighbor_set.clear();
667  neighbor_set.insert(this);
669  std::set<const Elem *> untested_set, next_untested_set;
670  untested_set.insert(this);
672  while (!untested_set.empty())
673  {
674  // Loop over all the elements in the patch that haven't already
675  // been tested
676  for (const auto & elem : untested_set)
677  {
678  for (auto current_neighbor : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
679  {
680  if (current_neighbor &&
681  current_neighbor != remote_elem) // we have a real neighbor on this side
682  {
683  if (current_neighbor->active()) // ... if it is active
684  {
685  if (this->contains_edge_of(current_neighbor) // ... and touches us
686  || current_neighbor->contains_edge_of(this))
687  {
688  // Make sure we'll test it
689  if (!neighbor_set.count(current_neighbor))
690  next_untested_set.insert (current_neighbor);
692  // And add it
693  neighbor_set.insert (current_neighbor);
694  }
695  }
697  else // ... the neighbor is *not* active,
698  { // ... so add *all* neighboring
699  // active children
700  std::vector<const Elem *> active_neighbor_children;
702  current_neighbor->active_family_tree_by_neighbor
703  (active_neighbor_children, elem);
705  for (const auto & current_child : active_neighbor_children)
706  if (this->contains_edge_of(current_child) || current_child->contains_edge_of(this))
707  {
708  // Make sure we'll test it
709  if (!neighbor_set.count(current_child))
710  next_untested_set.insert (current_child);
712  neighbor_set.insert (current_child);
713  }
714  }
715 #endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR
716  }
717  }
718  }
719  untested_set.swap(next_untested_set);
720  next_untested_set.clear();
721  }
722 }
bool contains_edge_of(const Elem *e) const
Definition: elem.C:477
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ find_interior_neighbors()

void libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors ( std::set< const Elem *> &  neighbor_set) const

This function finds all active elements (not including this one) in the parent manifold of this element whose intersection with this element has non-zero measure.

Definition at line 725 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::contains_point(), libMesh::Elem::contains_vertex_of(), libMesh::Elem::dim(), end, libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::interior_parent(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::node_ref_range(), and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::MetisPartitioner::partition_range().

726 {
727  neighbor_set.clear();
729  if ((this->dim() >= LIBMESH_DIM) ||
730  !this->interior_parent())
731  return;
733  const Elem * ip = this->interior_parent();
734  libmesh_assert (ip->contains_vertex_of(this) ||
735  this->contains_vertex_of(ip));
737  libmesh_assert (!ip->subactive());
740  while (!ip->active()) // only possible with AMR, be careful because
741  { // ip->child_ptr(c) is only good with AMR.
742  for (auto & child : ip->child_ref_range())
743  {
744  if (child.contains_vertex_of(this) ||
745  this->contains_vertex_of(&child))
746  {
747  ip = &child;
748  break;
749  }
750  }
751  }
752 #endif
754  this->find_point_neighbors(neighbor_set, ip);
756  // Now we have all point neighbors from the interior manifold, but
757  // we need to weed out any neighbors that *only* intersect us at one
758  // point (or at one edge, if we're a 1-D element in 3D).
759  //
760  // The refinement hierarchy helps us here: if the interior element
761  // has a lower or equal refinement level then we can discard it iff
762  // it doesn't contain all our vertices. If it has a higher
763  // refinement level then we can discard it iff we don't contain at
764  // least dim()+1 of its vertices
765  std::set<const Elem *>::iterator it = neighbor_set.begin();
766  const std::set<const Elem *>::iterator end = neighbor_set.end();
768  while (it != end)
769  {
770  std::set<const Elem *>::iterator current = it++;
771  const Elem * elem = *current;
773  // This won't invalidate iterator it, because it is already
774  // pointing to the next element
775  if (elem->level() > this->level())
776  {
777  unsigned int vertices_contained = 0;
778  for (auto & n : elem->node_ref_range())
779  if (this->contains_point(n))
780  vertices_contained++;
782  if (vertices_contained <= this->dim())
783  {
784  neighbor_set.erase(current);
785  continue;
786  }
787  }
788  else
789  {
790  for (auto & n : this->node_ref_range())
791  {
792  if (!elem->contains_point(n))
793  {
794  neighbor_set.erase(current);
795  break;
796  }
797  }
798  }
799  }
800 }
const Elem * interior_parent() const
Definition: elem.C:804
IterBase * end
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
virtual bool contains_point(const Point &p, Real tol=TOLERANCE) const
Definition: elem.C:2301
void find_point_neighbors(const Point &p, std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
Definition: elem.C:498
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
bool contains_vertex_of(const Elem *e) const
Definition: elem.C:466
Elem * child(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2598
SimpleRange< NodeRefIter > node_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:2130
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0

◆ find_point_neighbors() [1/3]

void libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors ( const Point p,
std::set< const Elem *> &  neighbor_set 
) const

This function finds all active elements (including this one) which are in the same manifold as this element and which touch the current active element at the specified point, which should be a point in the current element.

Elements which are not "in the same manifold" (e.g. the interior_parent of a boundary element) will not be found with this method.

Elements which overlap the specified point but which are only connected to the current element via elements which do not overlap that point (e.g. in a folded or tangled mesh) are not considered to "touch" the current element and will not be found with this method.

Definition at line 498 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::contains_point(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

Referenced by libMesh::MeshRefinement::enforce_mismatch_limit_prior_to_refinement(), libMesh::Elem::find_edge_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshFunction::find_element(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors(), and libMesh::Elem::is_semilocal().

500 {
501  libmesh_assert(this->contains_point(p));
502  libmesh_assert(this->active());
504  neighbor_set.clear();
505  neighbor_set.insert(this);
507  std::set<const Elem *> untested_set, next_untested_set;
508  untested_set.insert(this);
510  while (!untested_set.empty())
511  {
512  // Loop over all the elements in the patch that haven't already
513  // been tested
514  for (const auto & elem : untested_set)
515  for (auto current_neighbor : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
516  {
517  if (current_neighbor &&
518  current_neighbor != remote_elem) // we have a real neighbor on this side
519  {
520  if (current_neighbor->active()) // ... if it is active
521  {
522  if (current_neighbor->contains_point(p)) // ... and touches p
523  {
524  // Make sure we'll test it
525  if (!neighbor_set.count(current_neighbor))
526  next_untested_set.insert (current_neighbor);
528  // And add it
529  neighbor_set.insert (current_neighbor);
530  }
531  }
533  else // ... the neighbor is *not* active,
534  { // ... so add *all* neighboring
535  // active children that touch p
536  std::vector<const Elem *> active_neighbor_children;
538  current_neighbor->active_family_tree_by_neighbor
539  (active_neighbor_children, elem);
541  for (const auto & current_child : active_neighbor_children)
542  if (current_child->contains_point(p))
543  {
544  // Make sure we'll test it
545  if (!neighbor_set.count(current_child))
546  next_untested_set.insert (current_child);
548  neighbor_set.insert (current_child);
549  }
550  }
551 #endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR
552  }
553  }
554  untested_set.swap(next_untested_set);
555  next_untested_set.clear();
556  }
557 }
virtual bool contains_point(const Point &p, Real tol=TOLERANCE) const
Definition: elem.C:2301
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ find_point_neighbors() [2/3]

void libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors ( std::set< const Elem *> &  neighbor_set) const

This function finds all active elements (including this one) in the same manifold as this element which touch this active element at any point.

Definition at line 561 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors().

562 {
563  this->find_point_neighbors(neighbor_set, this);
564 }
void find_point_neighbors(const Point &p, std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
Definition: elem.C:498

◆ find_point_neighbors() [3/3]

void libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors ( std::set< const Elem *> &  neighbor_set,
const Elem start_elem 
) const

This function finds all active elements (including this one) in the same manifold as start_elem (which must be active and must touch this element) which touch this element at any point.

Definition at line 568 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::contains_vertex_of(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

570 {
571  libmesh_assert(start_elem);
572  libmesh_assert(start_elem->active());
573  libmesh_assert(start_elem->contains_vertex_of(this) ||
574  this->contains_vertex_of(start_elem));
576  neighbor_set.clear();
577  neighbor_set.insert(start_elem);
579  std::set<const Elem *> untested_set, next_untested_set;
580  untested_set.insert(start_elem);
582  while (!untested_set.empty())
583  {
584  // Loop over all the elements in the patch that haven't already
585  // been tested
586  for (const auto & elem : untested_set)
587  for (auto current_neighbor : elem->neighbor_ptr_range())
588  {
589  if (current_neighbor &&
590  current_neighbor != remote_elem) // we have a real neighbor on this side
591  {
592  if (current_neighbor->active()) // ... if it is active
593  {
594  if (this->contains_vertex_of(current_neighbor) // ... and touches us
595  || current_neighbor->contains_vertex_of(this))
596  {
597  // Make sure we'll test it
598  if (!neighbor_set.count(current_neighbor))
599  next_untested_set.insert (current_neighbor);
601  // And add it
602  neighbor_set.insert (current_neighbor);
603  }
604  }
606  else // ... the neighbor is *not* active,
607  { // ... so add *all* neighboring
608  // active children
609  std::vector<const Elem *> active_neighbor_children;
611  current_neighbor->active_family_tree_by_neighbor
612  (active_neighbor_children, elem);
614  for (const auto & current_child : active_neighbor_children)
615  {
616  if (this->contains_vertex_of(current_child) ||
617  (current_child)->contains_vertex_of(this))
618  {
619  // Make sure we'll test it
620  if (!neighbor_set.count(current_child))
621  next_untested_set.insert (current_child);
623  neighbor_set.insert (current_child);
624  }
625  }
626  }
627 #endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR
628  }
629  }
630  untested_set.swap(next_untested_set);
631  next_untested_set.clear();
632  }
633 }
bool contains_vertex_of(const Elem *e) const
Definition: elem.C:466
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ first_order_equivalent_type()

ElemType libMesh::Elem::first_order_equivalent_type ( const ElemType  et)
The element type of the associated first-order element, or INVALID_ELEM for first-order or other elements that cannot be converted into lower order equivalents.

For example, when this is a TET10, then TET4 is returned.

Definition at line 2584 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::EDGE2, libMesh::EDGE3, libMesh::EDGE4, libMesh::HEX20, libMesh::HEX27, libMesh::HEX8, libMesh::INFHEX16, libMesh::INFHEX18, libMesh::INFHEX8, libMesh::INFPRISM12, libMesh::INFPRISM6, libMesh::INFQUAD4, libMesh::INFQUAD6, libMesh::INVALID_ELEM, libMesh::PRISM15, libMesh::PRISM18, libMesh::PRISM6, libMesh::PYRAMID13, libMesh::PYRAMID14, libMesh::PYRAMID5, libMesh::QUAD4, libMesh::QUAD8, libMesh::QUAD9, libMesh::QUADSHELL4, libMesh::QUADSHELL8, libMesh::TET10, libMesh::TET4, libMesh::TRI3, libMesh::TRI6, and libMesh::TRISHELL3.

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), and libMesh::GMVIO::write_ascii_old_impl().

2585 {
2586  switch (et)
2587  {
2588  case EDGE2:
2589  case EDGE3:
2590  case EDGE4:
2591  return EDGE2;
2592  case TRI3:
2593  case TRI6:
2594  return TRI3;
2595  case TRISHELL3:
2596  return TRISHELL3;
2597  case QUAD4:
2598  case QUAD8:
2599  case QUAD9:
2600  return QUAD4;
2601  case QUADSHELL4:
2602  case QUADSHELL8:
2603  return QUADSHELL4;
2604  case TET4:
2605  case TET10:
2606  return TET4;
2607  case HEX8:
2608  case HEX27:
2609  case HEX20:
2610  return HEX8;
2611  case PRISM6:
2612  case PRISM15:
2613  case PRISM18:
2614  return PRISM6;
2615  case PYRAMID5:
2616  case PYRAMID13:
2617  case PYRAMID14:
2618  return PYRAMID5;
2622  case INFQUAD4:
2623  case INFQUAD6:
2624  return INFQUAD4;
2625  case INFHEX8:
2626  case INFHEX16:
2627  case INFHEX18:
2628  return INFHEX8;
2629  case INFPRISM6:
2630  case INFPRISM12:
2631  return INFPRISM6;
2633 #endif
2635  default:
2636  // unknown element
2637  return INVALID_ELEM;
2638  }
2639 }

◆ get_info() [1/3]

std::string libMesh::ReferenceCounter::get_info ( )

Gets a string containing the reference information.

Definition at line 47 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts, and libMesh::Quality::name().

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCounter::print_info().

48 {
51  std::ostringstream oss;
53  oss << '\n'
54  << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
55  << "| Reference count information |\n"
56  << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
58  for (const auto & pr : _counts)
59  {
60  const std::string name(pr.first);
61  const unsigned int creations = pr.second.first;
62  const unsigned int destructions = pr.second.second;
64  oss << "| " << name << " reference count information:\n"
65  << "| Creations: " << creations << '\n'
66  << "| Destructions: " << destructions << '\n';
67  }
69  oss << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
71  return oss.str();
73 #else
75  return "";
77 #endif
78 }
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
Definition: elem_quality.C:42

◆ get_info() [2/3]

std::string libMesh::ReferenceCounter::get_info ( )

Gets a string containing the reference information.

Definition at line 47 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts, and libMesh::Quality::name().

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCounter::print_info().

48 {
51  std::ostringstream oss;
53  oss << '\n'
54  << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
55  << "| Reference count information |\n"
56  << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
58  for (const auto & pr : _counts)
59  {
60  const std::string name(pr.first);
61  const unsigned int creations = pr.second.first;
62  const unsigned int destructions = pr.second.second;
64  oss << "| " << name << " reference count information:\n"
65  << "| Creations: " << creations << '\n'
66  << "| Destructions: " << destructions << '\n';
67  }
69  oss << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
71  return oss.str();
73 #else
75  return "";
77 #endif
78 }
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
Definition: elem_quality.C:42

◆ get_info() [3/3]

std::string libMesh::Elem::get_info ( ) const

Prints relevant information about the element to a string.

Definition at line 2448 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::ancestor(), libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::Utility::enum_to_string(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::hmax(), libMesh::Elem::hmin(), libMesh::DofObject::id(), libMesh::Elem::infinite(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::node_ref(), libMesh::Elem::origin(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), libMesh::Elem::p_refinement_flag(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::DofObject::processor_id(), libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), libMesh::Elem::type(), libMesh::DofObject::unique_id(), libMesh::DofObject::valid_id(), libMesh::DofObject::valid_unique_id(), and libMesh::Elem::volume().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::print_info().

2449 {
2450  std::ostringstream oss;
2452  oss << " Elem Information" << '\n'
2453  << " id()=";
2455  if (this->valid_id())
2456  oss << this->id();
2457  else
2458  oss << "invalid";
2461  oss << ", unique_id()=";
2462  if (this->valid_unique_id())
2463  oss << this->unique_id();
2464  else
2465  oss << "invalid";
2466 #endif
2468  oss << ", processor_id()=" << this->processor_id() << '\n';
2470  oss << " type()=" << Utility::enum_to_string(this->type()) << '\n'
2471  << " dim()=" << this->dim() << '\n'
2472  << " n_nodes()=" << this->n_nodes() << '\n';
2474  for (unsigned int n=0; n != this->n_nodes(); ++n)
2475  oss << " " << n << this->node_ref(n);
2477  oss << " n_sides()=" << this->n_sides() << '\n';
2479  for (unsigned int s=0; s != this->n_sides(); ++s)
2480  {
2481  oss << " neighbor(" << s << ")=";
2482  if (this->neighbor_ptr(s))
2483  oss << this->neighbor_ptr(s)->id() << '\n';
2484  else
2485  oss << "nullptr\n";
2486  }
2489  if (!this->infinite())
2490  {
2491 #endif
2492  oss << " hmin()=" << this->hmin()
2493  << ", hmax()=" << this->hmax() << '\n'
2494  << " volume()=" << this->volume() << '\n';
2496  }
2497 #endif
2498  oss << " active()=" << this->active()
2499  << ", ancestor()=" << this->ancestor()
2500  << ", subactive()=" << this->subactive()
2501  << ", has_children()=" << this->has_children() << '\n'
2502  << " parent()=";
2503  if (this->parent())
2504  oss << this->parent()->id() << '\n';
2505  else
2506  oss << "nullptr\n";
2507  oss << " level()=" << this->level()
2508  << ", p_level()=" << this->p_level() << '\n'
2510  << " refinement_flag()=" << Utility::enum_to_string(this->refinement_flag()) << '\n'
2511  << " p_refinement_flag()=" << Utility::enum_to_string(this->p_refinement_flag()) << '\n'
2512 #endif
2514  << " infinite()=" << this->infinite() << '\n';
2515  if (this->infinite())
2516  oss << " origin()=" << this->origin() << '\n'
2517 #endif
2518  ;
2520  oss << " DoFs=";
2521  for (unsigned int s=0; s != this->n_systems(); ++s)
2522  for (unsigned int v=0; v != this->n_vars(s); ++v)
2523  for (unsigned int c=0; c != this->n_comp(s,v); ++c)
2524  oss << '(' << s << '/' << v << '/' << this->dof_number(s,v,c) << ") ";
2527  return oss.str();
2528 }
RefinementState refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2638
dof_id_type dof_number(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int comp) const
Definition: dof_object.h:833
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
virtual Point origin() const
Definition: elem.h:1553
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
RefinementState p_refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2654
unique_id_type unique_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:672
unsigned int p_level() const
Definition: elem.h:2555
virtual Real hmax() const
Definition: elem.C:373
bool ancestor() const
Definition: elem.C:1427
const Node & node_ref(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1979
dof_id_type id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:655
virtual Real hmin() const
Definition: elem.C:356
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
bool valid_unique_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:705
std::string enum_to_string(const T e)
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
bool valid_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:697
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
virtual Real volume() const
Definition: elem.C:2826
virtual bool infinite() const =0
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
processor_id_type processor_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:717
virtual ElemType type() const =0
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428

◆ get_node()

Node * libMesh::Elem::get_node ( const unsigned int  i) const
The pointer to local Node i.
Use the less ambiguously named node_ptr() instead.

Definition at line 1996 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::node_ptr().

1997 {
1998  // This const function has incorrectly returned a non-const pointer
1999  // for years. Now that it is reimplemented in terms of the new
2000  // interface which does return a const pointer, we need to use a
2001  // const_cast to mimic the old (incorrect) behavior. This function
2002  // is now deprecated and eventually will be removed entirely,
2003  // obviating the need for this ugly cast.
2004  libmesh_deprecated();
2005  return const_cast<Node *>(this->node_ptr(i));
2006 }
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957

◆ get_node_index()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::get_node_index ( const Node node_ptr) const
The local index for the Node pointer node_ptr, or invalid_id if node_ptr is not a local node.

Definition at line 2012 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), and libMesh::Elem::node_ptr().

Referenced by libMesh::ElemCutter::find_intersection_points().

2013 {
2014  for (unsigned int n=0; n != this->n_nodes(); ++n)
2015  if (this->_nodes[n] == node_ptr)
2016  return n;
2018  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
2019 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957

◆ get_nodes()

const Node *const * libMesh::Elem::get_nodes ( ) const
A pointer to an array of local node pointers.

Definition at line 1949 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes.

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), and libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices().

1950 {
1951  return _nodes;
1952 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695

◆ hack_p_level()

void libMesh::Elem::hack_p_level ( const unsigned int  p)

Sets the value of the p-refinement level for the element without altering the p-level of its ancestors

Definition at line 2739 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_p_level, libMesh::Elem::JUST_REFINED, and libMesh::Elem::p_refinement_flag().

Referenced by libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2740 {
2741  if (p == 0)
2742  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to
2745  _p_level = cast_int<unsigned char>(p);
2746 }
unsigned char _p_level
Definition: elem.h:1736
RefinementState p_refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2654

◆ has_affine_map()

bool libMesh::Pyramid13::has_affine_map ( ) const
true if the element map is definitely affine within numerical tolerances.

Reimplemented from libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 122 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

123 {
124  // TODO: If the base is a parallelogram and all the triangular faces are planar,
125  // the map should be linear, but I need to test this theory...
126  return false;
127 }

◆ has_ancestor_children()

bool libMesh::Elem::has_ancestor_children ( ) const
true if the element has any descendants other than its immediate children, false otherwise, or if AMR is disabled.

Definition at line 2442 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, and libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range().

2443 {
2445  if (_children == nullptr)
2446  return false;
2447  else
2448  for (auto & c : child_ref_range())
2449  if (c.has_children())
2450  return true;
2451 #endif
2452  return false;
2453 }
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707

◆ has_children()

◆ has_dofs()

bool libMesh::DofObject::has_dofs ( const unsigned int  s = libMesh::invalid_uint) const
true if any system has variables which have been assigned, false otherwise.

Definition at line 913 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), and libMesh::DofObject::n_vars().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), and libMesh::DofMap::reinit().

914 {
915  if (sys == libMesh::invalid_uint)
916  {
917  for (unsigned int s=0; s<this->n_systems(); s++)
918  if (this->n_vars(s))
919  return true;
920  }
922  else
923  {
924  libmesh_assert_less (sys, this->n_systems());
926  if (this->n_vars(sys))
927  return true;
928  }
930  return false;
931 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749

◆ has_neighbor()

bool libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor ( const Elem elem) const

◆ has_topological_neighbor()

bool libMesh::Elem::has_topological_neighbor ( const Elem elem,
const MeshBase mesh,
const PointLocatorBase point_locator,
const PeriodicBoundaries pb 
) const
true if the element elem in question is a neighbor or topological neighbor of this element, false otherwise.

Definition at line 957 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), mesh, libMesh::Elem::side_index_range(), and libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor(), and libMesh::MeshRefinement::has_topological_neighbor().

961 {
962  // First see if this is a normal "interior" neighbor
963  if (has_neighbor(elem))
964  return true;
966  for (auto n : this->side_index_range())
967  if (this->topological_neighbor(n, mesh, point_locator, pb))
968  return true;
970  return false;
971 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
const Elem * topological_neighbor(const unsigned int i, const MeshBase &mesh, const PointLocatorBase &point_locator, const PeriodicBoundaries *pb) const
Definition: elem.C:920
IntRange< unsigned short > side_index_range() const
Definition: elem.h:2166
MeshBase & mesh

◆ hmax()

Real libMesh::Elem::hmax ( ) const
The maximum vertex separation for the element.

Definition at line 373 of file elem.C.

References std::max(), libMesh::Elem::n_vertices(), libMesh::TypeVector< T >::norm_sq(), libMesh::Elem::point(), and libMesh::Real.

Referenced by libMesh::DiscontinuityMeasure::boundary_side_integration(), libMesh::KellyErrorEstimator::boundary_side_integration(), libMesh::OldSolutionBase< Output, point_output >::check_old_context(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::LaplacianErrorEstimator::internal_side_integration(), libMesh::DiscontinuityMeasure::internal_side_integration(), libMesh::KellyErrorEstimator::internal_side_integration(), and libMesh::Elem::point_test().

374 {
375  Real h_max=0;
377  for (unsigned int n_outer=0; n_outer<this->n_vertices(); n_outer++)
378  for (unsigned int n_inner=n_outer+1; n_inner<this->n_vertices(); n_inner++)
379  {
380  const Point diff = (this->point(n_outer) - this->point(n_inner));
382  h_max = std::max(h_max, diff.norm_sq());
383  }
385  return std::sqrt(h_max);
386 }
long double max(long double a, double b)
virtual unsigned int n_vertices() const =0
const Point & point(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1892

◆ hmin()

Real libMesh::Elem::hmin ( ) const
The minimum vertex separation for the element.

Definition at line 356 of file elem.C.

References std::max(), std::min(), libMesh::Elem::n_vertices(), libMesh::TypeVector< T >::norm_sq(), libMesh::Elem::point(), and libMesh::Real.

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::distort(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::FEMSystem::numerical_jacobian(), and libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::stitching_helper().

357 {
360  for (unsigned int n_outer=0; n_outer<this->n_vertices(); n_outer++)
361  for (unsigned int n_inner=n_outer+1; n_inner<this->n_vertices(); n_inner++)
362  {
363  const Point diff = (this->point(n_outer) - this->point(n_inner));
365  h_min = std::min(h_min, diff.norm_sq());
366  }
368  return std::sqrt(h_min);
369 }
long double max(long double a, double b)
virtual unsigned int n_vertices() const =0
long double min(long double a, double b)
const Point & point(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1892

◆ id()

dof_id_type libMesh::DofObject::id ( ) const
The id for this DofObject

Definition at line 655 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_id, and libMesh::DofObject::valid_id().

Referenced by libMesh::UniformRefinementEstimator::_estimate_error(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::add_boundary_ghosts(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::add_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_elem(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::TopologyMap::add_node(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::add_node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_point(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::DofMap::allgather_recursive_constraints(), libMesh::Node::build(), libMesh::Partitioner::build_graph(), libMesh::InfElemBuilder::build_inf_elem(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::FEMap::compute_single_point_map(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::create_parent_error_vector(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::delete_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::delete_elem(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::delete_node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::delete_node(), libMesh::MeshBase::detect_interior_parents(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::DistributedMesh(), libMesh::UNVIO::elements_out(), libMesh::JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::AdjointRefinementEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::ExactErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_nodal_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_elem_fraction(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_error_fraction(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_error_tolerance(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::Node::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::DofMap::get_local_constraints(), libMesh::ParmetisPartitioner::initialize(), libMesh::TreeNode< N >::insert(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::insert_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::insert_elem(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::insert_node(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::inverse_map(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_elem_ids(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Tri3Subdivision::local_node_number(), libMesh::Elem::node_id(), libMesh::VTKIO::nodes_to_vtk(), libMesh::CompareElemIdsByLevel::operator()(), libMesh::WeightedPatchRecoveryErrorEstimator::EstimateError::operator()(), libMesh::PatchRecoveryErrorEstimator::EstimateError::operator()(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::own_node(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::MetisPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::DofObject::print_dof_info(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::query_elem_ptr(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::query_node_ptr(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO::read(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::read(), libMesh::AbaqusIO::read_elements(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::DofMap::scatter_constraints(), libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects(), libMesh::PetscDMWrapper::set_point_range_in_section(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::sync(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_dofobject_data_by_id(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_element_data_by_parent_id(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_node_data_by_element_id_once(), libMesh::TetGenMeshInterface::triangulate_conformingDelaunayMesh_carvehole(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), libMesh::GmshIO::write_mesh(), and libMesh::ExodusII_IO_Helper::write_nodal_coordinates().

656 {
657  libmesh_assert (this->valid_id());
658  return _id;
659 }
dof_id_type _id
Definition: dof_object.h:442
bool valid_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:697

◆ increment_constructor_count() [1/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::increment_constructor_count ( const std::string &  name)

Increments the construction counter. Should be called in the constructor of any derived class that will be reference counted.

Definition at line 181 of file reference_counter.h.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts, libMesh::Quality::name(), and libMesh::Threads::spin_mtx.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCountedObject< RBParametrized >::ReferenceCountedObject().

182 {
183  Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);
184  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> & p = _counts[name];
186  p.first++;
187 }
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
Definition: elem_quality.C:42
spin_mutex spin_mtx
Definition: threads.C:29

◆ increment_constructor_count() [2/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::increment_constructor_count ( const std::string &  name)

Increments the construction counter. Should be called in the constructor of any derived class that will be reference counted.

Definition at line 181 of file reference_counter.h.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts, libMesh::Quality::name(), and libMesh::Threads::spin_mtx.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCountedObject< RBParametrized >::ReferenceCountedObject().

182 {
183  Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);
184  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> & p = _counts[name];
186  p.first++;
187 }
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
Definition: elem_quality.C:42
spin_mutex spin_mtx
Definition: threads.C:29

◆ increment_destructor_count() [1/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::increment_destructor_count ( const std::string &  name)

Increments the destruction counter. Should be called in the destructor of any derived class that will be reference counted.

Definition at line 194 of file reference_counter.h.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts, libMesh::Quality::name(), and libMesh::Threads::spin_mtx.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCountedObject< RBParametrized >::~ReferenceCountedObject().

195 {
196  Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);
197  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> & p = _counts[name];
199  p.second++;
200 }
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
Definition: elem_quality.C:42
spin_mutex spin_mtx
Definition: threads.C:29

◆ increment_destructor_count() [2/2]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::increment_destructor_count ( const std::string &  name)

Increments the destruction counter. Should be called in the destructor of any derived class that will be reference counted.

Definition at line 194 of file reference_counter.h.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts, libMesh::Quality::name(), and libMesh::Threads::spin_mtx.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCountedObject< RBParametrized >::~ReferenceCountedObject().

195 {
196  Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);
197  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> & p = _counts[name];
199  p.second++;
200 }
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
Definition: elem_quality.C:42
spin_mutex spin_mtx
Definition: threads.C:29

◆ infinite()

virtual bool libMesh::Cell::infinite ( ) const
false. All classes derived from Cell are finite elements.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 75 of file cell.h.

75 { return false; }

◆ interior_parent() [1/2]

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::interior_parent ( ) const
The higher-dimensional Elem for which this Elem is a face.

In some cases it is desirable to extract the boundary (or a subset thereof) of a D-dimensional mesh as a (D-1)-dimensional manifold. In this case we may want to know the 'parent' element from which the manifold elements were extracted. We can easily do that for the level-0 manifold elements by storing the D-dimensional parent. This method provides access to that element.

This method is not safe to call if this->dim() == LIBMESH_DIM; in such cases no data storage for an interior parent pointer has been allocated.

Definition at line 804 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::get_side_and_node_maps(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_interior_parents(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

805 {
806  // interior parents make no sense for full-dimensional elements.
807  libmesh_assert_less (this->dim(), LIBMESH_DIM);
809  // they USED TO BE only good for level-0 elements, but we now
810  // support keeping interior_parent() valid on refined boundary
811  // elements.
812  // if (this->level() != 0)
813  // return this->parent()->interior_parent();
815  // We store the interior_parent pointer after both the parent
816  // neighbor and neighbor pointers
817  Elem * interior_p = _elemlinks[1+this->n_sides()];
819  // If we have an interior_parent, we USED TO assume it was a
820  // one-higher-dimensional interior element, but we now allow e.g.
821  // edge elements to have a 3D interior_parent with no
822  // intermediate 2D element.
823  // libmesh_assert (!interior_p ||
824  // interior_p->dim() == (this->dim()+1));
825  libmesh_assert (!interior_p ||
826  (interior_p == remote_elem) ||
827  (interior_p->dim() > this->dim()));
829  // We require consistency between AMR of interior and of boundary
830  // elements
831  if (interior_p && (interior_p != remote_elem))
832  libmesh_assert_less_equal (interior_p->level(), this->level());
834  return interior_p;
835 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ interior_parent() [2/2]

Elem * libMesh::Elem::interior_parent ( )

Definition at line 839 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

840 {
841  // See the const version for comments
842  libmesh_assert_less (this->dim(), LIBMESH_DIM);
843  Elem * interior_p = _elemlinks[1+this->n_sides()];
845  libmesh_assert (!interior_p ||
846  (interior_p == remote_elem) ||
847  (interior_p->dim() > this->dim()));
848  if (interior_p && (interior_p != remote_elem))
849  libmesh_assert_less_equal (interior_p->level(), this->level());
851  return interior_p;
852 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ invalidate()

void libMesh::DofObject::invalidate ( )

Invalidates all the indices for this DofObject

Definition at line 611 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_id(), and libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_processor_id().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::DofObject().

612 {
613  this->invalidate_dofs ();
614  this->invalidate_id ();
615  this->invalidate_processor_id ();
616 }
void invalidate_processor_id()
Definition: dof_object.h:603
void invalidate_dofs(const unsigned int sys_num=libMesh::invalid_uint)
Definition: dof_object.h:575

◆ invalidate_dofs()

void libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_dofs ( const unsigned int  sys_num = libMesh::invalid_uint)

Sets all degree of freedom numbers to invalid_id

Definition at line 575 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), and libMesh::DofObject::set_vg_dof_base().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::invalidate().

576 {
577  // If the user does not specify the system number...
578  if (sys_num >= this->n_systems())
579  {
580  for (unsigned int s=0; s<this->n_systems(); s++)
581  for (unsigned int vg=0; vg<this->n_var_groups(s); vg++)
582  if (this->n_comp_group(s,vg))
583  this->set_vg_dof_base(s,vg,invalid_id);
584  }
585  // ...otherwise invalidate the dofs for all systems
586  else
587  for (unsigned int vg=0; vg<this->n_var_groups(sys_num); vg++)
588  if (this->n_comp_group(sys_num,vg))
589  this->set_vg_dof_base(sys_num,vg,invalid_id);
590 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
void set_vg_dof_base(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const dof_id_type db)
Definition: dof_object.h:960
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347
unsigned int n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:816

◆ invalidate_id()

void libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_id ( )

Sets the id to invalid_id

Definition at line 595 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, and libMesh::DofObject::set_id().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::invalidate().

596 {
597  this->set_id (invalid_id);
598 }
dof_id_type & set_id()
Definition: dof_object.h:664
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347

◆ invalidate_processor_id()

void libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_processor_id ( )

Sets the processor id to invalid_processor_id

Definition at line 603 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::invalid_processor_id, and libMesh::DofObject::processor_id().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::invalidate(), and libMesh::Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids().

604 {
606 }
static const processor_id_type invalid_processor_id
Definition: dof_object.h:358
processor_id_type processor_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:717

◆ is_ancestor_of()

bool libMesh::Elem::is_ancestor_of ( const Elem descendant) const
true if descendant is a child of this, or a child of a child of this, etc., false otherwise or if AMR is disabled.

Definition at line 2458 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::parent().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_subneighbor(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local(), and libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree_by_subneighbor().

2463 {
2465  const Elem * e = descendant;
2466  while (e)
2467  {
2468  if (this == e)
2469  return true;
2470  e = e->parent();
2471  }
2472 #endif
2473  return false;
2474 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ is_child_on_edge()

bool libMesh::Elem::is_child_on_edge ( const unsigned int  c,
const unsigned int  e 
) const
true if the specified child is on the specified edge.

Definition at line 1518 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::build_edge_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::n_children(), and libMesh::Elem::n_edges().

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::coarsened_dof_values(), and libMesh::BoundaryInfo::edge_boundary_ids().

1520 {
1521  libmesh_assert_less (c, this->n_children());
1522  libmesh_assert_less (e, this->n_edges());
1524  std::unique_ptr<const Elem> my_edge = this->build_edge_ptr(e);
1525  std::unique_ptr<const Elem> child_edge = this->build_edge_ptr(e);
1527  // We're assuming that an overlapping child edge has the same
1528  // number and orientation as its parent
1529  return (child_edge->node_id(0) == my_edge->node_id(0) ||
1530  child_edge->node_id(1) == my_edge->node_id(1));
1531 }
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
virtual unsigned int n_edges() const =0
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > build_edge_ptr(const unsigned int i)=0

◆ is_child_on_side()

bool libMesh::Pyramid::is_child_on_side ( const unsigned int  c,
const unsigned int  s 
) const
true if the specified child is on the specified side.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 179 of file cell_pyramid.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid::n_children(), libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), and libMesh::Pyramid5::side_nodes_map.

181 {
182  libmesh_assert_less (c, this->n_children());
183  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_sides());
185  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
186  if (Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][i] == c)
187  return true;
188  return false;
189 }
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
virtual unsigned int n_children() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:103
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]

◆ is_edge()

bool libMesh::Pyramid13::is_edge ( const unsigned int  i) const
true if the specified (local) node number is an edge.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 78 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

79 {
80  if (i < 5)
81  return false;
82  return true;
83 }

◆ is_edge_on_side()

bool libMesh::Pyramid::is_edge_on_side ( const unsigned int  e,
const unsigned int  s 
) const
true if the specified edge is on the specified side.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 193 of file cell_pyramid.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid5::edge_nodes_map, libMesh::Elem::is_node_on_side(), libMesh::Pyramid::n_edges(), and libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides().

195 {
196  libmesh_assert_less (e, this->n_edges());
197  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_sides());
199  return (is_node_on_side(Pyramid5::edge_nodes_map[e][0],s) &&
201 }
static const unsigned int edge_nodes_map[num_edges][nodes_per_edge]
virtual bool is_node_on_side(const unsigned int n, const unsigned int s) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
virtual unsigned int n_edges() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:93

◆ is_face()

bool libMesh::Pyramid13::is_face ( const unsigned int  i) const
true if the specified (local) node number is a face.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 87 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

88 {
89  return false;
90 }

◆ is_linear()

virtual bool libMesh::Elem::is_linear ( ) const
true if the Lagrange shape functions on this element are linear.

Reimplemented in libMesh::NodeElem, libMesh::Tet4, libMesh::Tri3, libMesh::Edge2, and libMesh::Tri3Subdivision.

Definition at line 994 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::FEMap::init_reference_to_physical_map().

994 { return false; }

◆ is_mid_infinite_edge_node()

virtual bool libMesh::Elem::is_mid_infinite_edge_node ( const unsigned int  ) const
true if the specified (local) node number is a "mid-edge" node on an infinite element edge.

This is false for all nodes on non-infinite elements, so we won't make it pure virtual, to simplify their code.

Reimplemented in libMesh::InfEdge2, libMesh::InfQuad, libMesh::InfPrism, and libMesh::InfHex.

Definition at line 1544 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::infinite().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

1545  { libmesh_assert (!this->infinite()); return false; }
virtual bool infinite() const =0

◆ is_node_on_edge()

bool libMesh::Pyramid13::is_node_on_edge ( const unsigned int  n,
const unsigned int  e 
) const
true if the specified (local) node number is on the specified edge.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 111 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References edge_nodes_map, end, and libMesh::Pyramid::n_edges().

113 {
114  libmesh_assert_less (e, n_edges());
115  return std::find(std::begin(edge_nodes_map[e]),
117  n) != std::end(edge_nodes_map[e]);
118 }
static const unsigned int edge_nodes_map[num_edges][nodes_per_edge]
IterBase * end
virtual unsigned int n_edges() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:93

◆ is_node_on_side()

bool libMesh::Pyramid13::is_node_on_side ( const unsigned int  n,
const unsigned int  s 
) const
true if the specified (local) node number is on the specified side.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 94 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References end, libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), and side_nodes_map.

96 {
97  libmesh_assert_less (s, n_sides());
98  return std::find(std::begin(side_nodes_map[s]),
100  n) != std::end(side_nodes_map[s]);
101 }
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
IterBase * end

◆ is_remote()

virtual bool libMesh::Elem::is_remote ( ) const
true if this element is remote, false otherwise.

A remote element (see RemoteElem) is a syntactic convenience – it is a placeholder for an element which exists on some other processor. Local elements are required to have valid neighbors, and these ghost elements may have remote neighbors for data structure consistency. The use of remote elements helps ensure that any element we may access has a nullptr neighbor only if it lies on the physical boundary of the domain.

Reimplemented in libMesh::RemoteElem.

Definition at line 555 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side(), and libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local().

556  { return false; }

◆ is_semilocal()

bool libMesh::Elem::is_semilocal ( const processor_id_type  my_pid) const
true if this element is semilocal to the calling processor, which must specify its rank.

Definition at line 451 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::find_point_neighbors().

452 {
453  std::set<const Elem *> point_neighbors;
455  this->find_point_neighbors(point_neighbors);
457  for (const auto & elem : point_neighbors)
458  if (elem->processor_id() == my_pid)
459  return true;
461  return false;
462 }
void find_point_neighbors(const Point &p, std::set< const Elem *> &neighbor_set) const
Definition: elem.C:498

◆ is_vertex()

bool libMesh::Pyramid13::is_vertex ( const unsigned int  i) const
true if the specified (local) node number is a vertex.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 69 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

70 {
71  if (i < 5)
72  return true;
73  return false;
74 }

◆ is_vertex_on_child()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Elem::is_vertex_on_child ( unsigned  int,
unsigned int  n 
) const
true if the specified child has a vertex at the specified (child-local) node number. Except in odd cases like pyramid refinement the child will have the same local structure as the parent element.

Definition at line 694 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::is_vertex().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

696  { return this->is_vertex(n); }
virtual bool is_vertex(const unsigned int i) const =0

◆ is_vertex_on_parent()

bool libMesh::Elem::is_vertex_on_parent ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  n 
) const
true if this element has a vertex at the specified (child-local) node number n of the specified child c.

Definition at line 2879 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::libmesh_ignore(), libMesh::Elem::n_vertices(), and libMesh::Elem::node_ptr().

2881 {
2884  unsigned int my_n_vertices = this->n_vertices();
2885  for (unsigned int n_parent = 0; n_parent != my_n_vertices;
2886  ++n_parent)
2887  if (this->node_ptr(n_parent) == this->child_ptr(c)->node_ptr(n))
2888  return true;
2889  return false;
2891 #else
2893  // No AMR?
2894  libmesh_ignore(c,n);
2895  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: AMR disabled, how did we get here?");
2896  return true;
2898 #endif
2899 }
void libmesh_ignore(const Args &...)
virtual unsigned int n_vertices() const =0
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578

◆ key() [1/4]

virtual dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::key

Don't hide Elem::key() defined in the base class.

◆ key() [2/4]

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::key

Don't hide Elem::key() defined in the base class.

Definition at line 401 of file elem.C.

402 {
403  const unsigned short n_n = this->n_nodes();
405  std::array<dof_id_type, Elem::max_n_nodes> node_ids;
407  for (unsigned short n=0; n != n_n; ++n)
408  node_ids[n] = this->node_id(n);
410  // Always sort, so that different local node numberings hash to the
411  // same value.
412  std::sort (node_ids.begin(), node_ids.begin()+n_n);
414  return Utility::hashword(, n_n);
415 }
uint32_t hashword(const uint32_t *k, size_t length, uint32_t initval=0)
Definition: hashword.h:153
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:78
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

◆ key() [3/4]

dof_id_type libMesh::Pyramid::key ( const unsigned int  s) const
An id associated with the s side of this element. The id is not necessarily unique, but should be close. This is particularly useful in the MeshBase::find_neighbors() routine.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Reimplemented in libMesh::Pyramid14.

Definition at line 57 of file cell_pyramid.C.

References libMesh::Elem::compute_key(), libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::node_id(), and libMesh::Pyramid5::side_nodes_map.

58 {
59  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_sides());
61  switch (s)
62  {
63  case 0: // triangular face 1
64  case 1: // triangular face 2
65  case 2: // triangular face 3
66  case 3: // triangular face 4
67  return this->compute_key (this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][0]),
68  this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][1]),
69  this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][2]));
71  case 4: // the quad face at z=0
72  return this->compute_key (this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][0]),
73  this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][1]),
74  this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][2]),
75  this->node_id(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[s][3]));
77  default:
78  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid side s = " << s);
79  }
80 }
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
static dof_id_type compute_key(dof_id_type n0)
Definition: elem.h:2754
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

◆ key() [4/4]

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::key ( ) const
An id associated with the global node ids of this element. The id is not necessarily unique, but should be close. Uses the same hash as the key(s) function, so for example if "tri3" is side 0 of "tet4", then tri3->key()==tet4->key(0).

Reimplemented in libMesh::Tet4, libMesh::Edge3, libMesh::Edge4, libMesh::Edge2, libMesh::Quad9, libMesh::Quad, and libMesh::Tri.

Definition at line 401 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Utility::hashword(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), and libMesh::Elem::node_id().

Referenced by libMesh::InfQuad6::key(), libMesh::Prism18::key(), libMesh::Pyramid14::key(), and libMesh::InfHex18::key().

402 {
403  const unsigned short n_n = this->n_nodes();
405  std::array<dof_id_type, Elem::max_n_nodes> node_ids;
407  for (unsigned short n=0; n != n_n; ++n)
408  node_ids[n] = this->node_id(n);
410  // Always sort, so that different local node numberings hash to the
411  // same value.
412  std::sort (node_ids.begin(), node_ids.begin()+n_n);
414  return Utility::hashword(, n_n);
415 }
uint32_t hashword(const uint32_t *k, size_t length, uint32_t initval=0)
Definition: hashword.h:153
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

◆ length()

Real libMesh::Elem::length ( const unsigned int  n1,
const unsigned int  n2 
) const
The distance between nodes n1 and n2.

Useful for computing the lengths of the sides of elements.

Definition at line 390 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::n_vertices(), and libMesh::Elem::point().

Referenced by libMesh::Hex::quality(), libMesh::InfHex::quality(), and libMesh::Quad::quality().

392 {
393  libmesh_assert_less ( n1, this->n_vertices() );
394  libmesh_assert_less ( n2, this->n_vertices() );
396  return (this->point(n1) - this->point(n2)).norm();
397 }
virtual unsigned int n_vertices() const =0
const Point & point(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1892

◆ level()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::level ( ) const
The refinement level of the current element.

If the element's parent is nullptr then by convention it is at level 0, otherwise it is simply at one level greater than its parent.

Definition at line 2521 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::Elem::level(), and libMesh::Elem::parent().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_edge(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_shellface(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_side(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::boundary_ids(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_node_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_periodic_node_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::edge_boundary_ids(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::enforce_mismatch_limit_prior_to_refinement(), libMesh::JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_hanging_nodes_and_parents(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_nelem_target(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::interior_parent(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_interior_parents(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::limit_overrefined_boundary(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::limit_underrefined_boundary(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_coarsening_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_refinement_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::nullify_neighbors(), libMesh::CompareElemIdsByLevel::operator()(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::packable_size(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::remove_edge(), libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::remove_shellface(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::remove_side(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::shellface_boundary_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::side_with_boundary_id(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::stitching_helper(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::test_level_one(), libMesh::Elem::top_parent(), libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), and libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i().

2522 {
2525  // if I don't have a parent I was
2526  // created directly from file
2527  // or by the user, so I am a
2528  // level-0 element
2529  if (this->parent() == nullptr)
2530  return 0;
2532  // if the parent and this element are of different
2533  // dimensionality we are at the same level as
2534  // the parent (e.g. we are the 2D side of a
2535  // 3D element)
2536  if (this->dim() != this->parent()->dim())
2537  return this->parent()->level();
2539  // otherwise we are at a level one
2540  // higher than our parent
2541  return (this->parent()->level() + 1);
2543 #else
2545  // Without AMR all elements are
2546  // at level 0.
2547  return 0;
2549 #endif
2550 }
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0

◆ libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors()

void libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors ( ) const

Checks for consistent neighbor links on this element.

Definition at line 990 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::remote_elem, libMesh::Elem::side_index_range(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), and libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i().

991 {
992  for (auto n : this->side_index_range())
993  {
994  const Elem * neigh = this->neighbor_ptr(n);
996  // Any element might have a remote neighbor; checking
997  // to make sure that's not inaccurate is tough.
998  if (neigh == remote_elem)
999  continue;
1001  if (neigh)
1002  {
1003  // Only subactive elements have subactive neighbors
1004  libmesh_assert (this->subactive() || !neigh->subactive());
1006  const Elem * elem = this;
1008  // If we're subactive but our neighbor isn't, its
1009  // return neighbor link will be to our first active
1010  // ancestor OR to our inactive ancestor of the same
1011  // level as neigh,
1012  if (this->subactive() && !neigh->subactive())
1013  {
1014  for (elem = this; !elem->active();
1015  elem = elem->parent())
1016  libmesh_assert(elem);
1017  }
1018  else
1019  {
1020  unsigned int rev = neigh->which_neighbor_am_i(elem);
1021  libmesh_assert_less (rev, neigh->n_neighbors());
1023  if (this->subactive() && !neigh->subactive())
1024  {
1025  while (neigh->neighbor_ptr(rev) != elem)
1026  {
1027  libmesh_assert(elem->parent());
1028  elem = elem->parent();
1029  }
1030  }
1031  else
1032  {
1033  const Elem * nn = neigh->neighbor_ptr(rev);
1034  libmesh_assert(nn);
1036  for (; elem != nn; elem = elem->parent())
1037  libmesh_assert(elem);
1038  }
1039  }
1040  }
1041  // If we don't have a neighbor and we're not subactive, our
1042  // ancestors shouldn't have any neighbors in this same
1043  // direction.
1044  else if (!this->subactive())
1045  {
1046  const Elem * my_parent = this->parent();
1047  if (my_parent &&
1048  // A parent with a different dimension isn't really one of
1049  // our ancestors, it means we're on a boundary mesh and this
1050  // is an interior mesh element for which we're on a side.
1051  // Nothing to test for in that case.
1052  (my_parent->dim() == this->dim()))
1053  libmesh_assert (!my_parent->neighbor_ptr(n));
1054  }
1055  }
1056 }
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
IntRange< unsigned short > side_index_range() const
Definition: elem.h:2166
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ libmesh_assert_valid_node_pointers()

void libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_node_pointers ( ) const

Checks for a valid id and pointers to nodes with valid ids on this element.

Definition at line 978 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::node_ptr(), and libMesh::DofObject::valid_id().

979 {
980  libmesh_assert(this->valid_id());
981  for (unsigned int n=0; n != this->n_nodes(); ++n)
982  {
983  libmesh_assert(this->node_ptr(n));
984  libmesh_assert(this->node_ptr(n)->valid_id());
985  }
986 }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
bool valid_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:697
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957

◆ local_node()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::local_node ( const dof_id_type  i) const
The local id number of global Node id i, or invalid_uint if Node id i is not local.

Definition at line 1937 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), and libMesh::Elem::node_id().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshTools::find_nodal_neighbors(), and libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::stitching_helper().

1938 {
1939  for (unsigned int n=0; n != this->n_nodes(); ++n)
1940  if (this->node_id(n) == i)
1941  return n;
1943  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
1944 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

◆ loose_bounding_box()

BoundingBox libMesh::Cell::loose_bounding_box ( ) const
A bounding box (not necessarily the minimal bounding box) containing the geometric element.

Reimplemented from libMesh::Elem.

Reimplemented in libMesh::Hex8, libMesh::Prism6, and libMesh::Pyramid5.

Definition at line 26 of file cell.C.

References libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::side_ptr(), and libMesh::BoundingBox::union_with().

27 {
28  // This might have curved sides, but it's definitely *not* curving
29  // through 4-D space, so the full bounding box is just the merger of
30  // the sides' bounding boxes.
32  std::unique_ptr<const Elem> side_ptr { this->build_side_ptr(0, false) };
33  BoundingBox bbox = side_ptr->loose_bounding_box();
34  unsigned int my_n_sides = this->n_sides();
35  for (unsigned s=1; s < my_n_sides; ++s)
36  {
37  this->build_side_ptr(side_ptr, s);
38  bbox.union_with(side_ptr->loose_bounding_box());
39  }
41  return bbox;
42 }
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > build_side_ptr(const unsigned int i, bool proxy=true)=0
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > side_ptr(unsigned int i)=0

◆ make_links_to_me_local()

void libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local ( unsigned int  n)

Resets the appropriate neighbor pointers of our nth neighbor (and its descendants, if appropriate) to point to this Elem instead of to the global remote_elem. Used by the library when a formerly remote element is being added to the local processor.

Definition at line 1062 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::is_ancestor_of(), libMesh::Elem::is_remote(), libMesh::Elem::JUST_REFINED, libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag(), libMesh::remote_elem, libMesh::Elem::set_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::side_ptr(), and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

1063 {
1064  Elem * neigh = this->neighbor_ptr(n);
1066  // Don't bother calling this function unless it's necessary
1067  libmesh_assert(neigh);
1068  libmesh_assert(!neigh->is_remote());
1070  // We never have neighbors more refined than us
1071  libmesh_assert_less_equal (neigh->level(), this->level());
1073  // We never have subactive neighbors of non subactive elements
1074  libmesh_assert(!neigh->subactive() || this->subactive());
1076  // If we have a neighbor less refined than us then it must not
1077  // have any more refined descendants we could have pointed to
1078  // instead.
1079  libmesh_assert((neigh->level() == this->level()) ||
1080  (neigh->active() && !this->subactive()) ||
1081  (!neigh->has_children() && this->subactive()));
1083  // If neigh is at our level, then its family might have
1084  // remote_elem neighbor links which need to point to us
1085  // instead, but if not, then we're done.
1086  if (neigh->level() != this->level())
1087  return;
1089  // What side of neigh are we on? We can't use the usual Elem
1090  // method because we're in the middle of restoring topology
1091  const std::unique_ptr<Elem> my_side = this->side_ptr(n);
1092  unsigned int nn = 0;
1093  for (; nn != neigh->n_sides(); ++nn)
1094  {
1095  const std::unique_ptr<Elem> neigh_side = neigh->side_ptr(nn);
1096  if (*my_side == *neigh_side)
1097  break;
1098  }
1100  // we had better be on *some* side of neigh
1101  libmesh_assert_less (nn, neigh->n_sides());
1103  // Find any elements that ought to point to elem
1104  std::vector<const Elem *> neigh_family;
1106  if (this->active())
1107  neigh->family_tree_by_side(neigh_family, nn);
1108  else if (neigh->subactive())
1109 #endif
1110  neigh_family.push_back(neigh);
1112  // And point them to elem
1113  for (auto & const_elem : neigh_family)
1114  {
1115  // This const_cast is necessary until we have a version of
1116  // family_tree_by_side that returns a vector of non-constant
1117  // pointers when called on a non-constant Elem.
1118  Elem * neigh_family_member = const_cast<Elem *>(const_elem);
1120  // Only subactive elements point to other subactive elements
1121  if (this->subactive() && !neigh_family_member->subactive())
1122  continue;
1124  // Ideally, the neighbor link ought to either be correct
1125  // already or ought to be to remote_elem.
1126  //
1127  // However, if we're redistributing a newly created elem,
1128  // after an AMR step but before find_neighbors has fixed up
1129  // neighbor links, we might have an out of date neighbor
1130  // link to elem's parent instead.
1132  libmesh_assert((neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn) &&
1133  (neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn)->active() ||
1134  neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn)->is_ancestor_of(this))) ||
1135  (neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn) == remote_elem) ||
1136  ((this->refinement_flag() == JUST_REFINED) &&
1137  (this->parent() != nullptr) &&
1138  (neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn) == this->parent())));
1139 #else
1140  libmesh_assert((neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn) == this) ||
1141  (neigh_family_member->neighbor_ptr(nn) == remote_elem));
1142 #endif
1144  neigh_family_member->set_neighbor(nn, this);
1145  }
1146 }
RefinementState refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2638
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > side_ptr(unsigned int i)=0
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ make_links_to_me_remote()

void libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote ( )

Resets this element's neighbors' appropriate neighbor pointers and its parent's and children's appropriate pointers to point to the global remote_elem instead of this. Used by the library before an element becomes remote on the local processor.

Definition at line 1149 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::child(), libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::remote_elem, libMesh::Elem::set_child(), libMesh::Elem::set_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), libMesh::Elem::which_child_am_i(), and libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshCommunication::delete_remote_elements().

1150 {
1151  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (this, remote_elem);
1153  // We need to have handled any children first
1154 #if defined(LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR) && defined(DEBUG)
1155  if (this->has_children())
1156  for (auto & child : this->child_ref_range())
1157  libmesh_assert_equal_to (&child, remote_elem);
1158 #endif
1160  // Remotify any neighbor links
1161  for (auto neigh : this->neighbor_ptr_range())
1162  {
1163  if (neigh && neigh != remote_elem)
1164  {
1165  // My neighbor should never be more refined than me; my real
1166  // neighbor would have been its parent in that case.
1167  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (this->level(), neigh->level());
1169  if (this->level() == neigh->level() &&
1170  neigh->has_neighbor(this))
1171  {
1173  // My neighbor may have descendants which also consider me a
1174  // neighbor
1175  std::vector<const Elem *> family;
1176  neigh->total_family_tree_by_neighbor (family, this);
1178  // FIXME - There's a lot of ugly const_casts here; we
1179  // may want to make remote_elem non-const and create
1180  // non-const versions of the family_tree methods
1181  for (auto & const_elem : family)
1182  {
1183  Elem * n = const_cast<Elem *>(const_elem);
1184  libmesh_assert (n);
1185  if (n == remote_elem)
1186  continue;
1187  unsigned int my_s = n->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
1188  libmesh_assert_less (my_s, n->n_neighbors());
1189  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n->neighbor_ptr(my_s), this);
1190  n->set_neighbor(my_s, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));
1191  }
1192 #else
1193  unsigned int my_s = neigh->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
1194  libmesh_assert_less (my_s, neigh->n_neighbors());
1195  libmesh_assert_equal_to (neigh->neighbor_ptr(my_s), this);
1196  neigh->set_neighbor(my_s, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));
1197 #endif
1198  }
1200  // Even if my neighbor doesn't link back to me, it might
1201  // have subactive descendants which do
1202  else if (neigh->has_children())
1203  {
1204  // If my neighbor at the same level doesn't have me as a
1205  // neighbor, I must be subactive
1206  libmesh_assert(this->level() > neigh->level() ||
1207  this->subactive());
1209  // My neighbor must have some ancestor of mine as a
1210  // neighbor
1211  Elem * my_ancestor = this->parent();
1212  libmesh_assert(my_ancestor);
1213  while (!neigh->has_neighbor(my_ancestor))
1214  {
1215  my_ancestor = my_ancestor->parent();
1216  libmesh_assert(my_ancestor);
1217  }
1219  // My neighbor may have descendants which consider me a
1220  // neighbor
1221  std::vector<const Elem *> family;
1222  neigh->total_family_tree_by_subneighbor (family, my_ancestor, this);
1224  // FIXME - There's a lot of ugly const_casts here; we
1225  // may want to make remote_elem non-const and create
1226  // non-const versions of the family_tree methods
1227  for (auto & const_elem : family)
1228  {
1229  Elem * n = const_cast<Elem *>(const_elem);
1230  libmesh_assert (n);
1231  if (n == remote_elem)
1232  continue;
1233  unsigned int my_s = n->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
1234  libmesh_assert_less (my_s, n->n_neighbors());
1235  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n->neighbor_ptr(my_s), this);
1236  n->set_neighbor(my_s, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));
1237  }
1238  }
1239 #endif
1240  }
1241  }
1244  // Remotify parent's child link
1245  Elem * my_parent = this->parent();
1246  if (my_parent &&
1247  // As long as it's not already remote
1248  my_parent != remote_elem &&
1249  // And it's a real parent, not an interior parent
1250  this->dim() == my_parent->dim())
1251  {
1252  unsigned int me = my_parent->which_child_am_i(this);
1253  libmesh_assert_equal_to (my_parent->child_ptr(me), this);
1254  my_parent->set_child(me, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));
1255  }
1256 #endif
1257 }
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
Elem * child(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2598
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
SimpleRange< NeighborPtrIter > neighbor_ptr_range()
Definition: elem.h:2988
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ master_point()

virtual Point libMesh::Pyramid::master_point ( const unsigned int  i) const
The Point associated with local Node i, in master element rather than physical coordinates.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 66 of file cell_pyramid.h.

References libMesh::Pyramid::_master_points, and libMesh::Pyramid::n_nodes().

67  {
68  libmesh_assert_less(i, this->n_nodes());
69  return Point(_master_points[i][0],
70  _master_points[i][1],
71  _master_points[i][2]);
72  }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:78
static const Real _master_points[14][3]
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:156

◆ max_descendant_p_level()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::max_descendant_p_level ( ) const
The maximum value of the p-refinement levels of an ancestor element's descendants.

Definition at line 2674 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_p_level, libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), std::max(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::coarsened_dof_values().

2675 {
2676  // This is undefined for subactive elements,
2677  // which have no active descendants
2678  libmesh_assert (!this->subactive());
2679  if (this->active())
2680  return this->p_level();
2682  unsigned int max_p_level = _p_level;
2683  for (auto & c : child_ref_range())
2684  max_p_level = std::max(max_p_level,
2685  c.max_descendant_p_level());
2686  return max_p_level;
2687 }
unsigned char _p_level
Definition: elem.h:1736
unsigned int p_level() const
Definition: elem.h:2555
long double max(long double a, double b)
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390

◆ min_new_p_level_by_neighbor()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::min_new_p_level_by_neighbor ( const Elem neighbor,
unsigned int  current_min 
) const
The minimum new p-refinement level (i.e. after refinement and coarsening is done) of elements which are descended from this element and which share a side with the active neighbor.

Definition at line 1899 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::COARSEN, libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), std::min(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), libMesh::Elem::p_refinement_flag(), libMesh::Elem::REFINE, libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

1901 {
1902  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1903  libmesh_assert(neighbor_in->active());
1905  // If we're an active element this is simple
1906  if (this->active())
1907  {
1908  unsigned int new_p_level = this->p_level();
1909  if (this->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE)
1910  new_p_level += 1;
1911  if (this->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN)
1912  {
1913  libmesh_assert_greater (new_p_level, 0);
1914  new_p_level -= 1;
1915  }
1916  return std::min(current_min, new_p_level);
1917  }
1919  libmesh_assert(has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1921  unsigned int min_p_level = current_min;
1923  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1924  if (&c != remote_elem && c.has_neighbor(neighbor_in))
1925  min_p_level =
1926  c.min_new_p_level_by_neighbor(neighbor_in, min_p_level);
1928  return min_p_level;
1929 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
RefinementState p_refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2654
unsigned int p_level() const
Definition: elem.h:2555
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
long double min(long double a, double b)
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ min_p_level_by_neighbor()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::min_p_level_by_neighbor ( const Elem neighbor,
unsigned int  current_min 
) const
The minimum p-refinement level of elements which are descended from this element, and which share a side with the active neighbor.

Definition at line 1870 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), std::min(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), libMesh::remote_elem, and libMesh::Elem::subactive().

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), and libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints().

1872 {
1873  libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
1874  libmesh_assert(neighbor_in->active());
1876  // If we're an active element this is simple
1877  if (this->active())
1878  return std::min(current_min, this->p_level());
1880  libmesh_assert(has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1882  // The p_level() of an ancestor element is already the minimum
1883  // p_level() of its children - so if that's high enough, we don't
1884  // need to examine any children.
1885  if (current_min <= this->p_level())
1886  return current_min;
1888  unsigned int min_p_level = current_min;
1890  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1891  if (&c != remote_elem && c.has_neighbor(neighbor_in))
1892  min_p_level =
1893  c.min_p_level_by_neighbor(neighbor_in, min_p_level);
1895  return min_p_level;
1896 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
unsigned int p_level() const
Definition: elem.h:2555
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
long double min(long double a, double b)
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ n_children()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid::n_children ( ) const

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 103 of file cell_pyramid.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Pyramid::is_child_on_side().

103 { return 10; }

◆ n_comp()

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::n_comp ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  var 
) const
The number of components for variable var of system s associated with this DofObject. For example, the HIERARCHIC shape functions may have multiple DoFs associated with one node. Another example is the MONOMIALs, where only the elements hold the DoFs. For the different spatial directions, and orders, see FE.

Definition at line 803 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), and libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::allgather_recursive_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::DofMap::constrain_p_dofs(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::copy_elemental_solution(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::copy_nodal_solution(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::DofObject(), libMesh::OldSolutionValue< Output, point_output >::eval_at_node(), libMesh::OldSolutionCoefs< Output, point_output >::eval_at_node(), libMesh::Node::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::DofMap::local_variable_indices(), libMesh::DofObject::n_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::operator=(), libMesh::DofObject::print_dof_info(), libMesh::DofObject::set_dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_vars_per_group(), and libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects().

805 {
806  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
807  libmesh_assert_less (var, this->n_vars(s));
809  return this->n_comp_group(s,this->var_to_vg(s,var));
810 }
unsigned int var_to_vg(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:1004
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
unsigned int n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:816

◆ n_comp_group()

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  vg 
) const
The number of components for VariableGroup vg of system s associated with this DofObject. For example, the HIERARCHIC shape functions may have multiple DoFs associated with one node. Another example is the MONOMIALs, where only the elements hold the DoFs. For the different spatial directions, and orders, see FE.

Definition at line 816 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::ncv_magic, and libMesh::DofObject::start_idx().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::_dof_indices(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_node_major(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_var_major(), libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), libMesh::BuildProjectionList::operator()(), libMesh::DofMap::reinit(), libMesh::DofObject::set_dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_vars_per_group(), and libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects().

818 {
819  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
820  libmesh_assert_less (vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
822  const unsigned int
823  start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s);
825  libmesh_assert_less ((start_idx_sys + 2*vg), _idx_buf.size());
827  return (_idx_buf[start_idx_sys + 2*vg] % ncv_magic);
828 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
static const index_t ncv_magic
Definition: dof_object.h:519

◆ n_dofs()

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::n_dofs ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  var = libMesh::invalid_uint 
) const
The number of degrees of freedom associated with system s for this object. Optionally only counts degrees of freedom for variable number var

Definition at line 633 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), and libMesh::DofObject::n_vars().

Referenced by libMesh::PetscDMWrapper::add_dofs_helper().

635 {
636  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
638  unsigned int num = 0;
640  // Count all variables
641  if (var == libMesh::invalid_uint)
642  for (unsigned int v=0; v<this->n_vars(s); v++)
643  num += this->n_comp(s,v);
645  // Only count specified variable
646  else
647  num = this->n_comp(s,var);
649  return num;
650 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749

◆ n_edges()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid::n_edges ( ) const

◆ n_faces()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid::n_faces ( ) const
5. All pyramids have 5 faces.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 98 of file cell_pyramid.h.

98 { return 5; }

◆ n_neighbors()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors ( ) const
The number of neighbors the element that has been derived from this class has.

Only face (or edge in 2D) neighbors are stored, so this method returns n_sides(). At one point we intended to allow derived classes to override this, but too much current libMesh code assumes n_neighbors==n_sides.

Definition at line 644 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::n_sides().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::_last_side(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_hanging_nodes_and_parents(), libMesh::Tri3Subdivision::get_ordered_valence(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range(), libMesh::Elem::nullify_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me(), libMesh::Elem::set_neighbor(), and libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor().

645  { return this->n_sides(); }
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0

◆ n_nodes()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid13::n_nodes ( ) const

Reimplemented from libMesh::Pyramid.

Definition at line 89 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

References num_nodes.

Referenced by second_order_adjacent_vertex().

89 { return num_nodes; }
static const int num_nodes

◆ n_nodes_in_child()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Elem::n_nodes_in_child ( unsigned  int) const
The number of nodes the given child of this element contains. Except in odd cases like pyramid refinement this will be the same as the number of nodes in the parent element.

Definition at line 613 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::as_parent_node(), libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes(), and libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

614  { return this->n_nodes(); }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ n_objects() [1/2]

static unsigned int libMesh::ReferenceCounter::n_objects ( )

Prints the number of outstanding (created, but not yet destroyed) objects.

Definition at line 83 of file reference_counter.h.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_n_objects.

84  { return _n_objects; }
static Threads::atomic< unsigned int > _n_objects

◆ n_objects() [2/2]

static unsigned int libMesh::ReferenceCounter::n_objects ( )

Prints the number of outstanding (created, but not yet destroyed) objects.

Definition at line 83 of file reference_counter.h.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_n_objects.

84  { return _n_objects; }
static Threads::atomic< unsigned int > _n_objects

◆ n_second_order_adjacent_vertices()

unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid13::n_second_order_adjacent_vertices ( const unsigned int  n) const
2 for all edge nodes.

Reimplemented from libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 291 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

292 {
293  switch (n)
294  {
295  case 5:
296  case 6:
297  case 7:
298  case 8:
299  case 9:
300  case 10:
301  case 11:
302  case 12:
303  return 2;
305  default:
306  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid node n = " << n);
307  }
308 }

◆ n_sides()

◆ n_sub_elem()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid13::n_sub_elem ( ) const

FIXME: we don't yet have a refinement pattern for pyramids...


Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 100 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

Referenced by connectivity().

100 { return 1; }

◆ n_systems()

◆ n_var_groups()

◆ n_vars() [1/2]

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::n_vars ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  vg 
) const
The number of Variable variables associated with VariableGroup vg in system s for this DofObject

Definition at line 768 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::ncv_magic_exp, and libMesh::DofObject::start_idx().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::add_system(), libMesh::DofMap::allgather_recursive_constraints(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::DofObject(), libMesh::OldSolutionValue< Output, point_output >::eval_at_node(), libMesh::OldSolutionCoefs< Output, point_output >::eval_at_node(), libMesh::Node::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::DofObject::has_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), libMesh::BuildProjectionList::operator()(), libMesh::DofObject::operator=(), libMesh::DofObject::print_dof_info(), libMesh::DofObject::set_dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_vars_per_group(), libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects(), libMesh::DofObject::system_var_to_vg_var(), libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg(), and libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg_and_offset().

770 {
771  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
772  libmesh_assert_less (vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
774  const unsigned int start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s);
776  libmesh_assert_less ((start_idx_sys + 2*vg), _idx_buf.size());
778  return (cast_int<unsigned int>
779  (_idx_buf[start_idx_sys + 2*vg]) >> ncv_magic_exp);
780 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
static const index_t ncv_magic_exp
Definition: dof_object.h:520

◆ n_vars() [2/2]

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::n_vars ( const unsigned int  s) const
The number of Variable variables associated with system s for this DofObject

Definition at line 785 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), and libMesh::DofObject::n_vars().

786 {
787  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
789  const unsigned int nvg = this->n_var_groups(s);
791  unsigned int val=0;
793  for (unsigned int vg=0; vg<nvg; vg++)
794  val += this->n_vars(s,vg);
796  return val;
797 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749

◆ n_vertices()

virtual unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid::n_vertices ( ) const
5. All pyramids have 5 vertices.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 88 of file cell_pyramid.h.

Referenced by second_order_adjacent_vertex(), and libMesh::Pyramid14::second_order_adjacent_vertex().

88 { return 5; }

◆ neighbor()

Elem * libMesh::Elem::neighbor ( const unsigned int  i) const
Use the const-correct neighbor_ptr() function instead.

Definition at line 2071 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr().

2072 {
2073  // Support the deprecated interface by calling the new,
2074  // const-correct interface and casting the result to an Elem *.
2075  libmesh_deprecated();
2076  return const_cast<Elem *>(this->neighbor_ptr(i));
2077 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050

◆ neighbor_ptr() [1/2]

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr ( unsigned int  i) const
A const pointer to the $ i^{th} $ neighbor of this element, or nullptr if MeshBase::find_neighbors() has not been called.
If MeshBase::find_neighbors() has been called and this function still returns nullptr, then the side is on a boundary of the domain.

Definition at line 2050 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, and libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors().

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::add_boundary_ghosts(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::boundary_ids(), libMesh::Partitioner::build_graph(), libMesh::InfElemBuilder::build_inf_elem(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_node_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_periodic_node_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::copy_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::edge_boundary_ids(), libMesh::JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_hanging_nodes_and_parents(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::find_one_ring(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::nullify_neighbors(), libMesh::DefaultCoupling::operator()(), libMesh::MetisPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_remote_elem(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::reinit(), libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::side_map(), libMesh::Elem::SideIter::side_on_boundary(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::side_with_boundary_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::stitching_helper(), libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::topological_neighbor(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i(), and libMesh::CheckpointIO::write_remote_elem().

2051 {
2052  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_neighbors());
2054  return _elemlinks[i+1];
2055 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
unsigned int n_neighbors() const
Definition: elem.h:644

◆ neighbor_ptr() [2/2]

Elem * libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr ( unsigned int  i)
A non-const pointer to the $ i^{th} $ neighbor of this element.

Definition at line 2060 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, and libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors().

2061 {
2062  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_neighbors());
2064  return _elemlinks[i+1];
2065 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
unsigned int n_neighbors() const
Definition: elem.h:644

◆ neighbor_ptr_range() [1/2]

SimpleRange< Elem::NeighborPtrIter > libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range ( )

Returns a range with all neighbors of an element, usable in range-based for loops. The exact type of the return value here may be subject to change in future libMesh releases, but the iterators will always dereference to produce a pointer to a neighbor element (or a null pointer, for sides which have no neighbors).

Definition at line 2988 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, and libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::child_neighbor(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), and libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me().

2989 {
2990  return {_elemlinks+1, _elemlinks + 1 + this->n_neighbors()};
2991 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
unsigned int n_neighbors() const
Definition: elem.h:644

◆ neighbor_ptr_range() [2/2]

SimpleRange< Elem::ConstNeighborPtrIter > libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range ( ) const

Definition at line 2995 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, and libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors().

2996 {
2997  return {_elemlinks+1, _elemlinks + 1 + this->n_neighbors()};
2998 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
unsigned int n_neighbors() const
Definition: elem.h:644

◆ node()

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::node ( const unsigned int  i) const
The global id number of local Node i.
Use the less ambiguously named node_id() instead.

Definition at line 1927 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::node_id().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::refine().

1928 {
1929  libmesh_deprecated();
1930  return this->node_id(i);
1931 }
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

◆ node_id()

dof_id_type libMesh::Elem::node_id ( const unsigned int  i) const
The global id number of local Node i.

Definition at line 1914 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, libMesh::DofObject::id(), libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes(), libMesh::FEMap::compute_face_map(), libMesh::InfEdge2::connectivity(), libMesh::Edge2::connectivity(), libMesh::Edge3::connectivity(), libMesh::Edge4::connectivity(), libMesh::Quad4::connectivity(), libMesh::InfQuad4::connectivity(), libMesh::Pyramid5::connectivity(), libMesh::Tri3::connectivity(), libMesh::Prism6::connectivity(), libMesh::Hex8::connectivity(), libMesh::InfHex8::connectivity(), libMesh::InfPrism6::connectivity(), libMesh::InfQuad6::connectivity(), libMesh::Quad8::connectivity(), libMesh::Tet4::connectivity(), libMesh::InfPrism12::connectivity(), libMesh::Tri6::connectivity(), libMesh::Quad9::connectivity(), libMesh::Tet10::connectivity(), libMesh::Hex20::connectivity(), libMesh::InfHex16::connectivity(), libMesh::Prism15::connectivity(), libMesh::Hex27::connectivity(), libMesh::Prism18::connectivity(), libMesh::InfHex18::connectivity(), libMesh::MeshBase::detect_interior_parents(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_hanging_nodes_and_parents(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_nodal_neighbors(), libMesh::Tri3Subdivision::get_ordered_node(), libMesh::Tri3Subdivision::get_ordered_valence(), libMesh::Tet::key(), libMesh::Prism::key(), libMesh::Tri::key(), libMesh::Pyramid::key(), libMesh::Hex::key(), libMesh::Edge::key(), libMesh::InfPrism::key(), libMesh::InfQuad6::key(), libMesh::Quad::key(), libMesh::InfHex::key(), libMesh::Quad8::key(), libMesh::Quad9::key(), libMesh::Tri6::key(), libMesh::InfQuad::key(), libMesh::Edge2::key(), libMesh::Hex27::key(), libMesh::Prism18::key(), libMesh::Pyramid14::key(), libMesh::Edge4::key(), libMesh::InfHex18::key(), libMesh::Edge3::key(), libMesh::Tet4::key(), libMesh::Elem::key(), libMesh::Elem::local_node(), libMesh::Tri3Subdivision::local_node_number(), libMesh::Elem::node(), libMesh::Elem::operator==(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::side_map(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), libMesh::Elem::write_connectivity(), and libMesh::ExodusII_IO_Helper::write_elements().

1915 {
1916  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_nodes());
1917  libmesh_assert(_nodes[i]);
1918  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (_nodes[i]->id(), Node::invalid_id);
1920  return _nodes[i]->id();
1921 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
dof_id_type id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:655
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347

◆ node_index_range()

IntRange< unsigned short > libMesh::Elem::node_index_range ( ) const
An integer range from 0 up to (but not including) the number of nodes this element contains.

Definition at line 2148 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), and libMesh::Elem::write_connectivity().

2149 {
2150  return {0, cast_int<unsigned short>(this->n_nodes())};
2151 }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ node_ptr() [1/2]

const Node * libMesh::Elem::node_ptr ( const unsigned int  i) const
A const pointer to local Node i.

Definition at line 1957 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::add_boundary_ghosts(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::Quad4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid5::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri3::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism12::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex18::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex16::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet10::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex20::build_side_ptr(), build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism15::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Edge::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad9::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex27::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism18::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid14::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::FEMap::compute_affine_map(), libMesh::FEMap::compute_map(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_nodal_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::find_one_ring(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::Elem::get_node(), libMesh::Elem::get_node_index(), libMesh::Elem::is_vertex_on_parent(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_consistent_distributed_nodes(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_parallel_consistent_new_node_procids(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_boundary_ids(), libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_node_pointers(), libMesh::Elem::node_ref(), libMesh::Tri3Subdivision::prepare_subdivision_properties(), libMesh::Tet::side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism::side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex::side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri::side_ptr(), libMesh::Edge::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex::side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad::side_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::simple_build_side_ptr(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), and libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::stitching_helper().

1958 {
1959  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_nodes());
1960  libmesh_assert(_nodes[i]);
1962  return _nodes[i];
1963 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ node_ptr() [2/2]

Node * libMesh::Elem::node_ptr ( const unsigned int  i)
A non-const pointer to local Node i.

Definition at line 1968 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

1969 {
1970  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_nodes());
1971  libmesh_assert(_nodes[i]);
1973  return _nodes[i];
1974 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ node_ref() [1/2]

const Node & libMesh::Elem::node_ref ( const unsigned int  i) const

◆ node_ref() [2/2]

Node & libMesh::Elem::node_ref ( const unsigned int  i)
A writable reference to local Node i.

Definition at line 1987 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::node_ptr().

1988 {
1989  return *this->node_ptr(i);
1990 }
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957

◆ node_ref_range() [1/2]

SimpleRange< Elem::NodeRefIter > libMesh::Elem::node_ref_range ( )

Returns a range with all nodes of an element, usable in range-based for loops. The exact type of the return value here may be subject to change in future libMesh releases, but the iterators will always dereference to produce a reference to a Node.

Definition at line 2130 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

Referenced by libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::distort(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshCommunication::make_new_node_proc_ids_parallel_consistent(), libMesh::Elem::point_test(), libMesh::reconnect_nodes(), and libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::renumber_nodes_and_elements().

2131 {
2132  return {_nodes, _nodes+this->n_nodes()};
2133 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ node_ref_range() [2/2]

SimpleRange< Elem::ConstNodeRefIter > libMesh::Elem::node_ref_range ( ) const

Definition at line 2139 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

2140 {
2141  return {_nodes, _nodes+this->n_nodes()};
2142 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ nodes_on_side()

std::vector< unsigned > libMesh::Pyramid13::nodes_on_side ( const unsigned int  int) const
the (local) node numbers on the specified side

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 104 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References end, libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), and side_nodes_map.

105 {
106  libmesh_assert_less(s, n_sides());
107  auto trim = (s == 4) ? 0 : 2;
108  return {std::begin(side_nodes_map[s]), std::end(side_nodes_map[s]) - trim};
109 }
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
IterBase * end

◆ nullify_neighbors()

void libMesh::Elem::nullify_neighbors ( )

Replaces this element with nullptr for all of its neighbors. This is useful when deleting an element.

Definition at line 2532 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::remote_elem, libMesh::Elem::set_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::side_index_range(), and libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i().

2533 {
2534  // Tell any of my neighbors about my death...
2535  // Looks strange, huh?
2536  for (auto n : this->side_index_range())
2537  {
2538  Elem * current_neighbor = this->neighbor_ptr(n);
2539  if (current_neighbor && current_neighbor != remote_elem)
2540  {
2541  // Note: it is possible that I see the neighbor
2542  // (which is coarser than me)
2543  // but they don't see me, so avoid that case.
2544  if (current_neighbor->level() == this->level())
2545  {
2546  const unsigned int w_n_a_i = current_neighbor->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
2547  libmesh_assert_less (w_n_a_i, current_neighbor->n_neighbors());
2548  current_neighbor->set_neighbor(w_n_a_i, nullptr);
2549  this->set_neighbor(n, nullptr);
2550  }
2551  }
2552  }
2553 }
IntRange< unsigned short > side_index_range() const
Definition: elem.h:2166
void set_neighbor(const unsigned int i, Elem *n)
Definition: elem.h:2083
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ on_boundary()

bool libMesh::Elem::on_boundary ( ) const
true if this element has a side coincident with a boundary (indicated by a nullptr neighbor), false otherwise.

Definition at line 2304 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor().

2305 {
2306  // By convention, the element is on the boundary
2307  // if it has a nullptr neighbor.
2308  return this->has_neighbor(nullptr);
2309 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Pyramid13& libMesh::Pyramid13::operator= ( const Pyramid13 )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Pyramid13& libMesh::Pyramid13::operator= ( Pyramid13 &&  )

◆ operator==()

bool libMesh::Elem::operator== ( const Elem rhs) const
true if two elements are identical, false otherwise. This is true if the elements are connected to identical global nodes, regardless of how those nodes might be numbered local to the elements.

Definition at line 419 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::node_id(), and libMesh::Elem::type().

420 {
421  // If the elements aren't the same type, they aren't equal
422  if (this->type() != rhs.type())
423  return false;
425  const unsigned short n_n = this->n_nodes();
426  libmesh_assert_equal_to(n_n, rhs.n_nodes());
428  // Make two sorted arrays of global node ids and compare them for
429  // equality.
430  std::array<dof_id_type, Elem::max_n_nodes> this_ids, rhs_ids;
432  for (unsigned short n = 0; n != n_n; n++)
433  {
434  this_ids[n] = this->node_id(n);
435  rhs_ids[n] = rhs.node_id(n);
436  }
438  // Sort the vectors to rule out different local node numberings.
439  std::sort(this_ids.begin(), this_ids.begin()+n_n);
440  std::sort(rhs_ids.begin(), rhs_ids.begin()+n_n);
442  // If the node ids match, the elements are equal!
443  for (unsigned short n = 0; n != n_n; ++n)
444  if (this_ids[n] != rhs_ids[n])
445  return false;
446  return true;
447 }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
virtual ElemType type() const =0
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

◆ opposite_node()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::opposite_node ( const unsigned int  n,
const unsigned int  s 
) const
The local node number for the node opposite to node n on side opposite_side(s) (for a tensor product element), or throws an error otherwise.

Reimplemented in libMesh::Quad, libMesh::Edge, and libMesh::Hex.

Definition at line 2911 of file elem.C.

2913 {
2914  // If the subclass didn't rederive this, using it is an error
2915  libmesh_not_implemented();
2916 }

◆ opposite_side()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::opposite_side ( const unsigned int  s) const
The side number opposite to s (for a tensor product element), or throws an error otherwise.

Reimplemented in libMesh::Quad, libMesh::Edge, and libMesh::Hex.

Definition at line 2903 of file elem.C.

2904 {
2905  // If the subclass didn't rederive this, using it is an error
2906  libmesh_not_implemented();
2907 }

◆ origin()

virtual Point libMesh::Elem::origin ( ) const
The origin for an infinite element.

Currently, all infinite elements used in a mesh share the same origin. Override this in infinite element classes.

Reimplemented in libMesh::InfQuad, libMesh::InfEdge2, and libMesh::InfCell.

Definition at line 1553 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::combine_base_radial(), libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::compute_data(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::inverse_map(), and libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::map().

1553 { libmesh_not_implemented(); return Point(); }

◆ p_level()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::p_level ( ) const
The value of the p refinement level of an active element, or the minimum value of the p refinement levels of an ancestor element's descendants.

Definition at line 2555 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_p_level.

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::coarsened_dof_values(), libMesh::FEInterface::compute_data(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::DofMap::constrain_p_dofs(), libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::dofs_on_edge(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::dofs_on_side(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::edge_reinit(), libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::enforce_mismatch_limit_prior_to_refinement(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::init_face_shape_functions(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::libmesh_assert_valid_parallel_p_levels(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::limit_overrefined_boundary(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::limit_underrefined_boundary(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_coarsening_compatible(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_refinement_compatible(), libMesh::Elem::max_descendant_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::min_new_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::min_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), libMesh::WeightedPatchRecoveryErrorEstimator::EstimateError::operator()(), libMesh::PatchRecoveryErrorEstimator::EstimateError::operator()(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::reinit(), libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::reinit(), libMesh::FEXYZ< Dim >::reinit(), libMesh::HPCoarsenTest::select_refinement(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_refinement_flag(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape_deriv(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape_second_deriv(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::side_map(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::test_level_one(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2556 {
2558  return _p_level;
2559 #else
2560  return 0;
2561 #endif
2562 }
unsigned char _p_level
Definition: elem.h:1736

◆ p_refinement_flag()

◆ pack_indexing()

void libMesh::DofObject::pack_indexing ( std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< largest_id_type >>  target) const

A method for creating packed data from our index buffer - basically a copy with prepended size with our current implementation.

Definition at line 520 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::old_dof_object, and libMesh::DofObject::pack_indexing().

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), and libMesh::DofObject::pack_indexing().

521 {
523  // We might need to pack old_dof_object too
524  *target++ = (old_dof_object == nullptr) ? 0 : 1;
525 #endif
527  *target++ = _idx_buf.size();
528  std::copy(_idx_buf.begin(), _idx_buf.end(), target);
531  if (old_dof_object)
532  old_dof_object->pack_indexing(target);
533 #endif
534 }
DofObject * old_dof_object
Definition: dof_object.h:79
void pack_indexing(std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< largest_id_type >> target) const
Definition: dof_object.C:520
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ packed_indexing_size()

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::packed_indexing_size ( ) const

If we pack our indices into an buffer for communications, how many ints do we need?

Definition at line 445 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::old_dof_object, and libMesh::DofObject::packed_indexing_size().

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::packable_size(), libMesh::DofObject::packed_indexing_size(), libMesh::Node::packed_size(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

446 {
447  return
448  cast_int<unsigned int> (
450  ((old_dof_object == nullptr) ? 0 : old_dof_object->packed_indexing_size()) + 2 +
451 #else
452  1 +
453 #endif
454  _idx_buf.size());
455 }
DofObject * old_dof_object
Definition: dof_object.h:79
unsigned int packed_indexing_size() const
Definition: dof_object.C:445
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ parent() [1/2]

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::parent ( ) const
A const pointer to the element's parent, or nullptr if the element was not created via refinement.

Definition at line 2479 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks.

Referenced by libMesh::UniformRefinementEstimator::_estimate_error(), libMesh::Elem::add_child(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::boundary_ids(), libMesh::OldSolutionBase< Output, point_output >::check_old_context(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_node_constraints(), libMesh::connect_families(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::contract(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::copy_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::create_parent_error_vector(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::edge_boundary_ids(), libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::AdjointRefinementEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::ExactErrorEstimator::estimate_error(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_hanging_nodes_and_parents(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_elem_fraction(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_error_fraction(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_error_tolerance(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::is_ancestor_of(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_topology_consistent_procids< Elem >(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_elem_ids(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_interior_parents(), libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_remote_elems(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::limit_level_mismatch_at_edge(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_refinement_compatible(), libMesh::SiblingCoupling::operator()(), libMesh::BuildProjectionList::operator()(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::raw_boundary_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::raw_edge_boundary_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::raw_shellface_boundary_ids(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me(), libMesh::HPCoarsenTest::select_refinement(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), libMesh::Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::shellface_boundary_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::side_with_boundary_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_element_data_by_parent_id(), libMesh::Elem::top_parent(), libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), and libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i().

2480 {
2481  return _elemlinks[0];
2482 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701

◆ parent() [2/2]

Elem * libMesh::Elem::parent ( )
A pointer to the element's parent, or nullptr if the element was not created via refinement.

Definition at line 2487 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks.

2488 {
2489  return _elemlinks[0];
2490 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701

◆ parent_bracketing_nodes()

const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned char, unsigned char > > & libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  n 
) const
All the pairs of nodes (indexed by local node id) which should bracket node n of child c.

Definition at line 2001 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_get_bracketing_node_cache(), libMesh::TypeVector< T >::absolute_fuzzy_equals(), libMesh::TypeVector< T >::add_scaled(), libMesh::Elem::as_parent_node(), libMesh::Elem::build(), libMesh::Elem::child(), libMesh::Elem::default_order(), libMesh::Elem::embedding_matrix(), libMesh::Elem::embedding_matrix_version(), libMesh::FIRST, libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::Elem::is_mid_infinite_edge_node(), libMesh::Elem::is_vertex_on_child(), libMesh::Elem::master_point(), libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes_in_child(), libMesh::parent_bracketing_nodes_mutex, libMesh::Elem::second_order_equivalent_type(), and libMesh::Elem::type().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes().

2003 {
2004  // Indexed first by embedding matrix type, then by child id, then by
2005  // child node, then by bracketing pair
2006  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char>>>>> &
2007  cached_bracketing_nodes = this->_get_bracketing_node_cache();
2009  const unsigned int em_vers = this->embedding_matrix_version();
2011  // We may be updating the cache on one thread, and while that
2012  // happens we can't safely access the cache from other threads.
2013  Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(parent_bracketing_nodes_mutex);
2015  if (cached_bracketing_nodes.size() <= em_vers)
2016  cached_bracketing_nodes.resize(em_vers+1);
2018  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
2020  // If we haven't cached the bracketing nodes corresponding to this
2021  // embedding matrix yet, let's do so now.
2022  if (cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers].size() < nc)
2023  {
2024  // If we're a second-order element but we're not a full-order
2025  // element, then some of our bracketing nodes may not exist
2026  // except on the equivalent full-order element. Let's build an
2027  // equivalent full-order element and make a copy of its cache to
2028  // use.
2029  if (this->default_order() != FIRST &&
2030  second_order_equivalent_type(this->type(), /*full_ordered=*/ true) != this->type())
2031  {
2032  // Check that we really are the non-full-order type
2033  libmesh_assert_equal_to
2034  (second_order_equivalent_type (this->type(), false),
2035  this->type());
2037  // Build the full-order type
2038  ElemType full_type =
2039  second_order_equivalent_type(this->type(), /*full_ordered=*/ true);
2040  std::unique_ptr<Elem> full_elem = Elem::build(full_type);
2042  // This won't work for elements with multiple
2043  // embedding_matrix versions, but every such element is full
2044  // order anyways.
2045  libmesh_assert_equal_to(em_vers, 0);
2047  // Make sure its cache has been built. We temporarily
2048  // release our mutex lock so that the inner call can
2049  // re-acquire it.
2050  lock.release();
2051  full_elem->parent_bracketing_nodes(0,0);
2053  // And then we need to lock again, so that if someone *else*
2054  // grabbed our lock before we did we don't risk accessing
2055  // cached_bracketing_nodes while they're working on it.
2056  // Threading is hard.
2057  lock.acquire(parent_bracketing_nodes_mutex);
2059  // Copy its cache
2060  cached_bracketing_nodes =
2061  full_elem->_get_bracketing_node_cache();
2063  // Now we don't need to build the cache ourselves.
2064  return cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers][child][child_node];
2065  }
2067  cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers].resize(nc);
2069  const unsigned int nn = this->n_nodes();
2071  // We have to examine each child
2072  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; ++c)
2073  {
2074  const unsigned int ncn = this->n_nodes_in_child(c);
2076  cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers][c].resize(ncn);
2078  // We have to examine each node in that child
2079  for (unsigned int n = 0; n != ncn; ++n)
2080  {
2081  // If this child node isn't a vertex or an infinite
2082  // child element's mid-infinite-edge node, then we need
2083  // to find bracketing nodes on the child.
2084  if (!this->is_vertex_on_child(c, n)
2086  && !this->is_mid_infinite_edge_node(n)
2087 #endif
2088  )
2089  {
2090  // Use the embedding matrix to find the child node
2091  // location in parent master element space
2092  Point bracketed_pt;
2094  for (unsigned int pn = 0; pn != nn; ++pn)
2095  {
2096  const float em_val =
2097  this->embedding_matrix(c,n,pn);
2099  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (em_val, 1);
2100  if (em_val != 0.)
2101  bracketed_pt.add_scaled(this->master_point(pn), em_val);
2102  }
2104  // Check each pair of nodes on the child which are
2105  // also both parent nodes
2106  for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 != ncn; ++n1)
2107  {
2108  if (n1 == n)
2109  continue;
2111  unsigned int parent_n1 =
2112  this->as_parent_node(c,n1);
2114  if (parent_n1 == libMesh::invalid_uint)
2115  continue;
2117  Point p1 = this->master_point(parent_n1);
2119  for (unsigned int n2 = n1+1; n2 < nn; ++n2)
2120  {
2121  if (n2 == n)
2122  continue;
2124  unsigned int parent_n2 =
2125  this->as_parent_node(c,n2);
2127  if (parent_n2 == libMesh::invalid_uint)
2128  continue;
2130  Point p2 = this->master_point(parent_n2);
2132  Point pmid = (p1 + p2)/2;
2134  if (pmid == bracketed_pt)
2135  {
2136  cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers][c][n].push_back
2137  (std::make_pair(parent_n1,parent_n2));
2138  break;
2139  }
2140  else
2141  libmesh_assert(!pmid.absolute_fuzzy_equals(bracketed_pt));
2142  }
2143  }
2144  }
2145  // If this child node is a parent node, we need to
2146  // find bracketing nodes on the parent.
2147  else
2148  {
2149  unsigned int parent_node = this->as_parent_node(c,n);
2151  Point bracketed_pt;
2153  // If we're not a parent node, use the embedding
2154  // matrix to find the child node location in parent
2155  // master element space
2156  if (parent_node == libMesh::invalid_uint)
2157  {
2158  for (unsigned int pn = 0; pn != nn; ++pn)
2159  {
2160  const float em_val =
2161  this->embedding_matrix(c,n,pn);
2163  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (em_val, 1);
2164  if (em_val != 0.)
2165  bracketed_pt.add_scaled(this->master_point(pn), em_val);
2166  }
2167  }
2168  // If we're a parent node then we need no arithmetic
2169  else
2170  bracketed_pt = this->master_point(parent_node);
2172  for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 != nn; ++n1)
2173  {
2174  if (n1 == parent_node)
2175  continue;
2177  Point p1 = this->master_point(n1);
2179  for (unsigned int n2 = n1+1; n2 < nn; ++n2)
2180  {
2181  if (n2 == parent_node)
2182  continue;
2184  Point pmid = (p1 + this->master_point(n2))/2;
2186  if (pmid == bracketed_pt)
2187  {
2188  cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers][c][n].push_back
2189  (std::make_pair(n1,n2));
2190  break;
2191  }
2192  else
2193  libmesh_assert(!pmid.absolute_fuzzy_equals(bracketed_pt));
2194  }
2195  }
2196  }
2197  }
2198  }
2199  }
2201  return cached_bracketing_nodes[em_vers][child][child_node];
2202 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
virtual unsigned int embedding_matrix_version() const
Definition: elem.h:1609
virtual float embedding_matrix(const unsigned int child_num, const unsigned int child_node_num, const unsigned int parent_node_num) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
virtual unsigned int as_parent_node(unsigned int c, unsigned int n) const
Definition: elem.C:1933
static std::unique_ptr< Elem > build(const ElemType type, Elem *p=nullptr)
Definition: elem.C:245
Threads::spin_mutex parent_bracketing_nodes_mutex
Definition: elem.C:86
static ElemType second_order_equivalent_type(const ElemType et, const bool full_ordered=true)
Definition: elem.C:2643
Elem * child(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2598
virtual unsigned int is_vertex_on_child(unsigned int, unsigned int n) const
Definition: elem.h:694
virtual Point master_point(const unsigned int i) const =0
virtual Order default_order() const =0
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned char, unsigned char > > > > > & _get_bracketing_node_cache() const
Definition: elem.h:1659
virtual ElemType type() const =0
virtual unsigned int n_nodes_in_child(unsigned int) const
Definition: elem.h:613
virtual bool is_mid_infinite_edge_node(const unsigned int) const
Definition: elem.h:1544

◆ point() [1/2]

const Point & libMesh::Elem::point ( const unsigned int  i) const
The Point associated with local Node i.

Definition at line 1892 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

Referenced by libMesh::PostscriptIO::_compute_edge_bezier_coeffs(), libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::add_boundary_ghosts(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::Tet::choose_diagonal(), libMesh::Elem::coarsen(), libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::compute_data(), libMesh::FEMap::compute_edge_map(), libMesh::Elem::contains_edge_of(), libMesh::InfQuad4::contains_point(), libMesh::InfPrism::contains_point(), libMesh::InfHex::contains_point(), libMesh::Tri3::contains_point(), libMesh::Tet4::contains_point(), libMesh::Elem::contains_vertex_of(), libMesh::ElemCutter::cut_2D(), libMesh::ElemCutter::cut_3D(), libMesh::FEMContext::elem_position_get(), libMesh::Quad4::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Prism6::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Edge3::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Edge4::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Quad8::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Quad9::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Hex8::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Tri6::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Tet10::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Hex27::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Hex20::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Prism18::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Prism15::has_affine_map(), libMesh::Elem::hmax(), libMesh::Elem::hmin(), libMesh::Elem::length(), libMesh::Edge4::loose_bounding_box(), libMesh::Edge3::loose_bounding_box(), libMesh::Quad8::loose_bounding_box(), libMesh::Tri6::loose_bounding_box(), libMesh::Quad9::loose_bounding_box(), libMesh::Elem::loose_bounding_box(), libMesh::InfFE< Dim, T_radial, T_map >::map(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::map(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::map_eta(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::map_xi(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::map_zeta(), libMesh::Tri3::min_and_max_angle(), libMesh::Tet4::min_and_max_angle(), libMesh::FEMSystem::numerical_jacobian(), libMesh::InfCell::origin(), libMesh::InfEdge2::origin(), libMesh::InfQuad::origin(), libMesh::PostscriptIO::plot_linear_elem(), libMesh::Tri::quality(), libMesh::Quad::quality(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::reinit(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape_deriv(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::shape_second_deriv(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), libMesh::Edge2::volume(), libMesh::Quad4::volume(), libMesh::Edge3::volume(), libMesh::Tri3::volume(), libMesh::Pyramid5::volume(), libMesh::Prism6::volume(), libMesh::Edge4::volume(), libMesh::Hex8::volume(), libMesh::Tet4::volume(), libMesh::Quad8::volume(), libMesh::Tri6::volume(), libMesh::Quad9::volume(), volume(), libMesh::Tet10::volume(), libMesh::Prism15::volume(), libMesh::Hex20::volume(), libMesh::Pyramid14::volume(), libMesh::Hex27::volume(), libMesh::Prism18::volume(), and libMesh::Elem::which_side_am_i().

1893 {
1894  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_nodes());
1895  libmesh_assert(_nodes[i]);
1896  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (_nodes[i]->id(), Node::invalid_id);
1898  return *_nodes[i];
1899 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347

◆ point() [2/2]

Point & libMesh::Elem::point ( const unsigned int  i)
The Point associated with local Node i as a writable reference.

Definition at line 1904 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, and libMesh::Elem::n_nodes().

1905 {
1906  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_nodes());
1908  return *_nodes[i];
1909 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0

◆ print_dof_info()

void libMesh::DofObject::print_dof_info ( ) const

Print out info for debugging.

Definition at line 548 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::id(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), and libMesh::out.

549 {
550  libMesh::out << this->id() << " [ ";
552  for (unsigned int s=0; s<this->n_systems(); s++)
553  {
554  libMesh::out << "s:" << s << " ";
555  for (unsigned int var=0; var<this->n_vars(s); var++)
556  {
557  libMesh::out << "v:" << var << " ";
558  for (unsigned int comp=0; comp<this->n_comp(s,var); comp++)
559  {
560  libMesh::out << "c:" << comp << " dof:" << this->dof_number(s,var,comp) << " ";
561  }
562  }
563  }
565  libMesh::out << "]\n";
566 }
dof_id_type dof_number(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int comp) const
Definition: dof_object.h:833
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
dof_id_type id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:655
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
OStreamProxy out(std::cout)

◆ print_info() [1/3]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::print_info ( std::ostream &  out = libMesh::out)

Prints the reference information, by default to libMesh::out.

Definition at line 87 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter, and libMesh::ReferenceCounter::get_info().

88 {
90  out_stream << ReferenceCounter::get_info();
91 }
static std::string get_info()

◆ print_info() [2/3]

void libMesh::ReferenceCounter::print_info ( std::ostream &  out = libMesh::out)

Prints the reference information, by default to libMesh::out.

Definition at line 87 of file reference_counter.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter, and libMesh::ReferenceCounter::get_info().

88 {
90  out_stream << ReferenceCounter::get_info();
91 }
static std::string get_info()

◆ print_info() [3/3]

void libMesh::Elem::print_info ( std::ostream &  os = libMesh::out) const

Prints relevant information about the element.

Definition at line 2440 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::get_info().

Referenced by libMesh::FEMap::compute_single_point_map(), libMesh::FE< Dim, LAGRANGE_VEC >::inverse_map(), and libMesh::operator<<().

2441 {
2442  os << this->get_info()
2443  << std::endl;
2444 }
std::string get_info() const
Definition: elem.C:2448

◆ processor_id() [1/3]

processor_id_type libMesh::DofObject::processor_id ( ) const
The processor that this DofObject belongs to.

When partitioning and DoF numbering have been performed by libMesh, every current DoF on this DofObject will belong to its processor.

Definition at line 717 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_processor_id.

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_elem(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::DofMap::add_neighbors_to_send_list(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_node(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::add_point(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_point(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::DofMap::allgather_recursive_constraints(), libMesh::Patch::build_around_element(), libMesh::MeshTools::Generation::build_extrusion(), libMesh::InfElemBuilder::build_inf_elem(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO_Helper::compute_num_global_nodesets(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO_Helper::compute_num_global_sidesets(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::copy_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::create_submesh(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::delete_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::delete_node(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_dofs(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_node_major(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_var_major(), libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::MeshFunction::find_element(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::Node::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::DofMap::get_info(), libMesh::DofMap::get_local_constraints(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::insert_elem(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_processor_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_consistent_distributed(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_consistent_distributed_nodes(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_parallel_consistent_new_node_procids(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_parallel_consistent_procids< Elem >(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_parallel_consistent_procids< Node >(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_topology_consistent_procids< Elem >(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_elem_ids(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::DofMap::local_variable_indices(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::make_coarsening_compatible(), libMesh::MeshCommunication::make_new_node_proc_ids_parallel_consistent(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::own_node(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::LinearPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::SFCPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::CentroidPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::System::point_gradient(), libMesh::System::point_hessian(), libMesh::System::point_value(), libMesh::DofObject::processor_id(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO::read(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), libMesh::MeshBase::recalculate_n_partitions(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::DofMap::scatter_constraints(), libMesh::Partitioner::set_node_processor_ids(), libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects(), libMesh::Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_dofobject_data_by_id(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_element_data_by_parent_id(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_node_data_by_element_id_once(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), libMesh::GmshIO::write_mesh(), and libMesh::Nemesis_IO_Helper::write_sidesets().

718 {
719  return _processor_id;
720 }
processor_id_type _processor_id
Definition: dof_object.h:453

◆ processor_id() [2/3]

processor_id_type & libMesh::DofObject::processor_id ( )
The processor that this DofObject belongs to as a writable reference.

Definition at line 725 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_processor_id.

726 {
727  return _processor_id;
728 }
processor_id_type _processor_id
Definition: dof_object.h:453

◆ processor_id() [3/3]

void libMesh::DofObject::processor_id ( const processor_id_type  pid)

Sets the processor_id for this DofObject.

Definition at line 733 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::processor_id().

734 {
735  this->processor_id() = pid;
736 }
processor_id_type processor_id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:717

◆ qual_bounds()

virtual std::pair<Real,Real> libMesh::Elem::qual_bounds ( const ElemQuality  ) const
The suggested quality bounds for the Elem based on quality measure q.

These are the values suggested by the CUBIT User's Manual. Since this function can have no possible meaning for an abstract Elem, it is an error in the base class.

Reimplemented in libMesh::InfQuad, libMesh::Quad, libMesh::InfHex, libMesh::Tri, libMesh::Hex, and libMesh::Tet.

Definition at line 948 of file elem.h.

949  { libmesh_not_implemented(); return std::make_pair(0.,0.); }

◆ quality()

Real libMesh::Elem::quality ( const ElemQuality  q) const
A quantitative assessment of element quality based on the quality metric q specified by the user.

I don't know what to do for this metric.

Reimplemented in libMesh::InfQuad, libMesh::Quad, libMesh::InfHex, libMesh::Tri, libMesh::Hex, and libMesh::Tet.

Definition at line 1403 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Utility::enum_to_string(), and libMesh::err.

Referenced by libMesh::Tet::quality(), libMesh::Hex::quality(), libMesh::Tri::quality(), libMesh::InfHex::quality(), and libMesh::Quad::quality().

1404 {
1405  switch (q)
1406  {
1410  default:
1411  {
1412  libmesh_do_once( libmesh_here();
1414  libMesh::err << "ERROR: unknown quality metric: "
1416  << std::endl
1417  << "Cowardly returning 1."
1418  << std::endl; );
1420  return 1.;
1421  }
1422  }
1423 }
OStreamProxy err(std::cerr)
std::string enum_to_string(const T e)

◆ raw_child_ptr()

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::raw_child_ptr ( unsigned int  i) const
A constant pointer to the $ i^{th} $ child for this element. For internal use only - skips assertions about null pointers.

Definition at line 2569 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_children.

Referenced by libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_remote_elem().

2570 {
2571  if (!_children)
2572  return nullptr;
2574  return _children[i];
2575 }
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707

◆ reference_elem()

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::reference_elem ( ) const
A pointer to the "reference element" associated with this element. The reference element is the image of this element in reference parametric space. Importantly, it is not an actual element in the mesh, but rather a Singleton-type object, so for example all Quad4 elements share the same reference_elem().

Definition at line 337 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::ReferenceElem::get(), and libMesh::Elem::type().

Referenced by libMesh::QComposite< QSubCell >::init().

338 {
339  return &(ReferenceElem::get(this->type()));
340 }
virtual ElemType type() const =0
const Elem & get(const ElemType type_in)

◆ refine()

void libMesh::Elem::refine ( MeshRefinement mesh_refinement)

Refine the element.

The following functions only apply when AMR is enabled and thus are not present otherwise.

Definition at line 41 of file elem_refinement.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_children, libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_elem(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::Elem::ancestor(), libMesh::Elem::build(), libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::INACTIVE, libMesh::Elem::JUST_REFINED, libMesh::Elem::n_children(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::Elem::node(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), libMesh::Elem::p_refinement_flag(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::DofObject::processor_id(), libMesh::Elem::REFINE, libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_systems(), libMesh::Elem::set_node(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_refinement_flag(), libMesh::Elem::set_refinement_flag(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), and libMesh::Elem::type().

42 {
43  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->refinement_flag(), Elem::REFINE);
44  libmesh_assert (this->active());
46  const unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
48  // Create my children if necessary
49  if (!_children)
50  {
51  _children = new Elem *[nc];
53  unsigned int parent_p_level = this->p_level();
54  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
55  {
56  _children[c] = Elem::build(this->type(), this).release();
57  Elem * current_child = this->child_ptr(c);
59  current_child->set_refinement_flag(Elem::JUST_REFINED);
60  current_child->set_p_level(parent_p_level);
61  current_child->set_p_refinement_flag(this->p_refinement_flag());
63  for (unsigned int cnode=0; cnode != current_child->n_nodes(); ++cnode)
64  {
65  Node * node =
66  mesh_refinement.add_node(*this, c, cnode,
67  current_child->processor_id());
68  node->set_n_systems (this->n_systems());
69  current_child->set_node(cnode) = node;
70  }
72  mesh_refinement.add_elem (current_child);
73  current_child->set_n_systems(this->n_systems());
74  }
75  }
76  else
77  {
78  unsigned int parent_p_level = this->p_level();
79  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
80  {
81  Elem * current_child = this->child_ptr(c);
82  libmesh_assert(current_child->subactive());
83  current_child->set_refinement_flag(Elem::JUST_REFINED);
84  current_child->set_p_level(parent_p_level);
85  current_child->set_p_refinement_flag(this->p_refinement_flag());
86  }
87  }
89  // Un-set my refinement flag now
92  // Leave the p refinement flag set - we will need that later to get
93  // projection operations correct
94  // this->set_p_refinement_flag(Elem::INACTIVE);
96  for (unsigned int c = 0; c != nc; c++)
97  {
98  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->child_ptr(c)->parent(), this);
99  libmesh_assert(this->child_ptr(c)->active());
100  }
101  libmesh_assert (this->ancestor());
102 }
RefinementState refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2638
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
RefinementState p_refinement_flag() const
Definition: elem.h:2654
void set_refinement_flag(const RefinementState rflag)
Definition: elem.h:2646
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
unsigned int p_level() const
Definition: elem.h:2555
dof_id_type node(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1927
bool ancestor() const
Definition: elem.C:1427
static std::unique_ptr< Elem > build(const ElemType type, Elem *p=nullptr)
Definition: elem.C:245
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
Elem ** _children
Definition: elem.h:1707
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
virtual ElemType type() const =0
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578

◆ refinement_flag()

◆ remove_links_to_me()

void libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me ( )

Resets this element's neighbors' appropriate neighbor pointers and its parent's and children's appropriate pointers to point to null instead of to this.

Used by the library before an element is deleted from a mesh.

Definition at line 1260 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::remote_elem, libMesh::Elem::set_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::subactive(), and libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i().

1261 {
1262  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (this, remote_elem);
1264  // We need to have handled any children first
1266  libmesh_assert (!this->has_children());
1267 #endif
1269  // Nullify any neighbor links
1270  for (auto neigh : this->neighbor_ptr_range())
1271  {
1272  if (neigh && neigh != remote_elem)
1273  {
1274  // My neighbor should never be more refined than me; my real
1275  // neighbor would have been its parent in that case.
1276  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (this->level(), neigh->level());
1278  if (this->level() == neigh->level() &&
1279  neigh->has_neighbor(this))
1280  {
1282  // My neighbor may have descendants which also consider me a
1283  // neighbor
1284  std::vector<const Elem *> family;
1285  neigh->total_family_tree_by_neighbor (family, this);
1287  // FIXME - There's a lot of ugly const_casts here; we
1288  // may want to make remote_elem non-const and create
1289  // non-const versions of the family_tree methods
1290  for (auto & const_elem : family)
1291  {
1292  Elem * n = const_cast<Elem *>(const_elem);
1293  libmesh_assert (n);
1294  if (n == remote_elem)
1295  continue;
1296  unsigned int my_s = n->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
1297  libmesh_assert_less (my_s, n->n_neighbors());
1298  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n->neighbor_ptr(my_s), this);
1299  n->set_neighbor(my_s, nullptr);
1300  }
1301 #else
1302  unsigned int my_s = neigh->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
1303  libmesh_assert_less (my_s, neigh->n_neighbors());
1304  libmesh_assert_equal_to (neigh->neighbor(my_s), this);
1305  neigh->set_neighbor(my_s, nullptr);
1306 #endif
1307  }
1309  // Even if my neighbor doesn't link back to me, it might
1310  // have subactive descendants which do
1311  else if (neigh->has_children())
1312  {
1313  // If my neighbor at the same level doesn't have me as a
1314  // neighbor, I must be subactive
1315  libmesh_assert(this->level() > neigh->level() ||
1316  this->subactive());
1318  // My neighbor must have some ancestor of mine as a
1319  // neighbor
1320  Elem * my_ancestor = this->parent();
1321  libmesh_assert(my_ancestor);
1322  while (!neigh->has_neighbor(my_ancestor))
1323  {
1324  my_ancestor = my_ancestor->parent();
1325  libmesh_assert(my_ancestor);
1326  }
1328  // My neighbor may have descendants which consider me a
1329  // neighbor
1330  std::vector<const Elem *> family;
1331  neigh->total_family_tree_by_subneighbor (family, my_ancestor, this);
1333  // FIXME - There's a lot of ugly const_casts here; we
1334  // may want to make remote_elem non-const and create
1335  // non-const versions of the family_tree methods
1336  for (auto & const_elem : family)
1337  {
1338  Elem * n = const_cast<Elem *>(const_elem);
1339  libmesh_assert (n);
1340  if (n == remote_elem)
1341  continue;
1342  unsigned int my_s = n->which_neighbor_am_i(this);
1343  libmesh_assert_less (my_s, n->n_neighbors());
1344  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n->neighbor_ptr(my_s), this);
1345  n->set_neighbor(my_s, nullptr);
1346  }
1347  }
1348 #endif
1349  }
1350  }
1353  // We can't currently delete a child with a parent!
1354  libmesh_assert (!this->parent());
1355 #endif
1356 }
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
bool subactive() const
Definition: elem.h:2408
SimpleRange< NeighborPtrIter > neighbor_ptr_range()
Definition: elem.h:2988
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ replace_child()

void libMesh::Elem::replace_child ( Elem elem,
unsigned int  c 

Replaces the child pointer at the specified index in the child array.

Definition at line 1507 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), and libMesh::Elem::set_child().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order().

1508 {
1509  libmesh_assert(this->has_children());
1511  libmesh_assert(this->child_ptr(c));
1513  this->set_child(c, elem);
1514 }
void set_child(unsigned int c, Elem *elem)
Definition: elem.h:2610
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578

◆ second_order_adjacent_vertex()

unsigned short int libMesh::Pyramid13::second_order_adjacent_vertex ( const unsigned int  n,
const unsigned int  v 
) const
The element-local number of the $ v^{th} $ vertex that defines the $ n^{th} $ second-order node.

Reimplemented from libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 311 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References n_nodes(), and libMesh::Pyramid::n_vertices().

313 {
314  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (n, this->n_vertices());
315  libmesh_assert_less (n, this->n_nodes());
317  switch (n)
318  {
319  case 5:
320  case 6:
321  case 7:
322  case 8:
323  case 9:
324  case 10:
325  case 11:
326  case 12:
327  {
328  libmesh_assert_less (v, 2);
330  // This is the analog of the static, const arrays
331  // {Hex,Prism,Tet10}::_second_order_adjacent_vertices
332  // defined in the respective source files...
333  unsigned short node_list[8][2] =
334  {
335  {0,1},
336  {1,2},
337  {2,3},
338  {0,3},
339  {0,4},
340  {1,4},
341  {2,4},
342  {3,4}
343  };
345  return node_list[n-5][v];
346  }
348  default:
349  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid n = " << n);
351  }
352 }
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const override
virtual unsigned int n_vertices() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:88

◆ second_order_child_vertex()

std::pair< unsigned short int, unsigned short int > libMesh::Elem::second_order_child_vertex ( const unsigned int  n) const
A pair (c,v), where c == child index, and v == element-local index of the $ n^{th} $ second-order node on the parent element. For linear elements, (0,0) is returned.
The return values are always less than this->n_children() and this->child_ptr(c)->n_vertices().
n has to be greater than or equal to this->n_vertices().
On refined second-order elements, the return value will satisfy this->node_ptr(n) == this->child_ptr(c)->node_ptr(v).

Reimplemented in libMesh::InfHex18, libMesh::Hex27, libMesh::Prism18, libMesh::InfHex16, libMesh::Hex20, libMesh::Prism15, libMesh::Tet10, libMesh::Quad9, libMesh::Tri6, libMesh::InfPrism12, libMesh::Quad8, libMesh::InfQuad6, and libMesh::Edge3.

Definition at line 2576 of file elem.C.

2577 {
2578  // for linear elements, always return 0
2579  return std::pair<unsigned short int, unsigned short int>(0,0);
2580 }

◆ second_order_equivalent_type()

ElemType libMesh::Elem::second_order_equivalent_type ( const ElemType  et,
const bool  full_ordered = true 
The element type of the associated second-order element, or INVALID_ELEM for second-order or other elements that cannot be converted into higher order equivalents.

For example, when this is a TET4, then TET10 is returned.

For some elements, there exist two second-order equivalents, e.g. for Quad4 there is Quad8 and Quad9. When the optional full_ordered is true, then QUAD9 is returned. When full_ordered is false, then QUAD8 is returned.

Definition at line 2643 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::EDGE2, libMesh::EDGE3, libMesh::EDGE4, libMesh::HEX20, libMesh::HEX27, libMesh::HEX8, libMesh::INFEDGE2, libMesh::INFHEX16, libMesh::INFHEX18, libMesh::INFHEX8, libMesh::INFPRISM12, libMesh::INFPRISM6, libMesh::INFQUAD4, libMesh::INFQUAD6, libMesh::INVALID_ELEM, libMesh::PRISM15, libMesh::PRISM18, libMesh::PRISM6, libMesh::PYRAMID13, libMesh::PYRAMID14, libMesh::PYRAMID5, libMesh::QUAD4, libMesh::QUAD8, libMesh::QUAD9, libMesh::QUADSHELL4, libMesh::QUADSHELL8, libMesh::TET10, libMesh::TET4, libMesh::TRI3, and libMesh::TRI6.

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes(), and libMesh::Elem::parent_bracketing_nodes().

2645 {
2646  /* for second-order elements, always return \p INVALID_ELEM
2647  * since second-order elements should not be converted
2648  * into something else. Only linear elements should
2649  * return something sensible here
2650  */
2651  switch (et)
2652  {
2653  case EDGE2:
2654  case EDGE3:
2655  {
2656  // full_ordered not relevant
2657  return EDGE3;
2658  }
2660  case EDGE4:
2661  {
2662  // full_ordered not relevant
2663  return EDGE4;
2664  }
2666  case TRI3:
2667  case TRI6:
2668  {
2669  // full_ordered not relevant
2670  return TRI6;
2671  }
2673  case QUAD4:
2674  case QUAD8:
2675  {
2676  if (full_ordered)
2677  return QUAD9;
2678  else
2679  return QUAD8;
2680  }
2682  case QUADSHELL4:
2683  case QUADSHELL8:
2684  {
2685  if (full_ordered)
2686  libmesh_error();
2687  else
2688  return QUADSHELL8;
2689  }
2691  case QUAD9:
2692  {
2693  // full_ordered not relevant
2694  return QUAD9;
2695  }
2697  case TET4:
2698  case TET10:
2699  {
2700  // full_ordered not relevant
2701  return TET10;
2702  }
2704  case HEX8:
2705  case HEX20:
2706  {
2707  // see below how this correlates with INFHEX8
2708  if (full_ordered)
2709  return HEX27;
2710  else
2711  return HEX20;
2712  }
2714  case HEX27:
2715  {
2716  // full_ordered not relevant
2717  return HEX27;
2718  }
2720  case PRISM6:
2721  case PRISM15:
2722  {
2723  if (full_ordered)
2724  return PRISM18;
2725  else
2726  return PRISM15;
2727  }
2729  case PRISM18:
2730  {
2731  // full_ordered not relevant
2732  return PRISM18;
2733  }
2735  case PYRAMID5:
2736  case PYRAMID13:
2737  {
2738  if (full_ordered)
2739  return PYRAMID14;
2740  else
2741  return PYRAMID13;
2742  }
2744  case PYRAMID14:
2745  {
2746  // full_ordered not relevant
2747  return PYRAMID14;
2748  }
2754  // infinite elements
2755  case INFEDGE2:
2756  {
2757  return INVALID_ELEM;
2758  }
2760  case INFQUAD4:
2761  case INFQUAD6:
2762  {
2763  // full_ordered not relevant
2764  return INFQUAD6;
2765  }
2767  case INFHEX8:
2768  case INFHEX16:
2769  {
2770  /*
2771  * Note that this matches with \p Hex8:
2772  * For full-ordered, \p InfHex18 and \p Hex27
2773  * belong together, and for not full-ordered,
2774  * \p InfHex16 and \p Hex20 belong together.
2775  */
2776  if (full_ordered)
2777  return INFHEX18;
2778  else
2779  return INFHEX16;
2780  }
2782  case INFHEX18:
2783  {
2784  // full_ordered not relevant
2785  return INFHEX18;
2786  }
2788  case INFPRISM6:
2789  case INFPRISM12:
2790  {
2791  // full_ordered not relevant
2792  return INFPRISM12;
2793  }
2795 #endif
2798  default:
2799  {
2800  // what did we miss?
2801  libmesh_error();
2802  }
2803  }
2804 }

◆ set_buffer()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_buffer ( const std::vector< dof_id_type > &  buf)

Definition at line 535 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf.

536  { _idx_buf = buf; }
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ set_dof_number()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_dof_number ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  var,
const unsigned int  comp,
const dof_id_type  dn 

Sets the global degree of freedom number for variable var, component comp for system s associated with this DofObject

Definition at line 409 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), libMesh::DofObject::start_idx(), libMesh::DofObject::system_var_to_vg_var(), and libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg().

413 {
414  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
415  libmesh_assert_less (var, this->n_vars(s));
416  libmesh_assert_less (comp, this->n_comp(s,var));
418  const unsigned int
419  vg = this->var_to_vg(s,var),
420 #ifndef NDEBUG
421  ncg = this->n_comp_group(s,vg),
422 #endif
423  vig = this->system_var_to_vg_var(s,vg,var),
424  start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s);
426  libmesh_assert_less ((start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1), _idx_buf.size());
428  dof_id_type & base_idx = _idx_buf[start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1];
430  // We intend to change all dof numbers together or not at all
431  if (comp || vig)
432  libmesh_assert ((dn == invalid_id && base_idx == invalid_id) ||
433  (dn == base_idx + vig*ncg + comp));
435  // only explicitly store the base index for vig==0, comp==0
436  else
437  base_idx = dn;
439  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->dof_number(s, var, comp), dn);
440 }
unsigned int system_var_to_vg_var(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:1022
dof_id_type dof_number(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var, const unsigned int comp) const
Definition: dof_object.h:833
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
unsigned int var_to_vg(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:1004
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
unsigned int n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:816
uint8_t dof_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:64

◆ set_id() [1/2]

dof_id_type & libMesh::DofObject::set_id ( )
The id for this DofObject as a writable reference.

Definition at line 664 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_id.

Referenced by libMesh::GMVIO::_read_one_cell(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::add_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_elem(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::add_node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_node(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Subdivision::all_subdivision(), libMesh::MeshTools::Generation::build_cube(), libMesh::MeshTools::Generation::build_extrusion(), libMesh::InfElemBuilder::build_inf_elem(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::create_submesh(), libMesh::UNVIO::elements_in(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_id(), libMesh::Node::Node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::own_node(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO::read(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::read(), libMesh::VTKIO::read(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::UCDIO::read_implementation(), libMesh::GmshIO::read_mesh(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), libMesh::OFFIO::read_stream(), libMesh::MatlabIO::read_stream(), libMesh::RemoteElem::RemoteElem(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::renumber_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_elem(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::renumber_node(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_node(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::renumber_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::DofObject::set_id(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

665 {
666  return _id;
667 }
dof_id_type _id
Definition: dof_object.h:442

◆ set_id() [2/2]

void libMesh::DofObject::set_id ( const dof_id_type  dofid)

Sets the id for this DofObject

Definition at line 151 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::set_id().

152  { this->set_id() = dofid; }
dof_id_type & set_id()
Definition: dof_object.h:664

◆ set_interior_parent()

void libMesh::Elem::set_interior_parent ( Elem p)

Sets the pointer to the element's interior_parent. Dangerous! Only use this if you know what you are doing!

Definition at line 856 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks, libMesh::Elem::dim(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::Edge::Edge(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Hex::Hex(), libMesh::InfHex::InfHex(), libMesh::InfQuad::InfQuad(), libMesh::NodeElem::NodeElem(), libMesh::Prism::Prism(), libMesh::Pyramid::Pyramid(), libMesh::Quad::Quad(), libMesh::Tet::Tet(), libMesh::Tri::Tri(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

857 {
858  // interior parents make no sense for full-dimensional elements.
859  libmesh_assert_less (this->dim(), LIBMESH_DIM);
861  // If we have an interior_parent, we USED TO assume it was a
862  // one-higher-dimensional interior element, but we now allow e.g.
863  // edge elements to have a 3D interior_parent with no
864  // intermediate 2D element.
865  // libmesh_assert (!p ||
866  // p->dim() == (this->dim()+1));
867  libmesh_assert (!p ||
868  (p == remote_elem) ||
869  (p->dim() > this->dim()));
871  _elemlinks[1+this->n_sides()] = p;
872 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
virtual unsigned short dim() const =0
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ set_n_comp()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  var,
const unsigned int  ncomp 

Sets the number of components for Variable var of system s associated with this DofObject

Definition at line 340 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp_group(), and libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg().

343 {
344  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
345  libmesh_assert_less (var, this->n_vars(s));
347  this->set_n_comp_group(s, this->var_to_vg(s,var), ncomp);
348 }
unsigned int var_to_vg(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:1004
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
void set_n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const unsigned int ncomp)
Definition: dof_object.C:352

◆ set_n_comp_group()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp_group ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  vg,
const unsigned int  ncomp 

Sets the number of components for VariableGroup vg of system s associated with this DofObject

Definition at line 352 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), libMesh::DofObject::ncv_magic, and libMesh::DofObject::start_idx().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::reinit(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_vars_per_group(), and libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects().

355 {
356  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
357  libmesh_assert_less (vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
359  // Check for trivial return
360  if (ncomp == this->n_comp_group(s,vg)) return;
362 #ifndef NDEBUG
363  if (ncomp >= ncv_magic)
364  {
365  const index_t ncvm = ncv_magic;
366  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: ncomp must be less than DofObject::ncv_magic!\n" \
367  << "ncomp = " \
368  << ncomp \
369  << ", ncv_magic = " \
370  << ncvm \
371  << "\nrecompile and try again!");
372  }
373 #endif
375  const unsigned int
376  start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s),
377  n_vars_group = this->n_vars(s,vg),
378  base_offset = start_idx_sys + 2*vg;
380  libmesh_assert_less ((base_offset + 1), _idx_buf.size());
382  // if (ncomp)
383  // libMesh::out << "s,vg,ncomp="
384  // << s << ","
385  // << vg << ","
386  // << ncomp << '\n';
388  // set the number of components, maintaining the number
389  // of variables in the group
390  _idx_buf[base_offset] = ncv_magic*n_vars_group + ncomp;
392  // We use (invalid_id - 1) to signify no
393  // components for this object
394  _idx_buf[base_offset + 1] = (ncomp == 0) ? invalid_id - 1 : invalid_id;
396  // this->debug_buffer();
397  // libMesh::out << "s,vg = " << s << "," << vg << '\n'
398  // << "base_offset=" << base_offset << '\n'
399  // << "this->n_comp(s,vg)=" << this->n_comp(s,vg) << '\n'
400  // << "this->n_comp_group(s,vg)=" << this->n_comp_group(s,vg) << '\n'
401  // << "this->n_vars(s,vg)=" << this->n_vars(s,vg) << '\n'
402  // << "this->n_var_groups(s)=" << this->n_var_groups(s) << '\n';
404  libmesh_assert_equal_to (ncomp, this->n_comp_group(s,vg));
405 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
dof_id_type index_t
Definition: dof_object.h:506
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
unsigned int n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:816
static const index_t ncv_magic
Definition: dof_object.h:519

◆ set_n_systems()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_n_systems ( const unsigned int  s)

Sets the number of systems for this DofObject

Definition at line 165 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::clear_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), and libMesh::DofObject::n_vars().

Referenced by libMesh::DofObject::add_system(), and libMesh::Elem::refine().

166 {
167  // Check for trivial return
168  if (ns == this->n_systems())
169  return;
171  // Clear any existing data. This is safe to call
172  // even if we don't have any data.
173  this->clear_dofs();
175  // Set the new number of systems
176  _idx_buf.resize(ns, ns);
177  _idx_buf[0] = ns;
180 #ifdef DEBUG
182  // check that all systems now exist and that they have 0 size
183  libmesh_assert_equal_to (ns, this->n_systems());
184  for (unsigned int s=0; s<this->n_systems(); s++)
185  {
186  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_vars(s), 0);
187  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_var_groups(s), 0);
188  }
190 #endif
191 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ set_n_vars_per_group()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_n_vars_per_group ( const unsigned int  s,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  nvpg 

Sets number of variables in each group associated with system s for this DofObject. Implicit in this is also setting the number of VariableGroup variable groups for the system. Has the effect of setting the number of components to 0 even when called even with (nvg == this->n_var_groups(s)).

Definition at line 227 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, end, libMesh::DofObject::end_idx(), libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id, libMesh::DofObject::n_comp(), libMesh::DofObject::n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::n_vars(), libMesh::DofObject::ncv_magic, libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp_group(), and libMesh::DofObject::start_idx().

229 {
231  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
233  // number of variable groups for this system - inferred
234  const unsigned int nvg = cast_int<unsigned int>(nvpg.size());
236  // BSK - note that for compatibility with the previous implementation
237  // calling this method when (nvars == this->n_vars()) requires that
238  // we invalidate the DOF indices and set the number of components to 0.
239  // Note this was a bit of a surprise to me - there was no quick return in
240  // the old method, which caused removal and readdition of the DOF indices
241  // even in the case of (nvars == this->n_vars()), resulting in n_comp(s,v)
242  // implicitly becoming 0 regardless of any previous value.
243  // quick return?
244  if (nvg == this->n_var_groups(s))
245  {
246  for (unsigned int vg=0; vg<nvg; vg++)
247  {
248  this->set_n_comp_group(s,vg,0);
249  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_vars(s,vg), nvpg[vg]);
250  }
251  return;
252  }
254  // since there is ample opportunity to screw up other systems, let us
255  // cache their current sizes and later assert that they are unchanged.
256 #ifdef DEBUG
257  DofObject::index_buffer_t old_system_sizes;
258  old_system_sizes.reserve(this->n_systems());
260  for (unsigned int s_ctr=0; s_ctr<this->n_systems(); s_ctr++)
261  old_system_sizes.push_back(this->n_var_groups(s_ctr));
262 #endif
264  // remove current indices if we have some
265  if (this->n_var_groups(s) != 0)
266  {
267  const unsigned int old_nvg_s = this->n_var_groups(s);
269  DofObject::index_buffer_t::iterator
270  it = _idx_buf.begin(),
271  end = _idx_buf.begin();
273  std::advance(it, this->start_idx(s));
274  std::advance(end, this->end_idx(s));
275  _idx_buf.erase(it,end);
277  for (unsigned int ctr=(s+1); ctr<this->n_systems(); ctr++)
278  _idx_buf[ctr] -= 2*old_nvg_s;
279  }
281  // better not have any now!
282  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_var_groups(s), 0);
284  // Make sure we didn't screw up any of our sizes!
285 #ifdef DEBUG
286  for (unsigned int s_ctr=0; s_ctr<this->n_systems(); s_ctr++)
287  if (s_ctr != s)
288  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_var_groups(s_ctr), old_system_sizes[s_ctr]);
289 #endif
291  // OK, if the user requested 0 that is what we have
292  if (nvg == 0)
293  return;
295  {
296  // array to hold new indices
297  DofObject::index_buffer_t var_idxs(2*nvg);
298  for (unsigned int vg=0; vg<nvg; vg++)
299  {
300  var_idxs[2*vg ] = ncv_magic*nvpg[vg] + 0;
301  var_idxs[2*vg + 1] = invalid_id - 1;
302  }
304  DofObject::index_buffer_t::iterator it = _idx_buf.begin();
305  std::advance(it, this->end_idx(s));
306  _idx_buf.insert(it, var_idxs.begin(), var_idxs.end());
308  for (unsigned int ctr=(s+1); ctr<this->n_systems(); ctr++)
309  _idx_buf[ctr] += 2*nvg;
311  // resize _idx_buf to fit so no memory is wasted.
313  }
315  libmesh_assert_equal_to (nvg, this->n_var_groups(s));
317 #ifdef DEBUG
319  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_var_groups(s), nvpg.size());
321  for (unsigned int vg=0; vg<this->n_var_groups(s); vg++)
322  {
323  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_vars(s,vg), nvpg[vg]);
324  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_comp_group(s,vg), 0);
325  }
327  for (unsigned int v=0; v<this->n_vars(s); v++)
328  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_comp(s,v), 0);
330  // again, all other system sizes should be unchanged!
331  for (unsigned int s_ctr=0; s_ctr<this->n_systems(); s_ctr++)
332  if (s_ctr != s)
333  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->n_var_groups(s_ctr), old_system_sizes[s_ctr]);
335 #endif
336 }
unsigned int n_comp(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var) const
Definition: dof_object.h:803
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
IterBase * end
unsigned int end_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:947
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
static const dof_id_type invalid_id
Definition: dof_object.h:347
std::vector< index_t > index_buffer_t
Definition: dof_object.h:507
void set_n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg, const unsigned int ncomp)
Definition: dof_object.C:352
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508
unsigned int n_comp_group(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:816
static const index_t ncv_magic
Definition: dof_object.h:519

◆ set_neighbor()

◆ set_node()

Node *& libMesh::Elem::set_node ( const unsigned int  i)

◆ set_old_dof_object()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_old_dof_object ( )

Sets the old_dof_object to a copy of this

Definition at line 150 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::clear_old_dof_object(), libMesh::DofObject::DofObject(), and libMesh::DofObject::old_dof_object.

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::reinit().

151 {
152  this->clear_old_dof_object();
154  libmesh_assert (!this->old_dof_object);
156  // Make a new DofObject, assign a copy of \p this.
157  // Make sure the copy ctor for DofObject works!!
158  this->old_dof_object = new DofObject(*this);
159 }
void clear_old_dof_object()
Definition: dof_object.C:142
DofObject * old_dof_object
Definition: dof_object.h:79

◆ set_p_level()

void libMesh::Elem::set_p_level ( const unsigned int  p)

Sets the value of the p-refinement level for the element.

The maximum p-refinement level is currently 255.

Definition at line 2692 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_p_level, libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::JUST_COARSENED, libMesh::Elem::JUST_REFINED, std::min(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), and libMesh::Elem::set_p_refinement_flag().

Referenced by libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::Elem::coarsen(), libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::Elem::set_p_level(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2693 {
2694  // Maintain the parent's p level as the minimum of it's children
2695  if (this->parent() != nullptr)
2696  {
2697  unsigned int parent_p_level = this->parent()->p_level();
2699  // If our new p level is less than our parents, our parents drops
2700  if (parent_p_level > p)
2701  {
2702  this->parent()->set_p_level(p);
2704  // And we should keep track of the drop, in case we need to
2705  // do a projection later.
2707  }
2708  // If we are the lowest p level and it increases, so might
2709  // our parent's, but we have to check every other child to see
2710  else if (parent_p_level == _p_level && _p_level < p)
2711  {
2712  _p_level = cast_int<unsigned char>(p);
2713  parent_p_level = cast_int<unsigned char>(p);
2714  for (auto & c : this->parent()->child_ref_range())
2715  parent_p_level = std::min(parent_p_level,
2716  c.p_level());
2718  // When its children all have a higher p level, the parent's
2719  // should rise
2720  if (parent_p_level > this->parent()->p_level())
2721  {
2722  this->parent()->set_p_level(parent_p_level);
2724  // And we should keep track of the rise, in case we need to
2725  // do a projection later.
2727  }
2729  return;
2730  }
2731  }
2733  _p_level = cast_int<unsigned char>(p);
2734 }
void set_p_level(const unsigned int p)
Definition: elem.h:2692
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
unsigned char _p_level
Definition: elem.h:1736
unsigned int p_level() const
Definition: elem.h:2555
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
void set_p_refinement_flag(const RefinementState pflag)
Definition: elem.h:2662
long double min(long double a, double b)

◆ set_p_refinement_flag()

◆ set_parent()

void libMesh::Elem::set_parent ( Elem p)

Sets the pointer to the element's parent. Dangerous! Only use this if you know what you are doing!

Definition at line 2495 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks.

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), and libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order().

2496 {
2497  _elemlinks[0] = p;
2498 }
Elem ** _elemlinks
Definition: elem.h:1701

◆ set_refinement_flag()

◆ set_unique_id()

◆ set_vg_dof_base()

void libMesh::DofObject::set_vg_dof_base ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  vg,
const dof_id_type  db 

VariableGroup DoF indices are indexed as id = base + var_in_vg*ncomp + comp This method allows for direct access to the base.

Definition at line 960 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), libMesh::DofObject::start_idx(), and libMesh::DofObject::vg_dof_base().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_node_major(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_var_major(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_dofs(), libMesh::DofMap::reinit(), and libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects().

963 {
964  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
965  libmesh_assert_less (vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
967  const unsigned int
968  start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s);
970  libmesh_assert_less ((start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1), _idx_buf.size());
972  _idx_buf[start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1] = db;
974  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->vg_dof_base(s,vg), db);
975 }
dof_id_type vg_dof_base(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:980
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ side()

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Elem::side ( const unsigned int  i) const
A proxy element coincident with side i.
This method will eventually be removed since it hands back a non-const pointer to a side that could be used to indirectly modify this. Please use the the const-correct side_ptr() function instead.

Definition at line 2202 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::side_ptr().

Referenced by libMesh::Quad4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri3::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism12::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex18::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex16::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet10::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex20::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism15::build_side_ptr(), build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad9::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex27::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism18::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid14::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet::side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism::side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex::side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri::side_ptr(), libMesh::Edge::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex::side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad::side_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::simple_build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Prism::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::InfPrism12::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Pyramid::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Hex::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Tri::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Edge::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::InfPrism::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::InfQuad6::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::InfHex16::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::InfHex::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Tet10::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Quad8::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Hex20::which_node_am_i(), which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Prism15::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Tri6::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Quad::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::InfQuad::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Quad9::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Hex27::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Prism18::which_node_am_i(), libMesh::Pyramid14::which_node_am_i(), and libMesh::InfHex18::which_node_am_i().

2203 {
2204  // Call the const version of side_ptr(), and const_cast the result.
2205  libmesh_deprecated();
2206  Elem * s = const_cast<Elem *>(this->side_ptr(i).release());
2207  return std::unique_ptr<Elem>(s);
2208 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > side_ptr(unsigned int i)=0

◆ side_children_matrix()

unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid::side_children_matrix ( const unsigned  int,
const unsigned  int 
) const

Matrix that allows children to inherit boundary conditions.

Definition at line 163 of file cell_pyramid.h.

165  { libmesh_not_implemented(); return 0; }

◆ side_index_range()

IntRange< unsigned short > libMesh::Elem::side_index_range ( ) const

◆ side_ptr() [1/4]

std::unique_ptr< Elem > libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr ( const unsigned int  i)
A primitive triangle or quad for face i.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 100 of file cell_pyramid.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::node_ptr(), and libMesh::Pyramid5::side_nodes_map.

Referenced by libMesh::Pyramid5::build_side_ptr(), and libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr().

101 {
102  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_sides());
104  // Return value
105  std::unique_ptr<Elem> face;
107  // Set up the type of element
108  switch (i)
109  {
110  case 0: // triangular face 1
111  case 1: // triangular face 2
112  case 2: // triangular face 3
113  case 3: // triangular face 4
114  {
115  face = libmesh_make_unique<Tri3>();
116  break;
117  }
118  case 4: // the quad face at z=0
119  {
120  face = libmesh_make_unique<Quad4>();
121  break;
122  }
123  default:
124  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid side i = " << i);
125  }
127  // Set the nodes
128  for (unsigned n=0; n<face->n_nodes(); ++n)
129  face->set_node(n) = this->node_ptr(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[i][n]);
131  return face;
132 }
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]

◆ side_ptr() [2/4]

void libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr ( std::unique_ptr< Elem > &  side,
const unsigned int  i 

Rebuilds a primitive triangle or quad for face i.

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 136 of file cell_pyramid.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::node_ptr(), libMesh::QUAD4, libMesh::Elem::side(), libMesh::Pyramid5::side_nodes_map, libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id(), and libMesh::TRI3.

138 {
139  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_sides());
141  switch (i)
142  {
143  case 0: // triangular face 1
144  case 1: // triangular face 2
145  case 2: // triangular face 3
146  case 3: // triangular face 4
147  {
148  if (!side.get() || side->type() != TRI3)
149  {
150  side = this->side_ptr(i);
151  return;
152  }
153  break;
154  }
156  case 4: // the quad face at z=0
157  {
158  if (!side.get() || side->type() != QUAD4)
159  {
160  side = this->side_ptr(i);
161  return;
162  }
163  break;
164  }
166  default:
167  libmesh_error_msg("Invalid side i = " << i);
168  }
170  side->subdomain_id() = this->subdomain_id();
172  // Set the nodes
173  for (auto n : side->node_index_range())
174  side->set_node(n) = this->node_ptr(Pyramid5::side_nodes_map[i][n]);
175 }
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > side_ptr(const unsigned int i) override
Definition: cell_pyramid.C:100
subdomain_id_type subdomain_id() const
Definition: elem.h:2034
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
std::unique_ptr< Elem > side(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2202

◆ side_ptr() [3/4]

std::unique_ptr< const Elem > libMesh::Elem::side_ptr ( unsigned int  i) const

Definition at line 2175 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::side_ptr().

2176 {
2177  // Call the non-const version of this function, return the result as
2178  // a std::unique_ptr<const Elem>.
2179  Elem * me = const_cast<Elem *>(this);
2180  const Elem * s = const_cast<const Elem *>(me->side_ptr(i).release());
2181  return std::unique_ptr<const Elem>(s);
2182 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ side_ptr() [4/4]

void libMesh::Elem::side_ptr ( std::unique_ptr< const Elem > &  side,
const unsigned int  i 
) const

Definition at line 2188 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::side_ptr().

2190 {
2191  // Hand off to the non-const version of this function
2192  Elem * me = const_cast<Elem *>(this);
2193  std::unique_ptr<Elem> e {const_cast<Elem *>(elem.release())};
2194  me->side_ptr(e, i);
2195  elem.reset(e.release());
2196 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ simple_build_side_ptr()

template<typename Subclass >
void libMesh::Elem::simple_build_side_ptr ( std::unique_ptr< Elem > &  side,
const unsigned int  i,
ElemType  sidetype 

An implementation for simple (all sides equal) elements

Definition at line 2257 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::node_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::side(), and libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id().

2260 {
2261  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_sides());
2263  if (!side.get() || side->type() != sidetype)
2264  side = this->build_side_ptr(i, false);
2265  else
2266  {
2267  side->subdomain_id() = this->subdomain_id();
2269  for (auto n : side->node_index_range())
2270  side->set_node(n) = this->node_ptr(Subclass::side_nodes_map[i][n]);
2271  }
2272 }
virtual std::unique_ptr< Elem > build_side_ptr(const unsigned int i, bool proxy=true)=0
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
subdomain_id_type subdomain_id() const
Definition: elem.h:2034
const Node * node_ptr(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1957
std::unique_ptr< Elem > side(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2202

◆ subactive()

bool libMesh::Elem::subactive ( ) const
true if the element is subactive (i.e. has no active descendants), false otherwise or if AMR is disabled.

Definition at line 2408 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::active(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), and libMesh::Elem::parent().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::active_family_tree_by_topological_neighbor(), libMesh::HPCoarsenTest::add_projection(), libMesh::Elem::ancestor(), libMesh::FEAbstract::compute_node_constraints(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::contract(), libMesh::MeshCommunication::delete_remote_elements(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_side(), libMesh::Elem::family_tree_by_subneighbor(), libMesh::Elem::find_interior_neighbors(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::get_info(), libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_local(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::Elem::max_descendant_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::min_new_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::min_p_level_by_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::refine(), libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::stitching_helper(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2409 {
2411  if (this->active())
2412  return false;
2413  if (!this->has_children())
2414  return true;
2415  for (const Elem * my_ancestor = this->parent();
2416  my_ancestor != nullptr;
2417  my_ancestor = my_ancestor->parent())
2418  if (my_ancestor->active())
2419  return true;
2420 #endif
2422  return false;
2423 }
const Elem * parent() const
Definition: elem.h:2479
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
bool active() const
Definition: elem.h:2390
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428

◆ subdomain_id() [1/2]

subdomain_id_type libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id ( ) const
The subdomain that this element belongs to.

Definition at line 2034 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_sbd_id.

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::_dof_indices(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_first_order(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::AbaqusIO::assign_subdomain_ids(), libMesh::MeshTools::Generation::build_extrusion(), libMesh::Quad4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid5::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri3::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism12::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex18::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet4::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad8::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex16::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tet10::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Tri6::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex20::build_side_ptr(), build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism15::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Quad9::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Hex27::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Prism18::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid14::build_side_ptr(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::change_subdomain_id(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::copy_nodes_and_elements(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::create_submesh(), libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::flatten(), libMesh::UNVIO::groups_in(), libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::Nemesis_IO::read(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::read(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::UCDIO::read_implementation(), libMesh::GmshIO::read_mesh(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), libMesh::Prism::side_ptr(), libMesh::Pyramid::side_ptr(), libMesh::Edge::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfPrism::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfHex::side_ptr(), libMesh::InfQuad::side_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::simple_build_side_ptr(), libMesh::MeshBase::subdomain_ids(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

2035 {
2036  return _sbd_id;
2037 }
subdomain_id_type _sbd_id
Definition: elem.h:1713

◆ subdomain_id() [2/2]

subdomain_id_type & libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id ( )
The subdomain that this element belongs to as a writable reference.

Definition at line 2042 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::_sbd_id.

2043 {
2044  return _sbd_id;
2045 }
subdomain_id_type _sbd_id
Definition: elem.h:1713

◆ top_parent()

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::top_parent ( ) const
A pointer to the element's top-most (i.e. level-0) parent.

That is, this if this is a level-0 element, this element's parent if this is a level-1 element, this element's grandparent if this is a level-2 element, etc...

Definition at line 2503 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::level(), and libMesh::Elem::parent().

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::boundary_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::edge_boundary_ids(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_amr_interior_parents(), libMesh::ExodusII_IO::read_elemental_variable(), and libMesh::BoundaryInfo::side_with_boundary_id().

2504 {
2505  const Elem * tp = this;
2507  // Keep getting the element's parent
2508  // until that parent is at level-0
2509  while (tp->parent() != nullptr)
2510  tp = tp->parent();
2512  libmesh_assert(tp);
2513  libmesh_assert_equal_to (tp->level(), 0);
2515  return tp;
2516 }
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811

◆ topological_neighbor() [1/2]

const Elem * libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor ( const unsigned int  i,
const MeshBase mesh,
const PointLocatorBase point_locator,
const PeriodicBoundaries pb 
) const
A pointer to the $ i^{th} $ neighbor of this element for interior elements. If an element is on a periodic boundary, it will return a corresponding element on the opposite side.

Definition at line 920 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::PeriodicBoundaries::boundary(), libMesh::Elem::level(), mesh, libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors(), libMesh::PeriodicBoundaries::neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), and libMesh::Elem::parent().

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::has_topological_neighbor(), libMesh::DefaultCoupling::operator()(), and libMesh::MeshRefinement::topological_neighbor().

924 {
925  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_neighbors());
927  const Elem * neighbor_i = this->neighbor_ptr(i);
928  if (neighbor_i != nullptr)
929  return neighbor_i;
931  if (pb)
932  {
933  // Since the neighbor is nullptr it must be on a boundary. We need
934  // see if this is a periodic boundary in which case it will have a
935  // topological neighbor
936  std::vector<boundary_id_type> bc_ids;
937  mesh.get_boundary_info().boundary_ids(this, cast_int<unsigned short>(i), bc_ids);
938  for (const auto & id : bc_ids)
939  if (pb->boundary(id))
940  {
941  neighbor_i = pb->neighbor(id, point_locator, this, i);
943  // Since coarse elements do not have more refined
944  // neighbors we need to make sure that we don't return one
945  // of these types of neighbors.
946  if (neighbor_i)
947  while (level() < neighbor_i->level())
948  neighbor_i = neighbor_i->parent();
949  return neighbor_i;
950  }
951  }
953  return nullptr;
954 }
MeshBase & mesh
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
unsigned int n_neighbors() const
Definition: elem.h:644

◆ topological_neighbor() [2/2]

Elem * libMesh::Elem::topological_neighbor ( const unsigned int  i,
MeshBase mesh,
const PointLocatorBase point_locator,
const PeriodicBoundaries pb 
A writable pointer to the $ i^{th} $ neighbor of this element for interior elements. If an element is on a periodic boundary, it will return a corresponding element on the opposite side.

Definition at line 878 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::PeriodicBoundaries::boundary(), libMesh::Elem::level(), mesh, libMesh::Elem::n_neighbors(), libMesh::PeriodicBoundaries::neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), and libMesh::Elem::parent().

882 {
883  libmesh_assert_less (i, this->n_neighbors());
885  Elem * neighbor_i = this->neighbor_ptr(i);
886  if (neighbor_i != nullptr)
887  return neighbor_i;
889  if (pb)
890  {
891  // Since the neighbor is nullptr it must be on a boundary. We need
892  // see if this is a periodic boundary in which case it will have a
893  // topological neighbor
894  std::vector<boundary_id_type> bc_ids;
895  mesh.get_boundary_info().boundary_ids(this, cast_int<unsigned short>(i), bc_ids);
896  for (const auto & id : bc_ids)
897  if (pb->boundary(id))
898  {
899  // Since the point locator inside of periodic boundaries
900  // returns a const pointer we will retrieve the proper
901  // pointer directly from the mesh object.
902  const Elem * const cn = pb->neighbor(id, point_locator, this, i);
903  neighbor_i = const_cast<Elem *>(cn);
905  // Since coarse elements do not have more refined
906  // neighbors we need to make sure that we don't return one
907  // of these types of neighbors.
908  if (neighbor_i)
909  while (level() < neighbor_i->level())
910  neighbor_i = neighbor_i->parent();
911  return neighbor_i;
912  }
913  }
915  return nullptr;
916 }
MeshBase & mesh
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521
unsigned int n_neighbors() const
Definition: elem.h:644

◆ total_family_tree()

void libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  active_family,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree() member, but also adds any subactive descendants.

Definition at line 1557 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), and libMesh::Elem::has_children().

Referenced by libMesh::connect_families(), and libMesh::Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids().

1559 {
1560  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1561  if (reset)
1562  family.clear();
1564  // Add this element to the family tree.
1565  family.push_back(this);
1567  // Recurse into the elements children, if it has them.
1568  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1569  if (this->has_children())
1570  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1571  if (!c.is_remote())
1572  c.total_family_tree (family, false);
1573 }
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428

◆ total_family_tree_by_neighbor()

void libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree_by_neighbor ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const Elem neighbor,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree_by_neighbor() member, but also adds any subactive descendants.

Definition at line 1688 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

1691 {
1692  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1693  if (reset)
1694  family.clear();
1696  // This only makes sense if we're already a neighbor
1697  libmesh_assert (this->has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1699  // Add this element to the family tree.
1700  family.push_back(this);
1702  // Recurse into the elements children, if it has any.
1703  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1704  if (this->has_children())
1705  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1706  if (&c != remote_elem && c.has_neighbor(neighbor_in))
1707  c.total_family_tree_by_neighbor (family, neighbor_in, false);
1708 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ total_family_tree_by_subneighbor()

void libMesh::Elem::total_family_tree_by_subneighbor ( std::vector< const Elem *> &  family,
const Elem neighbor,
const Elem subneighbor,
const bool  reset = true 
) const

Same as the family_tree_by_subneighbor() member, but also adds any subactive descendants.

Definition at line 1754 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ref_range(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::Elem::has_neighbor(), libMesh::Elem::is_ancestor_of(), and libMesh::remote_elem.

1758 {
1759  // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
1760  if (reset)
1761  family.clear();
1763  // To simplify this function we need an existing neighbor
1764  libmesh_assert (neighbor_in);
1765  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (neighbor_in, remote_elem);
1766  libmesh_assert (this->has_neighbor(neighbor_in));
1768  // This only makes sense if subneighbor descends from neighbor
1769  libmesh_assert (subneighbor);
1770  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (subneighbor, remote_elem);
1771  libmesh_assert (neighbor_in->is_ancestor_of(subneighbor));
1773  // Add this element to the family tree if applicable.
1774  if (neighbor_in == subneighbor)
1775  family.push_back(this);
1777  // Recurse into the elements children, if it has any.
1778  // Do not clear the vector any more.
1779  if (this->has_children())
1780  for (auto & c : this->child_ref_range())
1781  if (&c != remote_elem)
1782  for (auto child_neigh : c.neighbor_ptr_range())
1783  if (child_neigh &&
1784  (child_neigh == neighbor_in ||
1785  (child_neigh->parent() == neighbor_in &&
1786  child_neigh->is_ancestor_of(subneighbor))))
1787  c.total_family_tree_by_subneighbor
1788  (family, child_neigh, subneighbor, false);
1789 }
bool has_neighbor(const Elem *elem) const
Definition: elem.h:2093
SimpleRange< ChildRefIter > child_ref_range()
Definition: elem.h:1779
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const RemoteElem * remote_elem
Definition: remote_elem.C:57

◆ type()

virtual ElemType libMesh::Pyramid13::type ( ) const

Implements libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 94 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

References libMesh::PYRAMID13.

◆ unique_id()

◆ unpack_indexing()

void libMesh::DofObject::unpack_indexing ( std::vector< largest_id_type >::const_iterator  begin)

A method for creating our index buffer from packed data - basically with our current implementation we investigate the size term and then copy.

Definition at line 482 of file dof_object.C.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::clear_old_dof_object(), libMesh::DofObject::DofObject(), libMesh::DofObject::old_dof_object, and libMesh::DofObject::unpack_indexing().

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), and libMesh::DofObject::unpack_indexing().

483 {
484  _idx_buf.clear();
487  this->clear_old_dof_object();
488  const bool has_old_dof_object = cast_int<bool>(*begin++);
489 #endif
491  const largest_id_type size = *begin++;
492  _idx_buf.reserve(size);
493  std::copy(begin, begin+size, back_inserter(_idx_buf));
495  // Check as best we can for internal consistency now
496  libmesh_assert(_idx_buf.empty() ||
497  (_idx_buf[0] <= _idx_buf.size()));
498 #ifdef DEBUG
499  if (!_idx_buf.empty())
500  for (unsigned int i=1; i < _idx_buf[0]; ++i)
501  {
502  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_idx_buf[i], _idx_buf[i-1]);
503  libmesh_assert_equal_to ((_idx_buf[i] - _idx_buf[i-1])%2, 0);
504  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_idx_buf[i], _idx_buf.size());
505  }
506 #endif
509  if (has_old_dof_object)
510  {
511  this->old_dof_object = new DofObject();
512  this->old_dof_object->unpack_indexing(begin+size);
513  }
514 #endif
515 }
uint64_t largest_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:139
void clear_old_dof_object()
Definition: dof_object.C:142
DofObject * old_dof_object
Definition: dof_object.h:79
void unpack_indexing(std::vector< largest_id_type >::const_iterator begin)
Definition: dof_object.C:482
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ unpackable_indexing_size()

unsigned int libMesh::DofObject::unpackable_indexing_size ( std::vector< largest_id_type >::const_iterator  begin)

If we have indices packed into an buffer for communications, how much of that buffer applies to this dof object?

Definition at line 461 of file dof_object.C.

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::packed_size(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

462 {
464  const bool has_old_dof_object = cast_int<bool>(*begin++);
466  static const int dof_header_size = 2;
467 #else
468  static const bool has_old_dof_object = false;
469  static const int dof_header_size = 1;
470 #endif
472  const largest_id_type this_indexing_size = *begin++;
474  return cast_int<unsigned int>
475  (dof_header_size + this_indexing_size +
476  (has_old_dof_object ?
477  unpackable_indexing_size(begin+this_indexing_size) : 0));
478 }
static unsigned int unpackable_indexing_size(std::vector< largest_id_type >::const_iterator begin)
Definition: dof_object.C:461
uint64_t largest_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:139

◆ valid_id()

bool libMesh::DofObject::valid_id ( ) const

◆ valid_processor_id()

bool libMesh::DofObject::valid_processor_id ( ) const
true if this DofObject has a valid id set, false otherwise.

Definition at line 741 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_processor_id, and libMesh::DofObject::invalid_processor_id.

742 {
744 }
static const processor_id_type invalid_processor_id
Definition: dof_object.h:358
processor_id_type _processor_id
Definition: dof_object.h:453

◆ valid_unique_id()

bool libMesh::DofObject::valid_unique_id ( ) const

◆ var_to_vg_and_offset()

std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > libMesh::DofObject::var_to_vg_and_offset ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  var 
) const
A pair consisting of the variable group number and the offset index from the start of that group for variable var on system s associated with this DofObject

Definition at line 887 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), and libMesh::DofObject::n_vars().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::_dof_indices(), and libMesh::DofObject::dof_number().

889 {
890  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> returnval(0,0);
892  unsigned int & vg = returnval.first;
893  unsigned int & offset = returnval.second;
895  unsigned int vg_start = 0;
896  for (; ; vg++)
897  {
898  libmesh_assert_less(vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
900  const unsigned int vg_end = vg_start + this->n_vars(s,vg);
901  if (var < vg_end)
902  {
903  offset = var - vg_start;
904  return returnval;
905  }
906  vg_start = vg_end;
907  }
908 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_vars(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int vg) const
Definition: dof_object.h:768

◆ vg_dof_base()

dof_id_type libMesh::DofObject::vg_dof_base ( const unsigned int  s,
const unsigned int  vg 
) const

VariableGroup DoF indices are indexed as id = base + var_in_vg*ncomp + comp This method allows for direct access to the base.

Definition at line 980 of file dof_object.h.

References libMesh::DofObject::_idx_buf, libMesh::DofObject::n_systems(), libMesh::DofObject::n_var_groups(), and libMesh::DofObject::start_idx().

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_node_major(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_var_major(), libMesh::DofMap::reinit(), libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects(), and libMesh::DofObject::set_vg_dof_base().

982 {
983  libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_systems());
984  libmesh_assert_less (vg, this->n_var_groups(s));
986  const unsigned int
987  start_idx_sys = this->start_idx(s);
989  libmesh_assert_less ((start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1), _idx_buf.size());
991  // #ifdef DEBUG
992  // std::cout << " [ ";
993  // for (std:size_t i=0; i<_idx_buf.size(); i++)
994  // std::cout << _idx_buf[i] << " ";
995  // std::cout << "]\n";
996  // #endif
998  return _idx_buf[start_idx_sys + 2*vg + 1];
999 }
unsigned int n_var_groups(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:758
unsigned int n_systems() const
Definition: dof_object.h:749
unsigned int start_idx(const unsigned int s) const
Definition: dof_object.h:936
index_buffer_t _idx_buf
Definition: dof_object.h:508

◆ volume()

Real libMesh::Pyramid13::volume ( ) const

Specialization for computing the volume of a Pyramid13.

Reimplemented from libMesh::Elem.

Definition at line 356 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References libMesh::Elem::point(), libMesh::Real, and libMesh::triple_product().

357 {
358  // Make copies of our points. It makes the subsequent calculations a bit
359  // shorter and avoids dereferencing the same pointer multiple times.
360  Point
361  x0 = point(0), x1 = point(1), x2 = point(2), x3 = point(3), x4 = point(4), x5 = point(5), x6 = point(6),
362  x7 = point(7), x8 = point(8), x9 = point(9), x10 = point(10), x11 = point(11), x12 = point(12);
364  // dx/dxi and dx/deta have 14 components while dx/dzeta has 19.
365  // These are copied directly from the output of a Python script.
366  Point dx_dxi[14] =
367  {
368  x6/2 - x8/2,
369  x0/4 - x1/4 + x10 + x11 - x12 - x2/4 + x3/4 - 3*x6/2 + 3*x8/2 - x9,
370  -x0/2 + x1/2 - 2*x10 - 2*x11 + 2*x12 + x2/2 - x3/2 + 3*x6/2 - 3*x8/2 + 2*x9,
371  x0/4 - x1/4 + x10 + x11 - x12 - x2/4 + x3/4 - x6/2 + x8/2 - x9,
372  x0/4 - x1/4 + x2/4 - x3/4,
373  -3*x0/4 + 3*x1/4 - x10 + x11 - x12 - 3*x2/4 + 3*x3/4 + x9,
374  x0/2 - x1/2 + x10 - x11 + x12 + x2/2 - x3/2 - x9,
375  -x0/4 + x1/4 + x2/4 - x3/4 - x6/2 + x8/2,
376  x0/4 - x1/4 - x2/4 + x3/4 + x6/2 - x8/2,
377  x0/2 + x1/2 + x2/2 + x3/2 - x5 - x7,
378  -x0 - x1 - x2 - x3 + 2*x5 + 2*x7,
379  x0/2 + x1/2 + x2/2 + x3/2 - x5 - x7,
380  -x0/2 - x1/2 + x2/2 + x3/2 + x5 - x7,
381  x0/2 + x1/2 - x2/2 - x3/2 - x5 + x7
382  };
384  // dx/dxi and dx/deta have 14 components while dx/dzeta has 19.
385  // These are copied directly from the output of a Python script.
386  Point dx_deta[14] =
387  {
388  -x5/2 + x7/2,
389  x0/4 + x1/4 - x10 + x11 + x12 - x2/4 - x3/4 + 3*x5/2 - 3*x7/2 - x9,
390  -x0/2 - x1/2 + 2*x10 - 2*x11 - 2*x12 + x2/2 + x3/2 - 3*x5/2 + 3*x7/2 + 2*x9,
391  x0/4 + x1/4 - x10 + x11 + x12 - x2/4 - x3/4 + x5/2 - x7/2 - x9,
392  x0/2 + x1/2 + x2/2 + x3/2 - x6 - x8,
393  -x0 - x1 - x2 - x3 + 2*x6 + 2*x8,
394  x0/2 + x1/2 + x2/2 + x3/2 - x6 - x8,
395  x0/4 - x1/4 + x2/4 - x3/4,
396  -3*x0/4 + 3*x1/4 - x10 + x11 - x12 - 3*x2/4 + 3*x3/4 + x9,
397  x0/2 - x1/2 + x10 - x11 + x12 + x2/2 - x3/2 - x9,
398  -x0/2 + x1/2 + x2/2 - x3/2 - x6 + x8,
399  x0/2 - x1/2 - x2/2 + x3/2 + x6 - x8,
400  -x0/4 - x1/4 + x2/4 + x3/4 + x5/2 - x7/2,
401  x0/4 + x1/4 - x2/4 - x3/4 - x5/2 + x7/2
402  };
404  // dx/dxi and dx/deta have 14 components while dx/dzeta has 19.
405  // These are copied directly from the output of a Python script.
406  Point dx_dzeta[19] =
407  {
408  x0/4 + x1/4 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x2/4 + x3/4 - x4 - x5 - x6 - x7 - x8 + x9,
409  -3*x0/4 - 3*x1/4 - 5*x10 - 5*x11 - 5*x12 - 3*x2/4 - 3*x3/4 + 7*x4 + 4*x5 + 4*x6 + 4*x7 + 4*x8 - 5*x9,
410  3*x0/4 + 3*x1/4 + 9*x10 + 9*x11 + 9*x12 + 3*x2/4 + 3*x3/4 - 15*x4 - 6*x5 - 6*x6 - 6*x7 - 6*x8 + 9*x9,
411  -x0/4 - x1/4 - 7*x10 - 7*x11 - 7*x12 - x2/4 - x3/4 + 13*x4 + 4*x5 + 4*x6 + 4*x7 + 4*x8 - 7*x9,
412  2*x10 + 2*x11 + 2*x12 - 4*x4 - x5 - x6 - x7 - x8 + 2*x9,
413  x0/4 + x1/4 - x10 + x11 + x12 - x2/4 - x3/4 + x5/2 - x7/2 - x9,
414  -3*x0/4 - 3*x1/4 + 3*x10 - 3*x11 - 3*x12 + 3*x2/4 + 3*x3/4 - 3*x5/2 + 3*x7/2 + 3*x9,
415  3*x0/4 + 3*x1/4 - 3*x10 + 3*x11 + 3*x12 - 3*x2/4 - 3*x3/4 + 3*x5/2 - 3*x7/2 - 3*x9,
416  -x0/4 - x1/4 + x10 - x11 - x12 + x2/4 + x3/4 - x5/2 + x7/2 + x9,
417  x0/4 - x1/4 + x10 + x11 - x12 - x2/4 + x3/4 - x6/2 + x8/2 - x9,
418  -3*x0/4 + 3*x1/4 - 3*x10 - 3*x11 + 3*x12 + 3*x2/4 - 3*x3/4 + 3*x6/2 - 3*x8/2 + 3*x9,
419  3*x0/4 - 3*x1/4 + 3*x10 + 3*x11 - 3*x12 - 3*x2/4 + 3*x3/4 - 3*x6/2 + 3*x8/2 - 3*x9,
420  -x0/4 + x1/4 - x10 - x11 + x12 + x2/4 - x3/4 + x6/2 - x8/2 + x9,
421  -x0/4 + x1/4 - x10 + x11 - x12 - x2/4 + x3/4 + x9,
422  x0/4 - x1/4 + x10 - x11 + x12 + x2/4 - x3/4 - x9,
423  -x0/4 + x1/4 + x2/4 - x3/4 - x6/2 + x8/2,
424  x0/4 - x1/4 - x2/4 + x3/4 + x6/2 - x8/2,
425  -x0/4 - x1/4 + x2/4 + x3/4 + x5/2 - x7/2,
426  x0/4 + x1/4 - x2/4 - x3/4 - x5/2 + x7/2
427  };
429  // The (xi, eta, zeta) exponents for each of the dx_dxi terms
430  static const int dx_dxi_exponents[14][3] =
431  {
432  {0, 0, 0},
433  {0, 0, 1},
434  {0, 0, 2},
435  {0, 0, 3},
436  {0, 1, 0},
437  {0, 1, 1},
438  {0, 1, 2},
439  {0, 2, 0},
440  {0, 2, 1},
441  {1, 0, 0},
442  {1, 0, 1},
443  {1, 0, 2},
444  {1, 1, 0},
445  {1, 1, 1}
446  };
448  // The (xi, eta, zeta) exponents for each of the dx_deta terms
449  static const int dx_deta_exponents[14][3] =
450  {
451  {0, 0, 0},
452  {0, 0, 1},
453  {0, 0, 2},
454  {0, 0, 3},
455  {0, 1, 0},
456  {0, 1, 1},
457  {0, 1, 2},
458  {1, 0, 0},
459  {1, 0, 1},
460  {1, 0, 2},
461  {1, 1, 0},
462  {1, 1, 1},
463  {2, 0, 0},
464  {2, 0, 1}
465  };
467  // The (xi, eta, zeta) exponents for each of the dx_dzeta terms
468  static const int dx_dzeta_exponents[19][3] =
469  {
470  {0, 0, 0},
471  {0, 0, 1},
472  {0, 0, 2},
473  {0, 0, 3},
474  {0, 0, 4},
475  {0, 1, 0},
476  {0, 1, 1},
477  {0, 1, 2},
478  {0, 1, 3},
479  {1, 0, 0},
480  {1, 0, 1},
481  {1, 0, 2},
482  {1, 0, 3},
483  {1, 1, 0},
484  {1, 1, 1},
485  {1, 2, 0},
486  {1, 2, 1},
487  {2, 1, 0},
488  {2, 1, 1},
489  };
491  // Number of points in the quadrature rule
492  const int N = 27;
494  // Parameters of the quadrature rule
495  static const Real
496  // Parameters used for (xi, eta) quadrature points.
497  a1 = Real(-7.1805574131988893873307823958101e-01L),
498  a2 = Real(-5.0580870785392503961340276902425e-01L),
499  a3 = Real(-2.2850430565396735359574351631314e-01L),
500  // Parameters used for zeta quadrature points.
501  b1 = Real( 7.2994024073149732155837979012003e-02L),
502  b2 = Real( 3.4700376603835188472176354340395e-01L),
503  b3 = Real( 7.0500220988849838312239847758405e-01L),
504  // There are 9 unique weight values since there are three
505  // for each of the three unique zeta values.
506  w1 = Real( 4.8498876871878584357513834016440e-02L),
507  w2 = Real( 4.5137737425884574692441981593901e-02L),
508  w3 = Real( 9.2440441384508327195915094925393e-03L),
509  w4 = Real( 7.7598202995005734972022134426305e-02L),
510  w5 = Real( 7.2220379881415319507907170550242e-02L),
511  w6 = Real( 1.4790470621521332351346415188063e-02L),
512  w7 = Real( 1.2415712479200917595523541508209e-01L),
513  w8 = Real( 1.1555260781026451121265147288039e-01L),
514  w9 = Real( 2.3664752994434131762154264300901e-02L);
516  // The points and weights of the 3x3x3 quadrature rule
517  static const Real xi[N][3] =
518  {// ^0 ^1 ^2
519  { 1., a1, a1*a1},
520  { 1., a2, a2*a2},
521  { 1., a3, a3*a3},
522  { 1., a1, a1*a1},
523  { 1., a2, a2*a2},
524  { 1., a3, a3*a3},
525  { 1., a1, a1*a1},
526  { 1., a2, a2*a2},
527  { 1., a3, a3*a3},
528  { 1., 0., 0. },
529  { 1., 0., 0. },
530  { 1., 0., 0. },
531  { 1., 0., 0. },
532  { 1., 0., 0. },
533  { 1., 0., 0. },
534  { 1., 0., 0. },
535  { 1., 0., 0. },
536  { 1., 0., 0. },
537  { 1., -a1, a1*a1},
538  { 1., -a2, a2*a2},
539  { 1., -a3, a3*a3},
540  { 1., -a1, a1*a1},
541  { 1., -a2, a2*a2},
542  { 1., -a3, a3*a3},
543  { 1., -a1, a1*a1},
544  { 1., -a2, a2*a2},
545  { 1., -a3, a3*a3}
546  };
548  static const Real eta[N][3] =
549  {// ^0 ^1 ^2
550  { 1., a1, a1*a1},
551  { 1., a2, a2*a2},
552  { 1., a3, a3*a3},
553  { 1., 0., 0. },
554  { 1., 0., 0. },
555  { 1., 0., 0. },
556  { 1., -a1, a1*a1},
557  { 1., -a2, a2*a2},
558  { 1., -a3, a3*a3},
559  { 1., a1, a1*a1},
560  { 1., a2, a2*a2},
561  { 1., a3, a3*a3},
562  { 1., 0., 0. },
563  { 1., 0., 0. },
564  { 1., 0., 0. },
565  { 1., -a1, a1*a1},
566  { 1., -a2, a2*a2},
567  { 1., -a3, a3*a3},
568  { 1., a1, a1*a1},
569  { 1., a2, a2*a2},
570  { 1., a3, a3*a3},
571  { 1., 0., 0. },
572  { 1., 0., 0. },
573  { 1., 0., 0. },
574  { 1., -a1, a1*a1},
575  { 1., -a2, a2*a2},
576  { 1., -a3, a3*a3}
577  };
579  static const Real zeta[N][5] =
580  {// ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4
581  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
582  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
583  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
584  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
585  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
586  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
587  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
588  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
589  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
590  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
591  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
592  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
593  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
594  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
595  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
596  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
597  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
598  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
599  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
600  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
601  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
602  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
603  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
604  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3},
605  { 1., b1, b1*b1, b1*b1*b1, b1*b1*b1*b1},
606  { 1., b2, b2*b2, b2*b2*b2, b2*b2*b2*b2},
607  { 1., b3, b3*b3, b3*b3*b3, b3*b3*b3*b3}
608  };
610  static const Real w[N] = {w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, // 0-5
611  w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, // 6-11
612  w7, w8, w9, w4, w5, w6, // 12-17
613  w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, // 18-23
614  w1, w2, w3}; // 24-26
616  Real vol = 0.;
617  for (int q=0; q<N; ++q)
618  {
619  // Compute denominators for the current q.
620  Real
621  den2 = (1. - zeta[q][1])*(1. - zeta[q][1]),
622  den3 = den2*(1. - zeta[q][1]);
624  // Compute dx/dxi and dx/deta at the current q.
625  Point dx_dxi_q, dx_deta_q;
626  for (int c=0; c<14; ++c)
627  {
628  dx_dxi_q +=
629  xi[q][dx_dxi_exponents[c][0]]*
630  eta[q][dx_dxi_exponents[c][1]]*
631  zeta[q][dx_dxi_exponents[c][2]]*dx_dxi[c];
633  dx_deta_q +=
634  xi[q][dx_deta_exponents[c][0]]*
635  eta[q][dx_deta_exponents[c][1]]*
636  zeta[q][dx_deta_exponents[c][2]]*dx_deta[c];
637  }
639  // Compute dx/dzeta at the current q.
640  Point dx_dzeta_q;
641  for (int c=0; c<19; ++c)
642  {
643  dx_dzeta_q +=
644  xi[q][dx_dzeta_exponents[c][0]]*
645  eta[q][dx_dzeta_exponents[c][1]]*
646  zeta[q][dx_dzeta_exponents[c][2]]*dx_dzeta[c];
647  }
649  // Scale everything appropriately
650  dx_dxi_q /= den2;
651  dx_deta_q /= den2;
652  dx_dzeta_q /= den3;
654  // Compute scalar triple product, multiply by weight, and accumulate volume.
655  vol += w[q] * triple_product(dx_dxi_q, dx_deta_q, dx_dzeta_q);
656  }
658  return vol;
659 }
T triple_product(const TypeVector< T > &a, const TypeVector< T > &b, const TypeVector< T > &c)
Definition: type_vector.h:1054
const Point & point(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1892

◆ which_child_am_i()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::which_child_am_i ( const Elem e) const
The child index which e corresponds to.

I.e. if c = a->which_child_am_i(e); then a->child_ptr(c) will be e.

Definition at line 2620 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::Elem::child_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::has_children(), libMesh::invalid_uint, and libMesh::Elem::n_children().

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::boundary_ids(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::edge_boundary_ids(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::side_with_boundary_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::smooth(), and libMesh::Parallel::sync_element_data_by_parent_id().

2621 {
2622  libmesh_assert(e);
2623  libmesh_assert (this->has_children());
2625  unsigned int nc = this->n_children();
2626  for (unsigned int c=0; c != nc; c++)
2627  if (this->child_ptr(c) == e)
2628  return c;
2630  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: which_child_am_i() was called with a non-child!");
2632  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
2633 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
virtual unsigned int n_children() const =0
bool has_children() const
Definition: elem.h:2428
const Elem * child_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2578

◆ which_neighbor_am_i()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::which_neighbor_am_i ( const Elem e) const

This function tells you which neighbor e is. I.e. if s = a->which_neighbor_am_i(e); then a->neighbor(s) will be an ancestor of e.

Definition at line 2314 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::Elem::level(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), and libMesh::Elem::parent().

Referenced by libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::MeshTools::find_hanging_nodes_and_parents(), libMesh::Elem::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::Elem::make_links_to_me_remote(), libMesh::Elem::nullify_neighbors(), and libMesh::Elem::remove_links_to_me().

2315 {
2316  libmesh_assert(e);
2318  const Elem * eparent = e;
2320  while (eparent->level() > this->level())
2321  {
2322  eparent = eparent->parent();
2323  libmesh_assert(eparent);
2324  }
2326  for (unsigned int s=0, n_s = this->n_sides(); s != n_s; ++s)
2327  if (this->neighbor_ptr(s) == eparent)
2328  return s;
2330  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
2331 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
Elem(const unsigned int n_nodes, const unsigned int n_sides, Elem *parent, Elem **elemlinkdata, Node **nodelinkdata)
Definition: elem.h:1811
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
const Elem * neighbor_ptr(unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2050
unsigned int level() const
Definition: elem.h:2521

◆ which_node_am_i()

unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid13::which_node_am_i ( unsigned int  side,
unsigned int  side_node 
) const
Pyramid13::side_nodes_map[side][side_node] after doing some range checking.

Reimplemented from libMesh::Pyramid.

Definition at line 138 of file cell_pyramid13.C.

References libMesh::Pyramid::n_sides(), nodes_per_side, libMesh::Elem::side(), and side_nodes_map.

140 {
141  libmesh_assert_less (side, this->n_sides());
143  // Never more than 8 nodes per side.
144  libmesh_assert_less(side_node, Pyramid13::nodes_per_side);
146  // Some sides have 6 nodes.
147  libmesh_assert(side == 4 || side_node < 6);
149  return Pyramid13::side_nodes_map[side][side_node];
150 }
static const unsigned int side_nodes_map[num_sides][nodes_per_side]
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const override
Definition: cell_pyramid.h:83
static const int nodes_per_side
std::unique_ptr< Elem > side(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:2202

◆ which_side_am_i()

unsigned int libMesh::Elem::which_side_am_i ( const Elem e) const

This function tells you which side the boundary element e is. I.e. if e = a->build_side_ptr(s) or e = a->side_ptr(s); then a->which_side_am_i(e) will be s.

An exact floating point comparison of the nodal positions of e is made with the nodal positions of this in order to perform this test. The idea is that the test will return a valid side id if e either directly shares Node pointers with this, or was created by exactly copying some of the nodes of this (e.g. through BoundaryMesh::sync()). In these circumstances, non-fuzzy floating point equality is expected.
The side of this the element which e is, otherwise invalid_uint.

Definition at line 2336 of file elem.h.

References libMesh::invalid_uint, libMesh::Elem::is_node_on_side(), libMesh::Elem::n_nodes(), libMesh::Elem::n_sides(), and libMesh::Elem::point().

2337 {
2338  libmesh_assert(e);
2340  const unsigned int ns = this->n_sides();
2341  const unsigned int nn = this->n_nodes();
2343  const unsigned int en = e->n_nodes();
2345  // e might be on any side until proven otherwise
2346  std::vector<bool> might_be_side(ns, true);
2348  for (unsigned int i=0; i != en; ++i)
2349  {
2350  Point side_point = e->point(i);
2351  unsigned int local_node_id = libMesh::invalid_uint;
2353  // Look for a node of this that's contiguous with node i of
2354  // e. Note that the exact floating point comparison of Point
2355  // positions is intentional, see the class documentation for
2356  // this function.
2357  for (unsigned int j=0; j != nn; ++j)
2358  if (this->point(j) == side_point)
2359  local_node_id = j;
2361  // If a node of e isn't contiguous with some node of this, then
2362  // e isn't a side of this.
2363  if (local_node_id == libMesh::invalid_uint)
2364  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
2366  // If a node of e isn't contiguous with some node on side s of
2367  // this, then e isn't on side s.
2368  for (unsigned int s=0; s != ns; ++s)
2369  if (!this->is_node_on_side(local_node_id, s))
2370  might_be_side[s] = false;
2371  }
2373  for (unsigned int s=0; s != ns; ++s)
2374  if (might_be_side[s])
2375  {
2376 #ifdef DEBUG
2377  for (unsigned int s2=s+1; s2 < ns; ++s2)
2378  libmesh_assert (!might_be_side[s2]);
2379 #endif
2380  return s;
2381  }
2383  // Didn't find any matching side
2384  return libMesh::invalid_uint;
2385 }
const unsigned int invalid_uint
Definition: libmesh.h:245
virtual bool is_node_on_side(const unsigned int n, const unsigned int s) const =0
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const =0
virtual unsigned int n_sides() const =0
const Point & point(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1892

◆ write_connectivity()

void libMesh::Elem::write_connectivity ( std::ostream &  out,
const IOPackage  iop 
) const

Writes the element connectivity for various IO packages to the passed ostream "out". Not virtual, since it is implemented in the base class.

Definition at line 1360 of file elem.C.

References libMesh::Elem::_nodes, libMesh::Elem::connectivity(), libMesh::INVALID_IO_PACKAGE, libMesh::Elem::n_sub_elem(), libMesh::Elem::node_id(), libMesh::Elem::node_index_range(), libMesh::TECPLOT, and libMesh::UCD.

1362 {
1363  libmesh_assert (out_stream.good());
1364  libmesh_assert(_nodes);
1365  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (iop, INVALID_IO_PACKAGE);
1367  switch (iop)
1368  {
1369  case TECPLOT:
1370  {
1371  // This connectivity vector will be used repeatedly instead
1372  // of being reconstructed inside the loop.
1373  std::vector<dof_id_type> conn;
1374  for (unsigned int sc=0; sc <this->n_sub_elem(); sc++)
1375  {
1376  this->connectivity(sc, TECPLOT, conn);
1378  std::copy(conn.begin(),
1379  conn.end(),
1380  std::ostream_iterator<dof_id_type>(out_stream, " "));
1382  out_stream << '\n';
1383  }
1384  return;
1385  }
1387  case UCD:
1388  {
1389  for (auto i : this->node_index_range())
1390  out_stream << this->node_id(i)+1 << "\t";
1392  out_stream << '\n';
1393  return;
1394  }
1396  default:
1397  libmesh_error_msg("Unsupported IO package " << iop);
1398  }
1399 }
Node ** _nodes
Definition: elem.h:1695
virtual void connectivity(const unsigned int sc, const IOPackage iop, std::vector< dof_id_type > &conn) const =0
IntRange< unsigned short > node_index_range() const
Definition: elem.h:2148
virtual unsigned int n_sub_elem() const =0
dof_id_type node_id(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: elem.h:1914

Member Data Documentation

◆ _children

◆ _counts [1/2]

ReferenceCounter::Counts libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts

◆ _counts [2/2]

ReferenceCounter::Counts libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_counts

◆ _elemlinks

Elem** libMesh::Elem::_elemlinks

Pointers to this element's parent and neighbors, and for lower-dimensional elements' interior_parent.

Definition at line 1701 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::Elem::interior_parent(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr(), libMesh::Elem::neighbor_ptr_range(), libMesh::Elem::parent(), libMesh::Elem::set_interior_parent(), libMesh::Elem::set_neighbor(), and libMesh::Elem::set_parent().

◆ _elemlinks_data

Elem* libMesh::Pyramid::_elemlinks_data[6+(LIBMESH_DIM >3)]

Data for links to parent/neighbor/interior_parent elements.

Definition at line 151 of file cell_pyramid.h.

◆ _enable_print_counter [1/2]

bool libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter = true

Flag to control whether reference count information is printed when print_info is called.

Definition at line 141 of file reference_counter.h.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCounter::disable_print_counter_info(), libMesh::ReferenceCounter::enable_print_counter_info(), and libMesh::ReferenceCounter::print_info().

◆ _enable_print_counter [2/2]

bool libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_enable_print_counter = true

Flag to control whether reference count information is printed when print_info is called.

Definition at line 141 of file reference_counter.h.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCounter::disable_print_counter_info(), libMesh::ReferenceCounter::enable_print_counter_info(), and libMesh::ReferenceCounter::print_info().

◆ _master_points

const Real libMesh::Pyramid::_master_points
Initial value:
{-1, -1, 0},
{1, -1, 0},
{1, 1, 0},
{-1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1},
{0, -1, 0},
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
{-1, 0, 0},
{0, -0.5, 0.5},
{0.5, 0, 0.5},
{0, 0.5, 0.5},
{-0.5, 0, 0.5}

Master element node locations

Definition at line 156 of file cell_pyramid.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Pyramid::master_point().

◆ _mutex [1/2]

Threads::spin_mutex libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_mutex

Mutual exclusion object to enable thread-safe reference counting.

Definition at line 135 of file reference_counter.h.

◆ _mutex [2/2]

Threads::spin_mutex libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_mutex

Mutual exclusion object to enable thread-safe reference counting.

Definition at line 135 of file reference_counter.h.

◆ _n_objects [1/2]

Threads::atomic< unsigned int > libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_n_objects

The number of objects. Print the reference count information when the number returns to 0.

Definition at line 130 of file reference_counter.h.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCounter::n_objects(), libMesh::ReferenceCounter::ReferenceCounter(), and libMesh::ReferenceCounter::~ReferenceCounter().

◆ _n_objects [2/2]

Threads::atomic< unsigned int > libMesh::ReferenceCounter::_n_objects

The number of objects. Print the reference count information when the number returns to 0.

Definition at line 130 of file reference_counter.h.

Referenced by libMesh::ReferenceCounter::n_objects(), libMesh::ReferenceCounter::ReferenceCounter(), and libMesh::ReferenceCounter::~ReferenceCounter().

◆ _nodelinks_data

Node* libMesh::Pyramid13::_nodelinks_data[num_nodes]

Data for links to nodes.

Definition at line 217 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

◆ _nodes

◆ _p_level

unsigned char libMesh::Elem::_p_level

p refinement level - the difference between the polynomial degree on this element and the minimum polynomial degree on the mesh. This is stored as an unsigned char to save space. In theory, these last four bytes might have been padding anyway.

Definition at line 1736 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::hack_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::max_descendant_p_level(), libMesh::Elem::p_level(), and libMesh::Elem::set_p_level().

◆ _pflag

unsigned char libMesh::Elem::_pflag

p refinement flag. This is stored as an unsigned char to save space.

Definition at line 1726 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::p_refinement_flag(), and libMesh::Elem::set_p_refinement_flag().

◆ _rflag

unsigned char libMesh::Elem::_rflag

h refinement flag. This is stored as an unsigned char to save space.

Definition at line 1720 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::refinement_flag(), and libMesh::Elem::set_refinement_flag().

◆ _sbd_id

subdomain_id_type libMesh::Elem::_sbd_id

The subdomain to which this element belongs.

Definition at line 1713 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::subdomain_id().

◆ edge_nodes_map

const unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid13::edge_nodes_map
Initial value:
{0, 1, 5},
{1, 2, 6},
{2, 3, 7},
{0, 3, 8},
{0, 4, 9},
{1, 4, 10},
{2, 4, 11},
{3, 4, 12}

This maps the $ j^{th} $ node of the $ i^{th} $ edge to element node numbers.

Definition at line 205 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

Referenced by is_node_on_edge().

◆ invalid_id

const dof_id_type libMesh::DofObject::invalid_id = static_cast<dof_id_type>(-1)

An invalid id to distinguish an uninitialized DofObject

Definition at line 347 of file dof_object.h.

Referenced by libMesh::DofMap::_dof_indices(), libMesh::Node::active(), libMesh::TopologyMap::add_node(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::add_point(), libMesh::UnstructuredMesh::all_second_order(), libMesh::MeshTools::Modification::all_tri(), libMesh::Elem::bracketing_nodes(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_periodic_constraints(), libMesh::FEGenericBase< FEOutputType< T >::type >::compute_proj_constraints(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_dofs(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_node_major(), libMesh::DofMap::distribute_local_dofs_var_major(), libMesh::DofMap::dof_indices(), libMesh::DofObject::dof_number(), libMesh::TopologyMap::find(), libMesh::ReplicatedMesh::insert_node(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_dofs(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_valid_neighbors(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::libmesh_assert_valid_parallel_object_ids(), libMesh::Elem::node_id(), libMesh::DofMap::old_dof_indices(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::own_node(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::pack(), libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::SFCPartitioner::partition_range(), libMesh::Elem::point(), libMesh::System::read_legacy_data(), libMesh::System::read_parallel_data(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), libMesh::DofMap::SCALAR_dof_indices(), libMesh::DofObject::set_dof_number(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_comp_group(), libMesh::DofObject::set_n_vars_per_group(), libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_node_data_by_element_id_once(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), libMesh::DofObject::valid_id(), and libMesh::System::write_parallel_data().

◆ invalid_processor_id

const processor_id_type libMesh::DofObject::invalid_processor_id = static_cast<processor_id_type>(-1)

An invalid processor_id to distinguish DoFs that have not been assigned to a processor.

Definition at line 358 of file dof_object.h.

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::add_node(), libMesh::MeshRefinement::add_node(), libMesh::MeshCommunication::allgather(), libMesh::Node::choose_processor_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::create_bounding_box(), libMesh::MeshTools::create_nodal_bounding_box(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::delete_elem(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::delete_node(), libMesh::Elem::Elem(), libMesh::MeshCommunication::find_global_indices(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::insert_elem(), libMesh::DofObject::invalidate_processor_id(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_consistent_distributed(), libMesh::MeshTools::libmesh_assert_consistent_distributed_nodes(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::libmesh_assert_valid_parallel_object_ids(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::n_active_elem(), libMesh::MeshBase::n_elem_on_proc(), libMesh::MeshBase::n_nodes_on_proc(), libMesh::MeshBase::n_unpartitioned_elem(), libMesh::MeshBase::n_unpartitioned_nodes(), libMesh::SparsityPattern::Build::operator()(), libMesh::Partitioner::processor_pairs_to_interface_nodes(), libMesh::DistributedMesh::renumber_dof_objects(), libMesh::Partitioner::set_node_processor_ids(), libMesh::DofMap::set_nonlocal_dof_objects(), libMesh::Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_dofobject_data_by_id(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_dofobject_data_by_xyz(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_element_data_by_parent_id(), libMesh::Parallel::sync_node_data_by_element_id_once(), libMesh::MeshTools::total_weight(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack(), libMesh::DofObject::valid_processor_id(), and libMesh::CheckpointIO::write().

◆ invalid_subdomain_id

const subdomain_id_type libMesh::Elem::invalid_subdomain_id = std::numeric_limits<subdomain_id_type>::max()

A static integral constant representing an invalid subdomain id. See also DofObject::{invalid_id, invalid_unique_id, invalid_processor_id}.

We don't use the static_cast(-1) trick here since subdomain_id_type is sometimes a signed integer for compatibility reasons (see libmesh/id_types.h).
Normally you can declare static const integral types directly in the header file (C++ standard, 9.4.2/4) but std::numeric_limits<T>::max() is not considered a "constant expression". This one is therefore defined in elem.C.

Definition at line 262 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::BoundaryInfo::_find_id_maps(), libMesh::BoundaryInfo::add_elements(), libMesh::MeshBase::get_id_by_name(), and libMesh::BoundaryInfo::sync().

◆ invalid_unique_id

const unique_id_type libMesh::DofObject::invalid_unique_id = static_cast<unique_id_type>(-1)



Definition at line 231 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

◆ max_n_nodes

const unsigned int libMesh::Elem::max_n_nodes = 27

The maximum number of nodes any element can contain. This is useful for replacing heap vectors with stack arrays.

Definition at line 600 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Elem::Elem().

◆ nodes_per_edge

const int libMesh::Pyramid13::nodes_per_edge = 3

Definition at line 193 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

◆ nodes_per_side

const int libMesh::Pyramid13::nodes_per_side = 8

Definition at line 192 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

Referenced by which_node_am_i().

◆ num_children

const int libMesh::Pyramid13::num_children = 0

Definition at line 191 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

◆ num_edges

const int libMesh::Pyramid13::num_edges = 8

Definition at line 190 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

◆ num_nodes

const int libMesh::Pyramid13::num_nodes = 13

Geometric constants for Pyramid13.

Definition at line 188 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

Referenced by n_nodes().

◆ num_sides

const int libMesh::Pyramid13::num_sides = 5

Definition at line 189 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

◆ old_dof_object

◆ side_nodes_map

const unsigned int libMesh::Pyramid13::side_nodes_map
Initial value:
{0, 1, 4, 5, 10, 9, 99, 99},
{1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 10, 99, 99},
{2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 11, 99, 99},
{3, 0, 4, 8, 9, 12, 99, 99},
{0, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5}

This maps the $ j^{th} $ node of the $ i^{th} $ side to element node numbers.

Definition at line 199 of file cell_pyramid13.h.

Referenced by is_node_on_side(), nodes_on_side(), and which_node_am_i().

◆ type_to_n_edges_map

const unsigned int libMesh::Elem::type_to_n_edges_map

This array maps the integer representation of the ElemType enum to the number of edges on the element.

Definition at line 669 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::packed_size().

◆ type_to_n_nodes_map

const unsigned int libMesh::Elem::type_to_n_nodes_map

This array maps the integer representation of the ElemType enum to the number of nodes in the element.

Definition at line 589 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::XdrIO::pack_element(), libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::packed_size(), libMesh::CheckpointIO::read_connectivity(), libMesh::XdrIO::read_serialized_connectivity(), and libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::unpack().

◆ type_to_n_sides_map

const unsigned int libMesh::Elem::type_to_n_sides_map

This array maps the integer representation of the ElemType enum to the number of sides on the element.

Definition at line 620 of file elem.h.

Referenced by libMesh::Parallel::Packing< T >::packed_size().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: