Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // The libMesh Finite Element Library.
2 // Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner
4 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 #include "libmesh/libmesh_common.h"
23 #include <petscsf.h>
27 #include "libmesh/system.h"
28 #include "libmesh/mesh_base.h"
29 #include "libmesh/dof_map.h"
30 #include "libmesh/elem.h"
31 #include "libmesh/dof_map.h"
33 namespace libMesh
34 {
37 {
38  this->clear();
39 }
42 {
43  // This will also Destroy the attached PetscSection and PetscSF as well
44  // Destroy doesn't free the memory, but just resets points internally
45  // in the struct, so we'd still need to wipe out the memory on our side
46  for( auto dm_it = _dms.begin(); dm_it < _dms.end(); ++dm_it )
47  DMDestroy( dm_it->get() );
49  _dms.clear();
50  _sections.clear();
51  _star_forests.clear();
52 }
55 {
56  START_LOG ("init_and_attach_petscdm()", "PetscDMWrapper");
58  PetscErrorCode ierr;
60  // Eventually, we'll traverse the mesh hierarchy and cache
61  // for each grid level, but for now, we're just using the
62  // finest level
63  unsigned int n_levels = 1;
64  this->init_dm_data(n_levels);
66  for(unsigned int level = 0; level < n_levels; level++)
67  {
68  DM & dm = this->get_dm(level);
69  PetscSection & section = this->get_section(level);
70  PetscSF & star_forest = this->get_star_forest(level);
72  ierr = DMShellCreate(system.comm().get(), &dm);
73  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
75  // Build the PetscSection and attach it to the DM
76  this->build_section(system, section);
77  ierr = DMSetDefaultSection(dm, section);
78  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
80  // We only need to build the star forest if we're in a parallel environment
81  if (system.n_processors() > 1)
82  {
83  // Build the PetscSF and attach it to the DM
84  this->build_sf(system, star_forest);
85  ierr = DMSetDefaultSF(dm, star_forest);
86  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
87  }
88  }
90  // We need to set only the finest level DM in the SNES
91  DM & dm = this->get_dm(0);
92  ierr = SNESSetDM(snes, dm);
93  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
95  STOP_LOG ("init_and_attach_petscdm()", "PetscDMWrapper");
96 }
98 void PetscDMWrapper::build_section( const System & system, PetscSection & section )
99 {
100  START_LOG ("build_section()", "PetscDMWrapper");
102  PetscErrorCode ierr;
103  ierr = PetscSectionCreate(system.comm().get(),&section);
104  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
106  // Tell the PetscSection about all of our System variables
107  ierr = PetscSectionSetNumFields(section,system.n_vars());
108  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
110  // Set the actual names of all the field variables
111  for( unsigned int v = 0; v < system.n_vars(); v++ )
112  {
113  ierr = PetscSectionSetFieldName( section, v, system.variable_name(v).c_str() );
114  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
115  }
117  // For building the section, we need to create local-to-global map
118  // of local "point" ids to the libMesh global id of that point.
119  // A "point" in PETSc nomenclature is a geometric object that can have
120  // dofs associated with it, e.g. Node, Edge, Face, Elem.
121  // The numbering PETSc expects is continuous for the local numbering.
122  // Since we're only using this interface for solvers, then we can just
123  // assign whatever local id to any of the global ids. But it is local
124  // so we don't need to worry about processor numbering for the local
125  // point ids.
126  std::unordered_map<dof_id_type,dof_id_type> node_map;
127  std::unordered_map<dof_id_type,dof_id_type> elem_map;
128  std::map<dof_id_type,unsigned int> scalar_map;
130  // First we tell the PetscSection about all of our points that have
131  // dofs associated with them.
132  this->set_point_range_in_section(system, section, node_map, elem_map, scalar_map);
134  // Now we can build up the dofs per "point" in the PetscSection
135  this->add_dofs_to_section(system, section, node_map, elem_map, scalar_map);
137  // Final setup of PetscSection
138  // Until Matt Knepley finishes implementing the commented out function
139  // below, the PetscSection will be assuming node-major ordering
140  // so let's throw and error if the user tries to use this without
141  // node-major order
142  if (!libMesh::on_command_line("--node-major-dofs"))
143  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Must use --node-major-dofs with PetscSection!");
145  //else if (!system.identify_variable_groups())
146  // ierr = PetscSectionSetUseFieldOffsets(section,PETSC_TRUE);CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
147  //else
148  // {
149  // std::string msg = "ERROR: Only node-major or var-major ordering supported for PetscSection!\n";
150  // msg += " var-group-major ordering not supported!\n";
151  // msg += " Must use --node-major-dofs or set System::identify_variable_groups() = false!\n";
152  // libmesh_error_msg(msg);
153  // }
155  ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(section);CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
157  // Sanity checking at least that local_n_dofs match
158  libmesh_assert_equal_to(system.n_local_dofs(),this->check_section_n_dofs(system, section));
160  STOP_LOG ("build_section()", "PetscDMWrapper");
161 }
163 void PetscDMWrapper::build_sf( const System & system, PetscSF & star_forest )
164 {
165  START_LOG ("build_sf()", "PetscDMWrapper");
167  const DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
169  const std::vector<dof_id_type> & send_list = dof_map.get_send_list();
171  // Number of ghost dofs that send information to this processor
172  const PetscInt n_leaves = cast_int<PetscInt>(send_list.size());
174  // Number of local dofs, including ghosts dofs
175  const PetscInt n_roots = dof_map.n_local_dofs() + n_leaves;
177  // This is the vector of dof indices coming from other processors
178  // We need to give this to the PetscSF
179  // We'll be extra paranoid about this ugly double cast
180  static_assert(sizeof(PetscInt) == sizeof(dof_id_type),"PetscInt is not a dof_id_type!");
181  PetscInt * local_dofs = reinterpret_cast<PetscInt *>(const_cast<dof_id_type *>(;
183  // This is the vector of PetscSFNode's for the local_dofs.
184  // For each entry in local_dof, we have to supply the rank from which
185  // that dof stems and its local index on that rank.
186  // PETSc documentation here:
187  //
188  std::vector<PetscSFNode> sf_nodes(send_list.size());
190  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < send_list.size(); i++ )
191  {
192  dof_id_type incoming_dof = send_list[i];
194  const processor_id_type rank = dof_map.dof_owner(incoming_dof);
196  // Dofs are sorted and continuous on the processor so local index
197  // is counted up from the first dof on the processor.
198  PetscInt index = incoming_dof - dof_map.first_dof(rank);
200  sf_nodes[i].rank = rank; /* Rank of owner */
201  sf_nodes[i].index = index;/* Index of dof on rank */
202  }
204  PetscSFNode * remote_dofs =;
206  PetscErrorCode ierr;
207  ierr = PetscSFCreate(system.comm().get(), &star_forest);CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
209  // TODO: We should create pointers to arrays so we don't have to copy
210  // and then can use PETSC_OWN_POINTER where PETSc will take ownership
211  // and delete the memory for us. But then we'd have to use PetscMalloc.
212  ierr = PetscSFSetGraph(star_forest,
213  n_roots,
214  n_leaves,
215  local_dofs,
217  remote_dofs,
219  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
221  STOP_LOG ("build_sf()", "PetscDMWrapper");
222 }
225  PetscSection & section,
226  std::unordered_map<dof_id_type,dof_id_type> & node_map,
227  std::unordered_map<dof_id_type,dof_id_type> & elem_map,
228  std::map<dof_id_type,unsigned int> & scalar_map)
229 {
230  // We're expecting this to be empty coming in
231  libmesh_assert(node_map.empty());
233  // We need to count up the number of active "points" on this processor.
234  // Nominally, a "point" in PETSc parlance is a geometric object that can
235  // hold DoFs, i.e node, edge, face, elem. Since we handle the mesh and are only
236  // interested in solvers, then the only thing PETSc needs is a unique *local* number
237  // for each "point" that has active DoFs; note however this local numbering
238  // we construct must be continuous.
239  //
240  // In libMesh, for most finite elements, we just associate those DoFs with the
241  // geometric nodes. So can we loop over the nodes on this processor and check
242  // if any of the fields are have active DoFs on that node.
243  // If so, then we tell PETSc about that "point". At this stage, we just need
244  // to count up how many active "points" we have and cache the local number to global id
245  // mapping.
248  // These will be our local counters. pstart should always be zero.
249  // pend will track our local "point" count.
250  // If we're on a processor who coarsened the mesh to have no local elements,
251  // we should make an empty PetscSection. An empty PetscSection is specified
252  // by passing [0,0) to the PetscSectionSetChart call at the end. So, if we
253  // have nothing on this processor, these are the correct values to pass to
254  // PETSc.
255  dof_id_type pstart = 0;
256  dof_id_type pend = 0;
258  const MeshBase & mesh = system.get_mesh();
260  const DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
262  // If we don't have any local dofs, then there's nothing to tell to the PetscSection
263  if (dof_map.n_local_dofs() > 0)
264  {
265  // Conservative estimate of space needed so we don't thrash
266  node_map.reserve(mesh.n_local_nodes());
267  elem_map.reserve(mesh.n_active_local_elem());
269  // We loop over active elements and then cache the global/local node mapping to make sure
270  // we only count active nodes. For example, if we're calling this function and we're
271  // not the finest level in the Mesh tree, we don't want to include nodes of child elements
272  // that aren't active on this level.
273  for (const auto & elem : mesh.active_local_element_ptr_range())
274  {
275  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < elem->n_nodes(); n++)
276  {
277  // get the global id number of local node n
278  const Node & node = elem->node_ref(n);
280  // Only register nodes with the PetscSection if they have dofs that belong to
281  // this processor. Even though we're active local elements, the dofs associated
282  // with the node may belong to a different processor. The processor who owns
283  // those dofs will register that node with the PetscSection on that processor.
284  std::vector<dof_id_type> node_dof_indices;
285  dof_map.dof_indices( &node, node_dof_indices );
286  if( !node_dof_indices.empty() && dof_map.local_index(node_dof_indices[0]) )
287  {
288 #ifndef NDEBUG
289  // We're assuming that if the first dof for this node belongs to this processor,
290  // then all of them do.
291  for( auto dof : node_dof_indices )
292  libmesh_assert(dof_map.local_index(dof));
293 #endif
294  // Cache the global/local mapping if we haven't already
295  // Then increment our local count
296  dof_id_type node_id =;
297  if( node_map.count(node_id) == 0 )
298  {
299  node_map.insert(std::make_pair(node_id,pend));
300  pend++;
301  }
302  }
303  }
305  // Some finite elements, e.g. Hierarchic, associate element interior DoFs with the element
306  // rather than the node (since we ought to be able to use Hierachic elements on a QUAD4,
307  // which has no interior node). Thus, we also need to check element interiors for DoFs
308  // as well and, if the finite element has them, we also need to count the Elem in our
309  // "point" accounting.
310  if( elem->n_dofs(system.number()) > 0 )
311  {
312  dof_id_type elem_id = elem->id();
313  elem_map.insert(std::make_pair(elem_id,pend));
314  pend++;
315  }
316  }
318  // SCALAR dofs live on the "last" processor, so only work there if there are any
319  if( dof_map.n_SCALAR_dofs() > 0 && (system.processor_id() == (system.n_processors()-1)) )
320  {
321  // Loop through all the variables and cache the scalar ones. We cache the
322  // SCALAR variable index along with the local point to make it easier when
323  // we have to register dofs with the PetscSection
324  for( unsigned int v = 0; v < system.n_vars(); v++ )
325  {
326  if( system.variable(v).type().family == SCALAR )
327  {
328  scalar_map.insert(std::make_pair(pend,v));
329  pend++;
330  }
331  }
332  }
334  }
336  PetscErrorCode ierr = PetscSectionSetChart(section, pstart, pend);
337  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
338 }
341  PetscSection & section,
342  const std::unordered_map<dof_id_type,dof_id_type> & node_map,
343  const std::unordered_map<dof_id_type,dof_id_type> & elem_map,
344  const std::map<dof_id_type,unsigned int> & scalar_map)
345 {
346  const MeshBase & mesh = system.get_mesh();
348  PetscErrorCode ierr;
350  // Now we go through and add dof information for each "point".
351  //
352  // In libMesh, for most finite elements, we just associate those DoFs with the
353  // geometric nodes. So can we loop over the nodes we cached in the node_map and
354  // the DoFs for each field for that node. We need to give PETSc the local id
355  // we built up in the node map.
356  for (const auto & nmap : node_map )
357  {
358  const dof_id_type global_node_id = nmap.first;
359  const dof_id_type local_node_id = nmap.second;
361  libmesh_assert( mesh.query_node_ptr(global_node_id) );
363  const Node & node = mesh.node_ref(global_node_id);
365  this->add_dofs_helper(system,node,local_node_id,section);
366  }
368  // Some finite element types associate dofs with the element. So now we go through
369  // any of those with the Elem as the point we add to the PetscSection with accompanying
370  // dofs
371  for (const auto & emap : elem_map )
372  {
373  const dof_id_type global_elem_id = emap.first;
374  const dof_id_type local_elem_id = emap.second;
376  libmesh_assert( mesh.query_elem_ptr(global_elem_id) );
378  const Elem & elem = mesh.elem_ref(global_elem_id);
380  this->add_dofs_helper(system,elem,local_elem_id,section);
381  }
383  // Now add any SCALAR dofs to the PetscSection
384  // SCALAR dofs live on the "last" processor, so only work there if there are any
385  if (system.processor_id() == (system.n_processors()-1))
386  {
387  for (const auto & smap : scalar_map )
388  {
389  const dof_id_type local_id = smap.first;
390  const unsigned int scalar_var = smap.second;
392  // The number of SCALAR dofs comes from the variable order
393  const int n_dofs = system.variable(scalar_var).type().order.get_order();
395  ierr = PetscSectionSetFieldDof( section, local_id, scalar_var, n_dofs );
396  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
398  // In the SCALAR case, there are no other variables associate with the "point"
399  // the total number of dofs on the point is the same as that for the field
400  ierr = PetscSectionSetDof( section, local_id, n_dofs );
401  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
402  }
403  }
405 }
408  const DofObject & dof_object,
409  dof_id_type local_id,
410  PetscSection & section)
411 {
412  unsigned int total_n_dofs_at_dofobject = 0;
414  // We are assuming variables are also numbered 0 to n_vars()-1
415  for( unsigned int v = 0; v < system.n_vars(); v++ )
416  {
417  unsigned int n_dofs_at_dofobject = dof_object.n_dofs(system.number(), v);
419  if( n_dofs_at_dofobject > 0 )
420  {
421  PetscErrorCode ierr = PetscSectionSetFieldDof( section,
422  local_id,
423  v,
424  n_dofs_at_dofobject );
426  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
428  total_n_dofs_at_dofobject += n_dofs_at_dofobject;
429  }
430  }
432  libmesh_assert_equal_to(total_n_dofs_at_dofobject, dof_object.n_dofs(system.number()));
434  PetscErrorCode ierr =
435  PetscSectionSetDof( section, local_id, total_n_dofs_at_dofobject );
436  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
437 }
440 dof_id_type PetscDMWrapper::check_section_n_dofs( const System & system, PetscSection & section )
441 {
442  PetscInt n_local_dofs = 0;
444  // Grap the starting and ending points from the section
445  PetscInt pstart, pend;
446  PetscErrorCode ierr = PetscSectionGetChart(section, &pstart, &pend);
447  CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
449  // Count up the n_dofs for each point from the section
450  for( PetscInt p = pstart; p < pend; p++ )
451  {
452  PetscInt n_dofs;
453  ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section,p,&n_dofs);CHKERRABORT(system.comm().get(),ierr);
454  n_local_dofs += n_dofs;
455  }
457  static_assert(sizeof(PetscInt) == sizeof(dof_id_type),"PetscInt is not a dof_id_type!");
458  return n_local_dofs;
459 }
462 {
463  _dms.resize(n_levels);
464  _sections.resize(n_levels);
465  _star_forests.resize(n_levels);
467  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n_levels; i++ )
468  {
469  _dms[i] = libmesh_make_unique<DM>();
470  _sections[i] = libmesh_make_unique<PetscSection>();
471  _star_forests[i] = libmesh_make_unique<PetscSF>();
472  }
473 }
475 } // end namespace libMesh
477 #endif // LIBMESH_HAVE_PETSC
FEFamily family
Definition: fe_type.h:204
dof_id_type n_local_dofs() const
Definition: dof_map.h:584
A geometric point in (x,y,z) space associated with a DOF.
Definition: node.h:52
dof_id_type n_SCALAR_dofs() const
Definition: dof_map.h:579
const Variable & variable(unsigned int var) const
Definition: system.h:2133
void set_point_range_in_section(const System &system, PetscSection &section, std::unordered_map< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > &node_map, std::unordered_map< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > &elem_map, std::map< dof_id_type, unsigned int > &scalar_map)
Helper function for build_section.
processor_id_type dof_owner(const dof_id_type dof) const
Definition: dof_map.h:650
dof_id_type check_section_n_dofs(const System &system, PetscSection &section)
Helper function to sanity check PetscSection construction.
void dof_indices(const Elem *const elem, std::vector< dof_id_type > &di) const
Definition: dof_map.C:1930
DM & get_dm(unsigned int level)
Get reference to DM for the given mesh level.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< PetscSF > > _star_forests
Vector of star forests for all grid levels.
The base class for all geometric element types.
Definition: elem.h:100
MeshBase & mesh
uint8_t processor_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:99
const Parallel::Communicator & comm() const
void add_dofs_to_section(const System &system, PetscSection &section, const std::unordered_map< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > &node_map, const std::unordered_map< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > &elem_map, const std::map< dof_id_type, unsigned int > &scalar_map)
Helper function for build_section.
OrderWrapper order
Definition: fe_type.h:198
dof_id_type n_local_dofs() const
Definition: system.C:187
const MeshBase & get_mesh() const
Definition: system.h:2033
Base class for Mesh.
Definition: mesh_base.h:77
unsigned int n_dofs(const unsigned int s, const unsigned int var=libMesh::invalid_uint) const
Definition: dof_object.h:633
Manages the degrees of freedom (DOFs) in a simulation.
Definition: dof_map.h:176
processor_id_type n_processors() const
unsigned int number() const
Definition: system.h:2025
dof_id_type id() const
Definition: dof_object.h:655
Manages consistently variables, degrees of freedom, and coefficient vectors.
Definition: system.h:92
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< PetscSection > > _sections
Vector of PETScSections for all grid levels.
unsigned int n_levels(const MeshBase &mesh)
Definition: mesh_tools.C:653
const std::string & variable_name(const unsigned int i) const
Definition: system.h:2153
PetscSection & get_section(unsigned int level)
Get reference to PetscSection for the given mesh level.
int get_order() const
Definition: fe_type.h:78
PetscSF & get_star_forest(unsigned int level)
Get reference to PetscSF for the given mesh level.
void add_dofs_helper(const System &system, const DofObject &dof_object, dof_id_type local_id, PetscSection &section)
Helper function to reduce code duplication when setting dofs in section.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< DM > > _dms
Vector of DMs for all grid levels.
PetscErrorCode ierr
void init_dm_data(unsigned int n_levels)
Init all the n_mesh_level dependent data structures.
bool on_command_line(std::string arg)
Definition: libmesh.C:876
dof_id_type first_dof(const processor_id_type proc) const
Definition: dof_map.h:599
void build_section(const System &system, PetscSection &section)
Takes System, empty PetscSection and populates the PetscSection.
void build_sf(const System &system, PetscSF &star_forest)
Takes System, empty PetscSF and populates the PetscSF.
unsigned int n_vars() const
Definition: system.h:2105
processor_id_type processor_id() const
void clear()
Destroys and clears all build DM-related data.
const DofMap & get_dof_map() const
Definition: system.h:2049
void init_and_attach_petscdm(System &system, SNES &snes)
const std::vector< dof_id_type > & get_send_list() const
Definition: dof_map.h:450
uint8_t dof_id_type
Definition: id_types.h:64
bool local_index(dof_id_type dof_index) const
Definition: dof_map.h:738
const FEType & type() const
Definition: variable.h:119