Link to the source code for this example:
Open miscellaneous_ex8 in new tab.
The console output of the program:
CXX example_dbg-miscellaneous_ex8.o
CXXLD example-dbg
* Running Example miscellaneous_ex8:
* example-opt
*** Warning, This code is untested, experimental, or likely to see future API changes: ../../../include/libmesh/radial_basis_interpolation.h, line 79, compiled Apr 13 2016 at 09:36:22 ***
Generating 100 point cloud...done
bounding box is
(x,y,z)=( 0.08, 0.09, 0.01)
(x,y,z)=( 9.95, 9.97, 9.91)
*** Warning, This code is untested, experimental, or likely to see future API changes: ./include/libmesh/radial_basis_functions.h, line 83, compiled Apr 12 2016 at 11:09:35 ***
bounding box is
(x,y,z)=( 0.08, 0.09, 0.01)
(x,y,z)=( 9.95, 9.97, 9.91)
r_bbox = 17.1184
rbf(r_bbox/2) = 0.1875
variables = u v
Generating 10 point cloud...done
*** Warning, This code is untested, experimental, or likely to see future API changes: ../src/solution_transfer/meshfree_interpolation.C, line 198, compiled Apr 12 2016 at 11:09:33 ***
*** Warning, This code is untested, experimental, or likely to see future API changes: ../src/solution_transfer/radial_basis_interpolation.C, line 157, compiled Apr 12 2016 at 11:09:35 ***
At target point (x,y,z)=( 0.53, 2.24, 6.3)
u_interp_idi=20713.1, u_interp_rbi=8977.98, u_exact=9949.69
v_interp_idi=350.222, v_interp_rbi=259.769, v_exact=255.345
At target point (x,y,z)=( 3.66, 4, 4.44)
u_interp_idi=2698.1, u_interp_rbi=2106.61, u_exact=2030.53
v_interp_idi=124.168, v_interp_rbi=116.807, v_exact=116.924
At target point (x,y,z)=( 3.7, 2.85, 0.16)
u_interp_idi=253.154, u_interp_rbi=292.814, u_exact=116.628
v_interp_idi=31.3622, v_interp_rbi=24.2392, v_exact=21.8166
At target point (x,y,z)=( 8.98, 1.55, 1.33)
u_interp_idi=728.414, u_interp_rbi=705.168, u_exact=734.084
v_interp_idi=83.5756, v_interp_rbi=89.0966, v_exact=85.3955
At target point (x,y,z)=( 5.57, 5.76, 1.78)
u_interp_idi=1382.5, u_interp_rbi=1353.83, u_exact=1291.43
v_interp_idi=65.1599, v_interp_rbi=70.27, v_exact=69.8423
At target point (x,y,z)=( 2.66, 3.57, 7.11)
u_interp_idi=25472.4, u_interp_rbi=17564.4, u_exact=18351
v_interp_idi=435.815, v_interp_rbi=378.935, v_exact=379.246
At target point (x,y,z)=( 8.78, 6.14, 8.19)
u_interp_idi=27900, u_interp_rbi=43205.5, u_exact=38946.6
v_interp_idi=518.244, v_interp_rbi=690.884, v_exact=664.141
At target point (x,y,z)=( 7.37, 1.33, 5.91)
u_interp_idi=10862.5, u_interp_rbi=5929.76, u_exact=7613.48
v_interp_idi=288.757, v_interp_rbi=256.035, v_exact=262.511
At target point (x,y,z)=( 7.2, 7.62, 6.33)
u_interp_idi=12611.1, u_interp_rbi=13529.2, u_exact=13907.6
v_interp_idi=330.917, v_interp_rbi=360.014, v_exact=363.541
At target point (x,y,z)=( 1.97, 0.31, 5.88)
u_interp_idi=6607.46, u_interp_rbi=8356.27, u_exact=7036.54
v_interp_idi=171.785, v_interp_rbi=213.176, v_exact=207.274
bounding box is
(x,y,z)=( -1, 0, 0)
(x,y,z)=( 0, 1, 1)
bounding box is
(x,y,z)=( -1, 0, 0)
(x,y,z)=( 0, 1, 1)
r_bbox = 1.73205
rbf(r_bbox/2) = 0.1875
| Time: Wed Apr 13 09:36:30 2016 |
| OS: Darwin |
| HostName: peterson-laptop.local |
| OS Release: 15.0.0 |
| OS Version: Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64 |
| Machine: x86_64 |
| Username: petejw |
| Configuration: ../configure 'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -C' |
| '--with-methods=opt dbg' |
| '--prefix=/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/installed' |
| '--enable-perflog' |
| '--enable-tracefiles' |
| '--disable-blocked-storage' |
| '--enable-default-comm-world' |
| '--enable-tecio' |
| '--enable-unique-ptr' |
| '--enable-ifem' |
| 'PETSC_DIR=/opt/moose/petsc/mpich_petsc-3.6.1/clang-opt-superlu' |
| 'SLEPC_DIR=/opt/petejw/slepc/3.6.1' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| '--disable-netcdf-4' |
| '--disable-testsets' |
| 'CXX=mpicxx' |
| 'CC=mpicc' |
| 'F77=mpif77' |
| 'FC=mpif90' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| libMesh Performance: Alive time=3.03922, Active time=3.0068 |
| Event nCalls Total Time Avg Time Total Time Avg Time % of Active Time |
| w/o Sub w/o Sub With Sub With Sub w/o S With S |
| |
| |
| DofMap |
| add_neighbors_to_send_list() 2 0.0012 0.000612 0.0012 0.000612 0.04 0.04 |
| create_dof_constraints() 2 0.0005 0.000249 0.0005 0.000249 0.02 0.02 |
| distribute_dofs() 2 0.0011 0.000552 0.0064 0.003211 0.04 0.21 |
| dof_indices() 43344 0.0060 0.000000 0.0060 0.000000 0.20 0.20 |
| prepare_send_list() 4 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| reinit() 2 0.0053 0.002658 0.0053 0.002658 0.18 0.18 |
| |
| EquationSystems |
| build_solution_vector() 3 0.0070 0.002322 0.0101 0.003373 0.23 0.34 |
| |
| GenericProjector |
| operator() 3 0.0228 0.007603 0.5302 0.176723 0.76 17.63 |
| project_edges 14448 0.0009 0.000000 0.0009 0.000000 0.03 0.03 |
| project_interior 14448 0.0009 0.000000 0.0009 0.000000 0.03 0.03 |
| project_nodes 14448 0.0237 0.000002 0.4933 0.000034 0.79 16.41 |
| project_sides 14448 0.0009 0.000000 0.0009 0.000000 0.03 0.03 |
| |
| InverseDistanceInterpolation<> |
| construct_kd_tree() 4 0.0014 0.000350 0.0014 0.000350 0.05 0.05 |
| interpolate_field_data() 16873 0.0186 0.000001 0.0186 0.000001 0.62 0.62 |
| |
| Mesh |
| find_neighbors() 2 0.0122 0.006116 0.0122 0.006116 0.41 0.41 |
| renumber_nodes_and_elem() 4 0.0004 0.000088 0.0004 0.000088 0.01 0.01 |
| |
| MeshOutput |
| write_equation_systems() 3 0.0000 0.000013 0.0581 0.019368 0.00 1.93 |
| |
| MeshfreeInterpolation |
| gather_remote_data() 4 0.0000 0.000002 0.0000 0.000002 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| NameBasedIO |
| read() 2 0.0424 0.021175 0.0424 0.021175 1.41 1.41 |
| |
| Parallel |
| allgather() 2 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| Partitioner |
| single_partition() 2 0.0002 0.000102 0.0002 0.000102 0.01 0.01 |
| |
| RadialBasisInterpolation<> |
| interpolate_field_data() 16873 0.4475 0.000027 0.4475 0.000027 14.88 14.88 |
| prepare_for_use() 2 2.3654 1.182719 2.3654 1.182719 78.67 78.67 |
| |
| System |
| project_fem_vector() 3 0.0004 0.000142 0.5306 0.176866 0.01 17.65 |
| project_vector(FunctionBase) 3 0.0000 0.000002 0.5306 0.176868 0.00 17.65 |
| |
| TecplotIO |
| write_nodal_data() 3 0.0479 0.015981 0.0479 0.015981 1.59 1.59 |
| Totals: 134934 3.0068 100.00 |
* Done Running Example miscellaneous_ex8:
* example-opt