Link to the source code for this example:
Open adaptivity_ex5 in new tab.
The console output of the program:
CXX example_dbg-adaptivity_ex5.o
CXXLD example-dbg
* Running Example adaptivity_ex5:
* example-opt -n_timesteps 25 -n_refinements 5 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 0 -exact_solution '10*exp(-(pow(x-0.8*t-0.2,2)+pow(y-0.8*t-0.2,2))/(0.01*(4*t+1)))/(4*t+1)'
/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex5/.libs/example-opt -init_timestep 0
/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex5/.libs/example-opt -read_solution -init_timestep 26
Running: /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex5/.libs/example-opt -n_timesteps 25 -n_refinements 5 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 0 -exact_solution 10*exp(-(pow(x-0.8*t-0.2,2) + pow(y-0.8*t-0.2,2))/(0.01*(4*t+1)))/(4*t+1)
Mesh Information:
Initial H1 norm = 17.4175
System #0, "Convection-Diffusion"
Type "TransientLinearImplicit"
Finite Element Types="LAGRANGE", "JACOBI_20_00"
Infinite Element Mapping="CARTESIAN"
Approximation Orders="FIRST", "THIRD"
DofMap Sparsity
Average On-Processor Bandwidth <= 9.18036
Average Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
Maximum On-Processor Bandwidth <= 16
Maximum Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
DofMap Constraints
Number of DoF Constraints = 129
Average DoF Constraint Length= 1
Solving time step 0, time=0.0250...
H1 norm = 15.9
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 15.9
Solving time step 1, time=0.0500...
H1 norm = 14.6
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 14.6
Solving time step 2, time=0.0750...
H1 norm = 13.5
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 13.5
Solving time step 3, time=0.1000...
H1 norm = 12.6
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 12.6
Solving time step 4, time=0.1250...
H1 norm = 11.7
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 11.7
Solving time step 5, time=0.1500...
H1 norm = 11
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 11
Solving time step 6, time=0.1750...
H1 norm = 10.4
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 10.4
Solving time step 7, time=0.2000...
H1 norm = 9.82
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 9.82
Solving time step 8, time=0.2250...
H1 norm = 9.31
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 9.31
Solving time step 9, time=0.2500...
H1 norm = 8.85
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 8.85
Solving time step 10, time=0.2750...
H1 norm = 8.43
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 8.43
Solving time step 11, time=0.3000...
H1 norm = 8.05
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 8.05
Solving time step 12, time=0.3250...
H1 norm = 7.71
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 7.71
Solving time step 13, time=0.3500...
H1 norm = 7.39
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 7.39
Solving time step 14, time=0.3750...
H1 norm = 7.1
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 7.1
Solving time step 15, time=0.4000...
H1 norm = 6.83
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 6.83
Solving time step 16, time=0.4250...
H1 norm = 6.58
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 6.58
Solving time step 17, time=0.4500...
H1 norm = 6.35
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 6.35
Solving time step 18, time=0.4750...
H1 norm = 6.13
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 6.13
Solving time step 19, time=0.5000...
H1 norm = 5.93
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 5.93
Solving time step 20, time=0.5250...
H1 norm = 5.74
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 5.74
Solving time step 21, time=0.5500...
H1 norm = 5.56
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 5.56
Solving time step 22, time=0.5750...
H1 norm = 5.4
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 5.4
Solving time step 23, time=0.6000...
H1 norm = 5.24
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 5.24
Solving time step 24, time=0.6250...
H1 norm = 5.09
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 5.09
Final H1 norm = 5.09
| Time: Wed Apr 13 09:22:59 2016 |
| OS: Darwin |
| HostName: peterson-laptop.local |
| OS Release: 15.0.0 |
| OS Version: Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64 |
| Machine: x86_64 |
| Username: petejw |
| Configuration: ../configure 'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -C' |
| '--with-methods=opt dbg' |
| '--prefix=/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/installed' |
| '--enable-perflog' |
| '--enable-tracefiles' |
| '--disable-blocked-storage' |
| '--enable-default-comm-world' |
| '--enable-tecio' |
| '--enable-unique-ptr' |
| '--enable-ifem' |
| 'PETSC_DIR=/opt/moose/petsc/mpich_petsc-3.6.1/clang-opt-superlu' |
| 'SLEPC_DIR=/opt/petejw/slepc/3.6.1' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| '--disable-netcdf-4' |
| '--disable-testsets' |
| 'CXX=mpicxx' |
| 'CC=mpicc' |
| 'F77=mpif77' |
| 'FC=mpif90' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| libMesh Performance: Alive time=1.74295, Active time=1.55681 |
| Event nCalls Total Time Avg Time Total Time Avg Time % of Active Time |
| w/o Sub w/o Sub With Sub With Sub w/o S With S |
| |
| |
| DofMap |
| add_neighbors_to_send_list() 26 0.0032 0.000122 0.0032 0.000122 0.20 0.20 |
| build_constraint_matrix() 29528 0.0145 0.000000 0.0145 0.000000 0.93 0.93 |
| build_sparsity() 26 0.0245 0.000942 0.0287 0.001103 1.57 1.84 |
| cnstrn_elem_mat_vec() 29528 0.0107 0.000000 0.0107 0.000000 0.69 0.69 |
| create_dof_constraints() 26 0.0570 0.002191 0.0916 0.003524 3.66 5.88 |
| distribute_dofs() 26 0.0036 0.000139 0.0209 0.000804 0.23 1.34 |
| dof_indices() 288368 0.0422 0.000000 0.0422 0.000000 2.71 2.71 |
| enforce_constraints_exactly() 76 0.0021 0.000028 0.0021 0.000028 0.14 0.14 |
| old_dof_indices() 121557 0.0231 0.000000 0.0231 0.000000 1.48 1.48 |
| prepare_send_list() 27 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| reinit() 26 0.0173 0.000665 0.0173 0.000665 1.11 1.11 |
| |
| EquationSystems |
| build_solution_vector() 6 0.0052 0.000875 0.0076 0.001274 0.34 0.49 |
| write() 1 0.0004 0.000408 0.0005 0.000483 0.03 0.03 |
| |
| ExodusII_IO |
| write_nodal_data() 4 0.0074 0.001859 0.0074 0.001859 0.48 0.48 |
| |
| FE |
| compute_shape_functions() 203218 0.0726 0.000000 0.0726 0.000000 4.66 4.66 |
| init_shape_functions() 139504 0.0863 0.000001 0.0863 0.000001 5.54 5.54 |
| inverse_map() 293262 0.1193 0.000000 0.1193 0.000000 7.67 7.67 |
| |
| FEMap |
| compute_affine_map() 203218 0.0709 0.000000 0.0709 0.000000 4.55 4.55 |
| compute_face_map() 98874 0.0663 0.000001 0.1646 0.000002 4.26 10.57 |
| init_face_shape_functions() 1207 0.0009 0.000001 0.0009 0.000001 0.06 0.06 |
| init_reference_to_physical_map() 139504 0.0978 0.000001 0.0978 0.000001 6.28 6.28 |
| |
| write_nodal_data() 2 0.0191 0.009554 0.0191 0.009554 1.23 1.23 |
| |
| GenericProjector |
| copy_dofs 32247 0.0100 0.000000 0.0594 0.000002 0.65 3.82 |
| operator() 76 0.0403 0.000531 0.2638 0.003471 2.59 16.94 |
| project_edges 10993 0.0006 0.000000 0.0006 0.000000 0.04 0.04 |
| project_interior 10993 0.0007 0.000000 0.0007 0.000000 0.04 0.04 |
| project_nodes 10993 0.0106 0.000001 0.1375 0.000013 0.68 8.83 |
| project_sides 10993 0.0006 0.000000 0.0006 0.000000 0.04 0.04 |
| |
| JumpErrorEstimator |
| estimate_error() 25 0.3450 0.013801 0.8268 0.033073 22.16 53.11 |
| |
| Mesh |
| contract() 25 0.0023 0.000091 0.0039 0.000156 0.15 0.25 |
| find_neighbors() 27 0.0482 0.001786 0.0482 0.001786 3.10 3.10 |
| renumber_nodes_and_elem() 79 0.0025 0.000031 0.0025 0.000031 0.16 0.16 |
| write() 1 0.0012 0.001240 0.0035 0.003453 0.08 0.22 |
| |
| MeshCommunication |
| assign_global_indices() 1 0.0064 0.006364 0.0064 0.006368 0.41 0.41 |
| |
| MeshOutput |
| write_equation_systems() 6 0.0001 0.000009 0.0342 0.005708 0.00 2.20 |
| |
| MeshRefinement |
| _coarsen_elements() 50 0.0011 0.000023 0.0011 0.000023 0.07 0.07 |
| _refine_elements() 55 0.0102 0.000185 0.0175 0.000319 0.65 1.13 |
| add_node() 25520 0.0054 0.000000 0.0054 0.000000 0.35 0.35 |
| make_coarsening_compatible() 61 0.0233 0.000381 0.0307 0.000504 1.49 1.97 |
| make_flags_parallel_consistent() 75 0.0031 0.000041 0.0031 0.000041 0.20 0.20 |
| make_refinement_compatible() 61 0.0011 0.000018 0.0011 0.000019 0.07 0.07 |
| |
| MeshTools::Generation |
| build_cube() 1 0.0000 0.000028 0.0000 0.000028 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| OldSolutionValue |
| Number eval_at_node() 27588 0.0019 0.000000 0.0019 0.000000 0.12 0.12 |
| check_old_context(c) 32247 0.0189 0.000001 0.0358 0.000001 1.21 2.30 |
| check_old_context(c,p) 6072 0.0033 0.000001 0.0064 0.000001 0.21 0.41 |
| eval_at_point() 6072 0.0627 0.000010 0.1225 0.000020 4.03 7.87 |
| eval_old_dofs() 32247 0.0085 0.000000 0.0468 0.000001 0.54 3.01 |
| |
| Parallel |
| allgather() 30 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| probe() 8 0.0000 0.000001 0.0000 0.000001 0.00 0.00 |
| receive() 4 0.0000 0.000005 0.0000 0.000005 0.00 0.00 |
| send() 4 0.0000 0.000006 0.0000 0.000006 0.00 0.00 |
| send_receive() 4 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| Parallel::Request |
| wait() 4 0.0000 0.000005 0.0000 0.000005 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| Partitioner |
| single_partition() 27 0.0007 0.000027 0.0007 0.000027 0.05 0.05 |
| |
| PetscLinearSolver |
| solve() 50 0.0126 0.000252 0.0126 0.000252 0.81 0.81 |
| |
| PointLocatorTree |
| init(no master) 50 0.0119 0.000237 0.0119 0.000237 0.76 0.76 |
| operator() 3956 0.0098 0.000002 0.0119 0.000003 0.63 0.76 |
| |
| System |
| assemble() 50 0.0696 0.001392 0.1377 0.002754 4.47 8.85 |
| calculate_norm() 52 0.0353 0.000679 0.0783 0.001505 2.27 5.03 |
| project_fem_vector() 1 0.0044 0.004407 0.0219 0.021899 0.28 1.41 |
| project_vector(FunctionBase) 1 0.0043 0.004256 0.0262 0.026155 0.27 1.68 |
| project_vector(old,new) 75 0.0201 0.000269 0.2826 0.003769 1.29 18.16 |
| |
| TopologyMap |
| init() 55 0.0334 0.000607 0.0334 0.000607 2.15 2.15 |
| |
| XdrIO |
| write() 1 0.0022 0.002213 0.0022 0.002213 0.14 0.14 |
| Totals: 1758894 1.5568 100.00 |
* Done Running Example adaptivity_ex5:
* example-opt -n_timesteps 25 -n_refinements 5 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 0 -exact_solution '10*exp(-(pow(x-0.8*t-0.2,2)+pow(y-0.8*t-0.2,2))/(0.01*(4*t+1)))/(4*t+1)'
***** Finished first 25 steps, now read in saved solution and continue *****
* Running Example adaptivity_ex5:
* example-opt -read_solution -n_timesteps 25 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 25
/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex5/.libs/example-opt -init_timestep 0
/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex5/.libs/example-opt -read_solution -init_timestep 26
Running: /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex5/.libs/example-opt -read_solution -n_timesteps 25 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 25
Mesh Information:
Initial H1 norm = 5.09105
System #0, "Convection-Diffusion"
Type "TransientLinearImplicit"
Finite Element Types="LAGRANGE", "JACOBI_20_00"
Infinite Element Mapping="CARTESIAN"
Approximation Orders="FIRST", "THIRD"
DofMap Sparsity
Average On-Processor Bandwidth <= 9.74084
Average Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
Maximum On-Processor Bandwidth <= 21
Maximum Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
DofMap Constraints
Number of DoF Constraints = 130
Average DoF Constraint Length= 1.92308
Solving time step 25, time=0.6500...
H1 norm = 4.95
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.95
Solving time step 26, time=0.6750...
H1 norm = 4.82
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.82
Solving time step 27, time=0.7000...
H1 norm = 4.69
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.69
Solving time step 28, time=0.7250...
H1 norm = 4.58
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.58
Solving time step 29, time=0.7500...
H1 norm = 4.46
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.46
Solving time step 30, time=0.7750...
H1 norm = 4.36
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.36
Solving time step 31, time=0.8000...
H1 norm = 4.25
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.25
Solving time step 32, time=0.8250...
H1 norm = 4.16
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.16
Solving time step 33, time=0.8500...
H1 norm = 4.06
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 4.06
Solving time step 34, time=0.8750...
H1 norm = 3.97
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.97
Solving time step 35, time=0.9000...
H1 norm = 3.89
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.89
Solving time step 36, time=0.9250...
H1 norm = 3.81
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.81
Solving time step 37, time=0.9500...
H1 norm = 3.73
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.73
Solving time step 38, time=0.9750...
H1 norm = 3.66
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.66
Solving time step 39, time=100000...
H1 norm = 3.58
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.58
Solving time step 40, time=1.0300...
H1 norm = 3.51
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.51
Solving time step 41, time=1.0500...
H1 norm = 3.45
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.45
Solving time step 42, time=1.0700...
H1 norm = 3.38
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.38
Solving time step 43, time=1.1000...
H1 norm = 3.32
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.32
Solving time step 44, time=1.1200...
H1 norm = 3.26
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.26
Solving time step 45, time=1.1500...
H1 norm = 3.21
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.21
Solving time step 46, time=1.1700...
H1 norm = 3.15
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.15
Solving time step 47, time=1.2000...
H1 norm = 3.1
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.1
Solving time step 48, time=1.2200...
H1 norm = 3.05
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3.05
Solving time step 49, time=1.2500...
H1 norm = 3
Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 3
| Time: Wed Apr 13 09:23:02 2016 |
| OS: Darwin |
| HostName: peterson-laptop.local |
| OS Release: 15.0.0 |
| OS Version: Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64 |
| Machine: x86_64 |
| Username: petejw |
| Configuration: ../configure 'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -C' |
| '--with-methods=opt dbg' |
| '--prefix=/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/installed' |
| '--enable-perflog' |
| '--enable-tracefiles' |
| '--disable-blocked-storage' |
| '--enable-default-comm-world' |
| '--enable-tecio' |
| '--enable-unique-ptr' |
| '--enable-ifem' |
| 'PETSC_DIR=/opt/moose/petsc/mpich_petsc-3.6.1/clang-opt-superlu' |
| 'SLEPC_DIR=/opt/petejw/slepc/3.6.1' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| '--disable-netcdf-4' |
| '--disable-testsets' |
| 'CXX=mpicxx' |
| 'CC=mpicc' |
| 'F77=mpif77' |
| 'FC=mpif90' |
| 'CPPFLAGS= ' |
| 'LIBS= ' |
| libMesh Performance: Alive time=2.18747, Active time=1.95725 |
| Event nCalls Total Time Avg Time Total Time Avg Time % of Active Time |
| w/o Sub w/o Sub With Sub With Sub w/o S With S |
| |
| |
| DofMap |
| add_neighbors_to_send_list() 27 0.0041 0.000151 0.0041 0.000151 0.21 0.21 |
| build_constraint_matrix() 43190 0.0203 0.000000 0.0203 0.000000 1.04 1.04 |
| build_sparsity() 27 0.0328 0.001216 0.0384 0.001422 1.68 1.96 |
| cnstrn_elem_mat_vec() 43190 0.0143 0.000000 0.0143 0.000000 0.73 0.73 |
| create_dof_constraints() 27 0.0521 0.001929 0.0779 0.002886 2.66 3.98 |
| distribute_dofs() 27 0.0041 0.000152 0.0246 0.000910 0.21 1.26 |
| dof_indices() 394415 0.0584 0.000000 0.0584 0.000000 2.98 2.98 |
| enforce_constraints_exactly() 78 0.0026 0.000034 0.0026 0.000034 0.13 0.13 |
| old_dof_indices() 202677 0.0396 0.000000 0.0396 0.000000 2.02 2.02 |
| prepare_send_list() 28 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| reinit() 27 0.0204 0.000757 0.0204 0.000757 1.04 1.04 |
| |
| EquationSystems |
| build_solution_vector() 5 0.0020 0.000391 0.0028 0.000561 0.10 0.14 |
| read() 1 0.0011 0.001112 0.0101 0.010106 0.06 0.52 |
| update() 1 0.0000 0.000013 0.0000 0.000013 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| ExodusII_IO |
| write_nodal_data() 4 0.0058 0.001457 0.0058 0.001457 0.30 0.30 |
| |
| FE |
| compute_shape_functions() 269052 0.0962 0.000000 0.0962 0.000000 4.91 4.91 |
| init_shape_functions() 182109 0.1131 0.000001 0.1131 0.000001 5.78 5.78 |
| inverse_map() 371943 0.1501 0.000000 0.1501 0.000000 7.67 7.67 |
| |
| FEMap |
| compute_affine_map() 269052 0.0919 0.000000 0.0919 0.000000 4.70 4.70 |
| compute_face_map() 129382 0.0836 0.000001 0.2113 0.000002 4.27 10.80 |
| init_face_shape_functions() 662 0.0005 0.000001 0.0005 0.000001 0.03 0.03 |
| init_reference_to_physical_map() 182109 0.1228 0.000001 0.1228 0.000001 6.28 6.28 |
| |
| write_nodal_data() 1 0.0021 0.002149 0.0021 0.002149 0.11 0.11 |
| |
| GenericProjector |
| copy_dofs 63207 0.0203 0.000000 0.1303 0.000002 1.04 6.66 |
| operator() 78 0.0490 0.000628 0.3965 0.005084 2.50 20.26 |
| project_edges 4182 0.0003 0.000000 0.0003 0.000000 0.01 0.01 |
| project_interior 4182 0.0004 0.000000 0.0004 0.000000 0.02 0.02 |
| project_nodes 4182 0.0072 0.000002 0.1780 0.000043 0.37 9.10 |
| project_sides 4182 0.0003 0.000000 0.0003 0.000000 0.01 0.01 |
| |
| JumpErrorEstimator |
| estimate_error() 25 0.4434 0.017738 1.0705 0.042819 22.66 54.69 |
| |
| Mesh |
| contract() 26 0.0010 0.000040 0.0017 0.000066 0.05 0.09 |
| find_neighbors() 26 0.0517 0.001989 0.0517 0.001989 2.64 2.64 |
| renumber_nodes_and_elem() 78 0.0016 0.000020 0.0016 0.000020 0.08 0.08 |
| |
| MeshCommunication |
| assign_global_indices() 1 0.0065 0.006504 0.0065 0.006515 0.33 0.33 |
| |
| MeshOutput |
| write_equation_systems() 5 0.0000 0.000008 0.0108 0.002164 0.00 0.55 |
| |
| MeshRefinement |
| _coarsen_elements() 51 0.0009 0.000018 0.0009 0.000018 0.05 0.05 |
| _refine_elements() 51 0.0073 0.000144 0.0088 0.000173 0.38 0.45 |
| add_node() 4896 0.0011 0.000000 0.0011 0.000000 0.06 0.06 |
| make_coarsening_compatible() 60 0.0287 0.000478 0.0306 0.000509 1.47 1.56 |
| make_flags_parallel_consistent() 77 0.0043 0.000056 0.0043 0.000056 0.22 0.22 |
| make_refinement_compatible() 60 0.0015 0.000025 0.0016 0.000026 0.08 0.08 |
| |
| OldSolutionValue |
| Number eval_at_node() 16728 0.0013 0.000000 0.0013 0.000000 0.07 0.07 |
| check_old_context(c) 63207 0.0409 0.000001 0.0766 0.000001 2.09 3.91 |
| check_old_context(c,p) 7992 0.0048 0.000001 0.0092 0.000001 0.24 0.47 |
| eval_at_point() 7992 0.0844 0.000011 0.1673 0.000021 4.31 8.55 |
| eval_old_dofs() 63207 0.0224 0.000000 0.1046 0.000002 1.14 5.34 |
| |
| Parallel |
| allgather() 31 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 |
| probe() 4 0.0000 0.000001 0.0000 0.000001 0.00 0.00 |
| receive() 4 0.0000 0.000007 0.0000 0.000007 0.00 0.00 |
| send() 4 0.0000 0.000005 0.0000 0.000005 0.00 0.00 |
| send_receive() 4 0.0000 0.000002 0.0000 0.000002 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| Parallel::Request |
| wait() 4 0.0000 0.000003 0.0000 0.000003 0.00 0.00 |
| |
| Partitioner |
| set_node_processor_ids() 1 0.0001 0.000080 0.0001 0.000080 0.00 0.00 |
| single_partition() 26 0.0008 0.000030 0.0008 0.000030 0.04 0.04 |
| |
| PetscLinearSolver |
| solve() 50 0.0155 0.000311 0.0155 0.000311 0.79 0.79 |
| |
| PointLocatorTree |
| init(no master) 51 0.0182 0.000357 0.0182 0.000357 0.93 0.93 |
| operator() 2011 0.0023 0.000001 0.0033 0.000002 0.12 0.17 |
| |
| System |
| assemble() 50 0.1010 0.002020 0.1976 0.003952 5.16 10.09 |
| calculate_norm() 51 0.0460 0.000903 0.1006 0.001973 2.35 5.14 |
| project_vector(old,new) 78 0.0270 0.000346 0.4455 0.005711 1.38 22.76 |
| |
| TopologyMap |
| init() 51 0.0476 0.000934 0.0476 0.000934 2.43 2.43 |
| |
| XdrIO |
| read() 1 0.0012 0.001200 0.0012 0.001200 0.06 0.06 |
| Totals: 2334950 1.9572 100.00 |
* Done Running Example adaptivity_ex5:
* example-opt -read_solution -n_timesteps 25 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 25