Link to the source code for this example:

Open adaptivity_ex2 in new tab.

The console output of the program:

* Running Example adaptivity_ex2:
*   example-opt -n_timesteps 25 -n_refinements 5 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 0 
	 /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex2/.libs/example-opt -init_timestep 0
	 /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex2/.libs/example-opt -read_solution -init_timestep 26

Running: /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex2/.libs/example-opt -n_timesteps 25 -n_refinements 5 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 0

 Mesh Information:

   System #0, "Convection-Diffusion"
    Type "TransientLinearImplicit"
    Finite Element Types="LAGRANGE", "JACOBI_20_00" 
    Infinite Element Mapping="CARTESIAN" 
    Approximation Orders="FIRST", "THIRD" 
    DofMap Sparsity
      Average  On-Processor Bandwidth <= 7.57038
      Average Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
      Maximum  On-Processor Bandwidth <= 9
      Maximum Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
    DofMap Constraints
      Number of DoF Constraints = 0

 Solving time step  0, time=0.0250...
H1 norm = 1.58843
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.58839
 Solving time step  1, time=0.0500...
H1 norm = 1.46061
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.45992
 Solving time step  2, time=0.0750...
H1 norm = 1.35107
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.35069
 Solving time step  3, time=0.1000...
H1 norm = 1.25698
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.25635
 Solving time step  4, time=0.1250...
H1 norm = 1.17458
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.1744
 Solving time step  5, time=0.1500...
H1 norm = 1.10264
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.10224
 Solving time step  6, time=0.1750...
H1 norm = 1.03868
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 1.03853
 Solving time step  7, time=0.2000...
H1 norm = 0.981978
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.981584
 Solving time step  8, time=0.2250...
H1 norm = 0.930848
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.930668
 Solving time step  9, time=0.2500...
H1 norm = 0.884889
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.884744
 Solving time step 10, time=0.2750...
H1 norm = 0.84331
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.843131
 Solving time step 11, time=0.3000...
H1 norm = 0.805394
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.805264
 Solving time step 12, time=0.3250...
H1 norm = 0.770793
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.7707
 Solving time step 13, time=0.3500...
H1 norm = 0.739086
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.738904
 Solving time step 14, time=0.3750...
H1 norm = 0.709764
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.709687
 Solving time step 15, time=0.4000...
H1 norm = 0.682786
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.68269
 Solving time step 16, time=0.4250...
H1 norm = 0.657767
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.657729
 Solving time step 17, time=0.4500...
H1 norm = 0.634598
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.634502
 Solving time step 18, time=0.4750...
H1 norm = 0.61295
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.612906
 Solving time step 19, time=0.5000...
H1 norm = 0.592783
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.592698
 Solving time step 20, time=0.5250...
H1 norm = 0.573854
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.573819
 Solving time step 21, time=0.5500...
H1 norm = 0.556154
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.55611
 Solving time step 22, time=0.5750...
H1 norm = 0.539527
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.539462
 Solving time step 23, time=0.6000...
H1 norm = 0.523854
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.523811
 Solving time step 24, time=0.6250...
H1 norm = 0.509112
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.509057
Final H1 norm = 0.509057

| Time:           Wed Apr 13 09:21:57 2016                                                                          |
| OS:             Darwin                                                                                            |
| HostName:       peterson-laptop.local                                                                             |
| OS Release:     15.0.0                                                                                            |
| OS Version:     Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64  |
| Machine:        x86_64                                                                                            |
| Username:       petejw                                                                                            |
| Configuration:  ../configure  'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -C'                                                       |
|  '--with-methods=opt dbg'                                                                                         |
|  '--prefix=/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/installed'                                                          |
|  '--enable-perflog'                                                                                               |
|  '--enable-tracefiles'                                                                                            |
|  '--disable-blocked-storage'                                                                                      |
|  '--enable-default-comm-world'                                                                                    |
|  '--enable-tecio'                                                                                                 |
|  '--enable-unique-ptr'                                                                                            |
|  '--enable-ifem'                                                                                                  |
|  'PETSC_DIR=/opt/moose/petsc/mpich_petsc-3.6.1/clang-opt-superlu'                                                 |
|  'SLEPC_DIR=/opt/petejw/slepc/3.6.1'                                                                              |
|  'CPPFLAGS= '                                                                                                     |
|  'LIBS= '                                                                                                         |
|  'CPPFLAGS=  '                                                                                                    |
|  'LIBS=  '                                                                                                        |
|  '--disable-netcdf-4'                                                                                             |
|  '--disable-testsets'                                                                                             |
|  'CXX=mpicxx'                                                                                                     |
|  'CC=mpicc'                                                                                                       |
|  'F77=mpif77'                                                                                                     |
|  'FC=mpif90'                                                                                                      |
|  'CPPFLAGS=   '                                                                                                   |
|  'LIBS=   '                                                                                                       |
| libMesh Performance: Alive time=2.35919, Active time=1.83515                                                    |
| Event                              nCalls     Total Time  Avg Time    Total Time  Avg Time    % of Active Time  |
|                                               w/o Sub     w/o Sub     With Sub    With Sub    w/o S    With S   |
|                                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                                 |
| DofMap                                                                                                          |
|   add_neighbors_to_send_list()     26         0.0041      0.000158    0.0041      0.000158    0.22     0.22     |
|   build_constraint_matrix()        29356      0.0127      0.000000    0.0127      0.000000    0.69     0.69     |
|   build_sparsity()                 26         0.0272      0.001046    0.0326      0.001254    1.48     1.78     |
|   cnstrn_elem_mat_vec()            29356      0.0107      0.000000    0.0107      0.000000    0.58     0.58     |
|   create_dof_constraints()         26         0.0105      0.000404    0.0125      0.000480    0.57     0.68     |
|   distribute_dofs()                26         0.0046      0.000178    0.0321      0.001234    0.25     1.75     |
|   dof_indices()                    372429     0.0540      0.000000    0.0540      0.000000    2.94     2.94     |
|   enforce_constraints_exactly()    75         0.0017      0.000023    0.0017      0.000023    0.09     0.09     |
|   old_dof_indices()                145719     0.0294      0.000000    0.0294      0.000000    1.60     1.60     |
|   prepare_send_list()              27         0.0000      0.000000    0.0000      0.000000    0.00     0.00     |
|   reinit()                         26         0.0275      0.001056    0.0275      0.001056    1.50     1.50     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| EquationSystems                                                                                                 |
|   build_solution_vector()          4          0.0078      0.001941    0.0115      0.002873    0.42     0.63     |
|   write()                          1          0.0010      0.000970    0.0033      0.003339    0.05     0.18     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| FE                                                                                                              |
|   compute_shape_functions()        259914     0.0851      0.000000    0.0851      0.000000    4.64     4.64     |
|   init_shape_functions()           180959     0.0928      0.000001    0.0928      0.000001    5.06     5.06     |
|   inverse_map()                    358880     0.1183      0.000000    0.1183      0.000000    6.45     6.45     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| FEMap                                                                                                           |
|   compute_affine_map()             259914     0.0876      0.000000    0.0876      0.000000    4.77     4.77     |
|   compute_face_map()               130354     0.0924      0.000001    0.1995      0.000002    5.03     10.87    |
|   init_face_shape_functions()      444        0.0002      0.000000    0.0002      0.000000    0.01     0.01     |
|   init_reference_to_physical_map() 180959     0.0980      0.000001    0.0980      0.000001    5.34     5.34     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| GMVIO                                                                                                           |
|   write_nodal_data()               4          0.0303      0.007587    0.0303      0.007587    1.65     1.65     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| GenericProjector                                                                                                |
|   copy_dofs                        31749      0.0114      0.000000    0.0653      0.000002    0.62     3.56     |
|   operator()                       76         0.0579      0.000762    0.3088      0.004064    3.16     16.83    |
|   project_edges                    23674      0.0015      0.000000    0.0015      0.000000    0.08     0.08     |
|   project_interior                 23674      0.0016      0.000000    0.0016      0.000000    0.09     0.09     |
|   project_nodes                    23674      0.0153      0.000001    0.1445      0.000006    0.83     7.88     |
|   project_sides                    23674      0.0016      0.000000    0.0016      0.000000    0.09     0.09     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| JumpErrorEstimator                                                                                              |
|   estimate_error()                 25         0.4657      0.018627    1.0369      0.041477    25.37    56.50    |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Mesh                                                                                                            |
|   contract()                       25         0.0050      0.000200    0.0078      0.000312    0.27     0.43     |
|   find_neighbors()                 27         0.0797      0.002951    0.0797      0.002951    4.34     4.34     |
|   renumber_nodes_and_elem()        79         0.0042      0.000053    0.0042      0.000053    0.23     0.23     |
|   write()                          1          0.0001      0.000142    0.0067      0.006732    0.01     0.37     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| MeshCommunication                                                                                               |
|   assign_global_indices()          1          0.0098      0.009781    0.0098      0.009785    0.53     0.53     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| MeshOutput                                                                                                      |
|   write_equation_systems()         4          0.0001      0.000014    0.0419      0.010474    0.00     2.28     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| MeshRefinement                                                                                                  |
|   _coarsen_elements()              50         0.0018      0.000036    0.0018      0.000036    0.10     0.10     |
|   _refine_elements()               55         0.0182      0.000332    0.0316      0.000575    0.99     1.72     |
|   add_node()                       47552      0.0091      0.000000    0.0091      0.000000    0.50     0.50     |
|   make_coarsening_compatible()     63         0.0313      0.000496    0.0313      0.000496    1.70     1.70     |
|   make_flags_parallel_consistent() 75         0.0043      0.000058    0.0043      0.000058    0.24     0.24     |
|   make_refinement_compatible()     63         0.0014      0.000022    0.0014      0.000022    0.08     0.08     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| OldSolutionValue                                                                                                |
|   Number eval_at_node()            44598      0.0032      0.000000    0.0032      0.000000    0.17     0.17     |
|   check_old_context(c)             31749      0.0194      0.000001    0.0370      0.000001    1.06     2.01     |
|   check_old_context(c,p)           6174       0.0038      0.000001    0.0071      0.000001    0.21     0.39     |
|   eval_at_point()                  6174       0.0619      0.000010    0.1218      0.000020    3.37     6.64     |
|   eval_old_dofs()                  31749      0.0112      0.000000    0.0510      0.000002    0.61     2.78     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Parallel                                                                                                        |
|   allgather()                      30         0.0000      0.000000    0.0000      0.000000    0.00     0.00     |
|   probe()                          8          0.0000      0.000001    0.0000      0.000001    0.00     0.00     |
|   receive()                        4          0.0005      0.000127    0.0005      0.000127    0.03     0.03     |
|   send()                           4          0.0005      0.000131    0.0005      0.000131    0.03     0.03     |
|   send_receive()                   4          0.0000      0.000001    0.0000      0.000001    0.00     0.00     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Parallel::Request                                                                                               |
|   wait()                           4          0.0013      0.000332    0.0013      0.000332    0.07     0.07     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Partitioner                                                                                                     |
|   set_node_processor_ids()         1          0.0001      0.000053    0.0001      0.000053    0.00     0.00     |
|   single_partition()               27         0.0011      0.000040    0.0011      0.000040    0.06     0.06     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| PetscLinearSolver                                                                                               |
|   solve()                          50         0.0118      0.000236    0.0118      0.000236    0.64     0.64     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| System                                                                                                          |
|   assemble()                       50         0.0900      0.001801    0.1772      0.003543    4.91     9.65     |
|   calculate_norm()                 51         0.0406      0.000796    0.0887      0.001740    2.21     4.83     |
|   project_fem_vector()             1          0.0003      0.000333    0.0344      0.034373    0.02     1.87     |
|   project_vector(FunctionBase)     1          0.0000      0.000009    0.0344      0.034382    0.00     1.87     |
|   project_vector(old,new)          75         0.0278      0.000371    0.3268      0.004357    1.52     17.81    |
|                                                                                                                 |
| TopologyMap                                                                                                     |
|   init()                           55         0.0385      0.000700    0.0385      0.000700    2.10     2.10     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| XdrIO                                                                                                           |
|   read()                           1          0.0006      0.000568    0.0006      0.000568    0.03     0.03     |
|   write()                          1          0.0066      0.006590    0.0066      0.006590    0.36     0.36     |
| Totals:                            2243877    1.8352                                          100.00            |

* Done Running Example adaptivity_ex2:
*   example-opt -n_timesteps 25 -n_refinements 5 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 0 
***** Finished first 25 steps, now read in saved solution and continue *****
* Running Example adaptivity_ex2:
*   example-opt -read_solution -n_timesteps 25 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 25 
	 /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex2/.libs/example-opt -init_timestep 0
	 /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex2/.libs/example-opt -read_solution -init_timestep 26

Running: /Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/build/examples/adaptivity/adaptivity_ex2/.libs/example-opt -read_solution -n_timesteps 25 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 25

 Mesh Information:

Initial H1 norm = 0.509057

   System #0, "Convection-Diffusion"
    Type "TransientLinearImplicit"
    Finite Element Types="LAGRANGE", "JACOBI_20_00" 
    Infinite Element Mapping="CARTESIAN" 
    Approximation Orders="FIRST", "THIRD" 
    DofMap Sparsity
      Average  On-Processor Bandwidth <= 9.10659
      Average Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
      Maximum  On-Processor Bandwidth <= 17
      Maximum Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0
    DofMap Constraints
      Number of DoF Constraints = 122
      Average DoF Constraint Length= 2

 Solving time step 25, time=0.6500...
H1 norm = 0.495174
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.495112
 Solving time step 26, time=0.6750...
H1 norm = 0.481983
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.481907
 Solving time step 27, time=0.7000...
H1 norm = 0.46947
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.469405
 Solving time step 28, time=0.7250...
H1 norm = 0.457612
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.45754
 Solving time step 29, time=0.7500...
H1 norm = 0.446345
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.446298
 Solving time step 30, time=0.7750...
H1 norm = 0.435654
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.435614
 Solving time step 31, time=0.8000...
H1 norm = 0.425499
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.425441
 Solving time step 32, time=0.8250...
H1 norm = 0.415779
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.415738
 Solving time step 33, time=0.8500...
H1 norm = 0.406507
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.406469
 Solving time step 34, time=0.8750...
H1 norm = 0.397619
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.397581
 Solving time step 35, time=0.9000...
H1 norm = 0.389087
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.389069
 Solving time step 36, time=0.9250...
H1 norm = 0.380921
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.380885
 Solving time step 37, time=0.9500...
H1 norm = 0.373064
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.373043
 Solving time step 38, time=0.9750...
H1 norm = 0.365554
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.36553
 Solving time step 39, time=1.0000...
H1 norm = 0.358358
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.358315
 Solving time step 40, time=1.0250...
H1 norm = 0.351439
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.351413
 Solving time step 41, time=1.0500...
H1 norm = 0.34482
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.344802
 Solving time step 42, time=1.0750...
H1 norm = 0.338466
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.338451
 Solving time step 43, time=1.1000...
H1 norm = 0.332347
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.332331
 Solving time step 44, time=1.1250...
H1 norm = 0.32644
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.32642
 Solving time step 45, time=1.1500...
H1 norm = 0.320721
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.320709
 Solving time step 46, time=1.1750...
H1 norm = 0.3152
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.315188
 Solving time step 47, time=1.2000...
H1 norm = 0.309858
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.309843
 Solving time step 48, time=1.2250...
H1 norm = 0.304687
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.30468
 Solving time step 49, time=1.2500...
H1 norm = 0.2997
  Refining the mesh...
H1 norm = 0.299685

| Time:           Wed Apr 13 09:22:00 2016                                                                          |
| OS:             Darwin                                                                                            |
| HostName:       peterson-laptop.local                                                                             |
| OS Release:     15.0.0                                                                                            |
| OS Version:     Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64  |
| Machine:        x86_64                                                                                            |
| Username:       petejw                                                                                            |
| Configuration:  ../configure  'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -C'                                                       |
|  '--with-methods=opt dbg'                                                                                         |
|  '--prefix=/Users/petejw/projects/libmesh_git/installed'                                                          |
|  '--enable-perflog'                                                                                               |
|  '--enable-tracefiles'                                                                                            |
|  '--disable-blocked-storage'                                                                                      |
|  '--enable-default-comm-world'                                                                                    |
|  '--enable-tecio'                                                                                                 |
|  '--enable-unique-ptr'                                                                                            |
|  '--enable-ifem'                                                                                                  |
|  'PETSC_DIR=/opt/moose/petsc/mpich_petsc-3.6.1/clang-opt-superlu'                                                 |
|  'SLEPC_DIR=/opt/petejw/slepc/3.6.1'                                                                              |
|  'CPPFLAGS= '                                                                                                     |
|  'LIBS= '                                                                                                         |
|  'CPPFLAGS=  '                                                                                                    |
|  'LIBS=  '                                                                                                        |
|  '--disable-netcdf-4'                                                                                             |
|  '--disable-testsets'                                                                                             |
|  'CXX=mpicxx'                                                                                                     |
|  'CC=mpicc'                                                                                                       |
|  'F77=mpif77'                                                                                                     |
|  'FC=mpif90'                                                                                                      |
|  'CPPFLAGS=   '                                                                                                   |
|  'LIBS=   '                                                                                                       |
| libMesh Performance: Alive time=3.30245, Active time=2.92512                                                    |
| Event                              nCalls     Total Time  Avg Time    Total Time  Avg Time    % of Active Time  |
|                                               w/o Sub     w/o Sub     With Sub    With Sub    w/o S    With S   |
|                                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                                 |
| DofMap                                                                                                          |
|   add_neighbors_to_send_list()     26         0.0066      0.000254    0.0066      0.000254    0.23     0.23     |
|   build_constraint_matrix()        84344      0.0337      0.000000    0.0337      0.000000    1.15     1.15     |
|   build_sparsity()                 26         0.0506      0.001944    0.0600      0.002306    1.73     2.05     |
|   cnstrn_elem_mat_vec()            84344      0.0235      0.000000    0.0235      0.000000    0.80     0.80     |
|   create_dof_constraints()         26         0.0192      0.000739    0.0233      0.000897    0.66     0.80     |
|   distribute_dofs()                26         0.0065      0.000249    0.0399      0.001533    0.22     1.36     |
|   dof_indices()                    716783     0.0963      0.000000    0.0963      0.000000    3.29     3.29     |
|   enforce_constraints_exactly()    75         0.0030      0.000040    0.0030      0.000040    0.10     0.10     |
|   old_dof_indices()                385185     0.0682      0.000000    0.0682      0.000000    2.33     2.33     |
|   prepare_send_list()              27         0.0000      0.000000    0.0000      0.000000    0.00     0.00     |
|   reinit()                         26         0.0334      0.001284    0.0334      0.001284    1.14     1.14     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| EquationSystems                                                                                                 |
|   build_solution_vector()          4          0.0026      0.000638    0.0038      0.000949    0.09     0.13     |
|   read()                           1          0.0030      0.002980    0.0133      0.013304    0.10     0.45     |
|   update()                         1          0.0000      0.000028    0.0000      0.000028    0.00     0.00     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| FE                                                                                                              |
|   compute_shape_functions()        461384     0.1441      0.000000    0.1441      0.000000    4.93     4.93     |
|   init_shape_functions()           296883     0.1565      0.000001    0.1565      0.000001    5.35     5.35     |
|   inverse_map()                    579972     0.1652      0.000000    0.1652      0.000000    5.65     5.65     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| FEMap                                                                                                           |
|   compute_affine_map()             461384     0.1518      0.000000    0.1518      0.000000    5.19     5.19     |
|   compute_face_map()               207394     0.1235      0.000001    0.2762      0.000001    4.22     9.44     |
|   init_face_shape_functions()      1445       0.0005      0.000000    0.0005      0.000000    0.02     0.02     |
|   init_reference_to_physical_map() 296883     0.1447      0.000000    0.1447      0.000000    4.95     4.95     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| GMVIO                                                                                                           |
|   write_nodal_data()               4          0.0147      0.003663    0.0147      0.003663    0.50     0.50     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| GenericProjector                                                                                                |
|   copy_dofs                        118731     0.0352      0.000000    0.2242      0.000002    1.20     7.66     |
|   operator()                       75         0.0854      0.001139    0.6532      0.008709    2.92     22.33    |
|   project_edges                    9666       0.0006      0.000000    0.0006      0.000000    0.02     0.02     |
|   project_interior                 9666       0.0006      0.000000    0.0006      0.000000    0.02     0.02     |
|   project_nodes                    9666       0.0115      0.000001    0.2761      0.000029    0.39     9.44     |
|   project_sides                    9666       0.0006      0.000000    0.0006      0.000000    0.02     0.02     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| JumpErrorEstimator                                                                                              |
|   estimate_error()                 25         0.6994      0.027976    1.5380      0.061520    23.91    52.58    |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Mesh                                                                                                            |
|   contract()                       25         0.0016      0.000062    0.0027      0.000109    0.05     0.09     |
|   find_neighbors()                 26         0.0891      0.003426    0.0891      0.003426    3.05     3.05     |
|   renumber_nodes_and_elem()        77         0.0030      0.000039    0.0030      0.000039    0.10     0.10     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| MeshCommunication                                                                                               |
|   assign_global_indices()          1          0.0069      0.006935    0.0069      0.006941    0.24     0.24     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| MeshOutput                                                                                                      |
|   write_equation_systems()         4          0.0000      0.000008    0.0185      0.004620    0.00     0.63     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| MeshRefinement                                                                                                  |
|   _coarsen_elements()              50         0.0016      0.000033    0.0016      0.000033    0.06     0.06     |
|   _refine_elements()               50         0.0105      0.000210    0.0131      0.000262    0.36     0.45     |
|   add_node()                       9440       0.0019      0.000000    0.0019      0.000000    0.06     0.06     |
|   make_coarsening_compatible()     68         0.0582      0.000856    0.0582      0.000856    1.99     1.99     |
|   make_flags_parallel_consistent() 75         0.0084      0.000113    0.0084      0.000113    0.29     0.29     |
|   make_refinement_compatible()     68         0.0033      0.000048    0.0033      0.000048    0.11     0.11     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| OldSolutionValue                                                                                                |
|   Number eval_at_node()            31536      0.0022      0.000000    0.0022      0.000000    0.07     0.07     |
|   check_old_context(c)             118731     0.0705      0.000001    0.1315      0.000001    2.41     4.49     |
|   check_old_context(c,p)           14424      0.0080      0.000001    0.0148      0.000001    0.27     0.50     |
|   eval_at_point()                  14424      0.1330      0.000009    0.2588      0.000018    4.55     8.85     |
|   eval_old_dofs()                  118731     0.0386      0.000000    0.1794      0.000002    1.32     6.13     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Parallel                                                                                                        |
|   allgather()                      30         0.0000      0.000000    0.0000      0.000000    0.00     0.00     |
|   probe()                          4          0.0000      0.000003    0.0000      0.000003    0.00     0.00     |
|   receive()                        4          0.0001      0.000014    0.0001      0.000014    0.00     0.00     |
|   send()                           4          0.0000      0.000011    0.0000      0.000011    0.00     0.00     |
|   send_receive()                   4          0.0000      0.000001    0.0000      0.000001    0.00     0.00     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Parallel::Request                                                                                               |
|   wait()                           4          0.0000      0.000003    0.0000      0.000003    0.00     0.00     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| Partitioner                                                                                                     |
|   set_node_processor_ids()         1          0.0001      0.000091    0.0001      0.000091    0.00     0.00     |
|   single_partition()               26         0.0014      0.000053    0.0014      0.000053    0.05     0.05     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| PetscLinearSolver                                                                                               |
|   solve()                          50         0.0204      0.000409    0.0204      0.000409    0.70     0.70     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| System                                                                                                          |
|   assemble()                       50         0.1877      0.003755    0.3666      0.007333    6.42     12.53    |
|   calculate_norm()                 51         0.0863      0.001692    0.1882      0.003691    2.95     6.43     |
|   project_vector(old,new)          75         0.0433      0.000577    0.7332      0.009776    1.48     25.07    |
|                                                                                                                 |
| TopologyMap                                                                                                     |
|   init()                           50         0.0653      0.001306    0.0653      0.001306    2.23     2.23     |
|                                                                                                                 |
| XdrIO                                                                                                           |
|   read()                           1          0.0029      0.002894    0.0029      0.002894    0.10     0.10     |
| Totals:                            4041822    2.9251                                          100.00            |

* Done Running Example adaptivity_ex2:
*   example-opt -read_solution -n_timesteps 25 -output_freq 10 -init_timestep 25 